
Part Time

Hi, I am Yuki Zhang. Upon graduation 3 months ago, I moved from a small countryside town to the city for better job search. My parents were not rich but they love me and gave me all they can; proper education and care. My biggest ambition is to take care of them in their ageing years. The idea was to find a job with decent pay and start sending money home by the 4th month to help pay off the debt my dad has accumulated from my studies and the 3 months living expenses I came to the city with. It has been really hard on them to work on the farm but selling that piece of land wouldn't bring enough to pay off our debt since it's far out the city by 3 hours. Therefore they are still turning the soil, planting, fertilising, watering and harvesting as it goes. Mum always said they are okay over the phone but I know her arthritis leg works up on rainy days and dad has a crick on his back and not as strong as he used to.

Realisation hits hard when I saw how many people applying at jobs centre, how many people are not doing what they have studied for, how many more are queuing to rent studio apartments to try to make a livelihood in the city. Even my 2 part time jobs was an envy for others. I was lucky enough to be the teacher's pet for helping around the campus all the time for the university to provide me with a character reference letter.

The biggest marketing company in the city; Q, took up my application immediately as they are short of hand to conduct field research. Daisy, the marketing manager, like my hair tucked under my beret to show a clear clean face while I was on assignment. It is tough to do field work be it rain or shine. Getting people who are willing to listen and answer your questionnaires is even harder. Having a sincere face helps a lot to ensure people you are no scammer and just doing a survey. Worst part is some female colleagues runs into sexual harassment from time to time as we are always talking to random strangers. This is when I thought being mistaken as a pretty boy was not bad at all, as least I can continue my work comfortably. Maybe they will turn my part-time contract to a full-time as long as I show my perseverance. Even though it is not what I prefer to do as a living but it gets the bills paid until I managed to find something nicer.

My 2nd part-time job was pure chance. The convenience store downstair of my small studio was posting the hiring notice when I went to get some instant noodles and I was hired on the spot as the store supervisor didn't want to waste time to see dozens of new graduate's applicants.

So far I'm earning enough to live in the city but not enough to send home. I have been saving what's left bit by bit to be able to spend New Year home in 6 months.

It has been a blessing since I have never been one to be interested in dressing up. Being flat chested certainly deter me from princess frills and thrills. Although I have been mistaken as a pretty boy with my standard dressing of shirt, long sleeves, jeans and my lucky beret hat from time to time, I was never really upset since they still say I was pretty after all hahahaha... I am thankful that lord has been fair.

My lucky beret hat was given to me by my best friend in high school, Lucia Tang, she is finishing her studies overseas. Her family is better off than mine with big agriculture mandarin farms and managed to save up for her to do a twinning programme in architecture design in the States. This hat is her parting gift to me saying that I need to wear it to fetch her from the airport when she return.

I believe my lucky stars has always shine on me since I am contented with what life has given me.

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