
Chapter 113: Start of War(7)


Snow didn't seem to see Luke and raised her hand. Ice glaciers formed around her in a short second and attacked the soldiers on Luke's side. Luke eventually snapped and yelled.


• I know!

Nash created an impenetrable barrier, and Luke ran forward, activating his wings, which were large enough to cover his troops. This was necessary for Luke to do so that they wouldn't be suspicious of Nash's presence.

The glacier was instantly obliterated as the wings collided with it, and the soldiers were safely protected by the wings.

Soldiers who feared they were about to be impaled by those pointed glaciers collapsed to the ground, their bodies trembling with cold and terror. Luke frowned at them and gave them an order.

"Stay back right now."

The soldiers shuddered in dread while nodding, and they quickly supported their injured allies and returned to the territory side to be treated. After checking that everyone had returned, Luke reduced the size of his wings and drew his sword while hovering in the frigid air. Then his gaze met Snow's cold, soulless gaze.

"What are you doing here, Snow?"

Snow didn't respond, but the cocky-looking adolescent standing next to her did.

"Eh? You know that white slapstick, brat?"

Liam, Spencer, Nash, and the soldiers, all grimaced at the teen's insult to Luke and aimed their weapons at him with murderous glares.

"You dare to call our commander by such a ridiculous name?!"

"How arrogant!"

"You dare call brother in that name?!"

"Hey, you brat, don't you dare to insult him."

• That son of a...

Luke groaned and looked at the teen who was sheepishly snorting at him; even though Luke should be furious with him; he had no time to focus on him. Instead, he fixed his gaze on Snow.

"So you're a Dark Eye member, huh? You also appear to have preserved the coat we provided you."

Snow remained silent and clenched her fists on the fabric of her coat. The adolescent appeared to notice this reaction and struck her head. Luke, Liam, Nash, and the rest were all taken aback by this. Why is he harming her when they are obviously allies?

"Oi, brat, don't be a wuss and get your job done."

The adolescent then kicked Snow in the legs from behind, knocking her down.

Nash was enraged by this conduct and nearly shouted.

• Hey you-! Hmmp!

Luke quickly covered Nash's mouth and watches Snow emotionlessly stand up like a robot. This does not sit well with him.

That's why he summoned his aura and swooped down on the teenager. The teenager simply smirked when he saw this.

"Do you think you can beat me, Slapstick?"

Luke didn't care and rushed forward, but he quickly came to a halt as a red glow engulfed the teenager and an inexplicable amount of heat began to erupt from his body.

It hurts, and he feels as if his body is about to catch fire. That is especially true now that his garments are on fire. It's a good thing Liam caught him right away and whisked him away from the heat. Luke pants heavily as he stares at the teenager's flaming body, which is beaming cockily at him.

"Tsk, you appear to be pretty strong. Even after being exposed to my heat for five seconds, you've managed to survive it. Not bad for a slapstick."

Luke frowned and spit blood into his mouth. He then scans the area around the teenager, but he fails to notice Snow.

• Hey, Dad! When that brat expelled heat, I pushed her away! Don't be concerned! She hasn't been burned!

Luke sighed and nodded, then turned to face the boy, who was still smirking at him nonchalantly. Even though Luke wants to beat this youngster to a pulp, it appears that he won't be able to do it so simply. He heard the arrogant teenager in front of him speak while glaring at him. The teenager is speaking to Snow who is slowly walking back towards him.

"Do it now, you dumb bitch, or do you want to be beaten?"

Luke fixed his gaze on the jerk in front of him. Luke's veins are beginning to bulge out of his head as a result of his great aggravation and fury towards this kid. Who does he think he's insulting by calling her a bitch? This is certainly not how allies should be treated. But then Luke realized this is the Dark Eye they are talking about. Nothing good comes from the Dark Eye.

Snow then approached the teenager, pulling several odd scrolls from her pockets. Luke frowned but came to a halt as he heard Nash's voice within his head.

• Teleportation scrolls.

"Oh, for the love of- RETREAT! SOLDIERS! RETREAT! GO BACK!"

The soldiers flinched in response to Luke's abrupt command. All of the individuals inside the plains, whether allies or adversaries, were taken aback by the sudden strange order and simply gazed at him. Luke clenched his teeth at the sight of soldiers who refused to obey his commands. For Pete's sake, there's no time to waste!


The soldiers flinched and eventually woke up. They then began carrying their injured allies back to the Viscellete territory's walls. Liam, Spencer, Yulia, and Selena were perplexed by this.

"Brother, what is-"


Liam's statement was interrupted by a loud bang and brilliant flashes of light, which caused everyone to close their ears and eyes. It took a bit of time for the light to diminish, but once it did, Luke quickly opened his eyes.

A black ball in the shape of a tennis ball was hurled and attached to Luke's body as soon as he opened his eyes. Luke looked at this with trembling eyes.

'This is not what I think it is... Right?'

The ball suddenly glows brightly as soon as Luke thinks of that.


• DAD!


Liam and the others then saw Luke's smoldering body begin to fall. It's a good thing Liam caught him and carefully puts him to the ground. Liam then took a careful look at Luke's condition with dark eyes.

The part where the ball got stuck in Luke's body left nasty burnt marks on his skin. Luke's burnt marks also kept gushing out a large amount of blood, what's worse; Luke's insides could almost be seen. Even the commander uniform that is protected by a high-grade mana stone got damaged.

Luke slowly opened his eyes, his waist where the ball exploded hurts so bad. He then saw Liam seriously looking at him as soon as he opened his eyes. Luke grunted and slowly sat up from the ground with the support of Liam and look forward. Luke then gritted his teeth at the sight in front of him.

The second weakest of the ten demon monsters is here. But it seems that Dark Eye really likes to mess with stuff and made five clones of this monster instead of bringing the real one. Luke doesn't know if he should feel thankful that these bastards didn't bring the real one or not.

Luke then wiped the blood from his mouth and stood up while glaring at these five creepy black monsters in front of him. Even the enemy soldiers and mages got scared and intimidated by the monsters that they started to back off. The cocky teenager then looked at Luke with interest.

"You are a pretty interesting slapstick. Your senses must be really that good and sharp to be able to warn your soldiers on time. I guess my visit here is worth it after all."

Luke looked blankly at the teen in front of him. For now, he should not waste his time on this kid, he needs to focus on these troublesome monsters.

"Spencer, Nash."

"What is it?"

· Dad?


The teenager tilted his head and looked at Luke with confusion but Luke ignored him and started to turn around and fly back which made the teenager laugh and made Snow look slightly disappointed. Even the soldiers who are peeking from the walls looked surprised. Liam, Spencer, Yulia, and Selena were confused too as to what is going on but followed him anyways.

"Ha! Hahahahaha! Look at you! Flying back like a coward! That's right! Go back! Fear me! Hahahahaha!"

"You cocky heater, who said I am going back?"

"Huh? What did you say?!"

Luke then stopped flying right in front of the walls of the Viscellete Territory. He then gripped his sword and spread his arms wide as if he's protecting the walls, totally disregarding his bloodied waist. The soldiers all looked at this with wide eyes. Their eyes then soon trembled and started to become teary while looking at their commander confidently spreading his arms to protect them. They then bit their lips and clenched their fists.

Meanwhile, Luke's group looked up to the flying Luke with his arms open wide with confusion plastered on their face. Even the enemies were confused by his actions. The teenager frowned at this sight. This white slapstick has been doing unexpected things since earlier, and it is pissing him off.

"Oi, what do you think you're doing now? Do you think you can be able to defend against us with your twig-like body? Don't make me laugh."

"I am giving space."

"Hah? What the hell are you talking about?"

"You brat, I already told you, I am giving space."

The teen and even Snow looked at him with confusion. Luke then smirked at them.

"There will be some allies that'll come here. They are quite massive so you should all back away if I were you."

Nash's eyes opened wide. He then formed a bright smile and wagged his tail.

· Is it time for them to come now?! Really?!

Luke smiled and nodded. Nash's eyes sparkled and started to cast teleportation magic without any command. Nash casted so many teleportation spells that it almost engulfed the entire plains.

Luke was right; the upcoming allies would truly be massive.

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