
last summer break


ahh I'm so proud of my goudere's.hear that dracule I have my own waifu's now! the only thing left is getting a loli but I'm sure author San will help a brother out.besides that I cant wait for next year when the newbie reincarnater will arrive and the beginning of the end of this world.will start


during the last summer break he would have in this world wade focused on SIX major things,1 of them was a project that he had started when he'd gone around collecting and destroying voldemorts horcruxes leaving only harry alive, basically it was a project he'd started in his first year and now after 4 years of toiling he was oh so very close to completing it as for what the project was? well that will be kept secret for now till the day of the unveiling the second major thing wade did was travel all around the world to different wizarding communities like India,Egypt and China etc especially the unique and closed ones killing of their best warriors/artificers etc and gaining all of that juicy juicy secret knowledge,did this start a shit storm and a man hunt that will eventually cause a shit ton of trouble for him yes but why the fuck should he care he'll be gone from this world soon enough anyways ,talking about that the third major thing dracule did was talk to his rob.


one can see dracule on a sofa staring upwards as if looking at something/someone

"oi shity bastard rob give me a personal planet in which I can add people and things to bring through different universes or I'll find a way to tell your superiors about your fuck up"

a note suddenly appears infront of him saying

"FINE!! but stop disturbing me I'm reading a new yasaka doujin goddamn it"

"cheh he might be a bastard rob but atleast he's a cultured bastard rob"


The fourth major thing he did was using the information and obscure rituals he got from his murder spree ,he made a ritual using the three Hallows as the sacrifice's and with him in the centre,giving him wandlees magic on par with that of the elder wand,invisibility which even death cant see through (which he thinks is bullshit since the master of death stuff was bullshit aswell) and the ability to summon ghosts to scare people..cool, the fifth major thing he did he did at the Same time he was doing the second,while he was travelling around killing the wizards he also killed every magical creature he could find getting their ability's and the ability to shift into them, hell he even shot a killing curse at a pheonix though it just came back to life he still got its powers,he might be immortal but Phoenix flaming is far better then apparition plus who known when his tears could come usefull,the only thing he couldn't manage to kill was a dementor but he captured one anyways he's going to find a way to kill that fucker and become a floating soul sucker one way or a another!! besides that he realised he didn't get the basalisk power when he killed it in second year when he asked rob this was his awnser

flashback no jutsu

rob:"meh I only kinda realised my mistake in not giving you the ability to take skills from killing magical creatures when you killed the basalisk hence I added it to your cheat later,here you can have its eyes right now"



meh whatever atleast now I can literally stare people to death heh

anyways the last and the sixth thing I did was get my men to start the goblet of fire crap just like it was in canon I also freed pettigrew so that he could revive baby Voldemort,talking about that I found Ron with his pants down and in a compromising position with his rat it seems that I forgot to take off the spell I put on him in the first year..hey.. and now after four years it wouldn't even matter if I did,Ron's strictly rodentsexual now...heh ,hell It made even me pitty what poor pettigrew must have went through.

now you may be asking why I'm going through all this crap of making it so that shit stays like canon when I haven't given a shit about it before well that's becouse rob made it so Voldemort(the reincarnatee) would come back this year because of my meddling he wouldnt have come back to life in the graveyard during the goblet of fire,who the fuck know's how it would happen or who would make it so,hence I'm doing this so that he comes back to life when and where I want him to,better safe then sorry no?

now then let's get started with fucking this poor fools second life up.

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