
Chapter 6

Hades POV:

I took the keys out of the engine and turned to Persephone. "Alright Princess we're at the hotel." I gently shook her awake.

She looked at me and smiled tiredly. She's so adorable. In all honesty, I don't even know how we are twins. Sure we look similar, but on the inside we are completely different.

We hopped out of the car and met Marcello at the door of the Serene Isle Hotel. Known to be one of the most luxurious hotels in New York. Of course our Italian Mafia Family has to own it. Persephone ran up to our father and gave him a hug. He hugged her back clearly happy that she engaged with him. I personally didn't like it at all. I don't want her to trust them, she doesn't need to be involved with the Italian mafia. Well, I guess it's too late for that. "Alright Princess, I got you a pedicure in the spa. Your appointment is at 5:45 which is in 20 minutes. Rocco said that he would go with you." he said.

"What's a pedicure?" she asked innocently, slightly tilting her head.

Marcello looked at me angrily and annoyed. He turned back to 'Seph and looked at her calmly and replied, "It's like a massage for your feet, you get to pick a color to paint your nails too." he said kindly and patiently.

Persephone shot her head up and smiled. "I want a pedicure!" she smiled

"Then it's a good think that I got you one huh?" he asked with a smile.

Marcello looked at me and said, "I got you each a room-"

"We only need one." I cut off.

"Alright that is fine." he said annoyed. And turned back to persephone, "Rocco will be down in a second, he wants a pedicure too." he smiled.

Not a minute later we saw Rocco Esposito walking towards us. He looked at me with a nod and turned to Persephone. "Ready for our pedicures?" he said with bounce in his step, clearly excited.

"Yup! I want white. No pink! No! Yellow! Light yellow! Yes!" Persephone questioned herself.

Rocco and Persephone then ran off into the spa after I gave her a hug. I turned to Marcello and said, "Look, I have a fight tonight at the Palace. I'll be back at around 8 or 9. If Persephone asks, tell her I'm at work."

"You can go on one condition." he said smugly.

I hate this guy. Who does he think he is? Running around giving me terms and conditions. Who the hell even reads those? "And what would that be?" I asked.

"You have to take your brothers with you. Rocco and I will stay with Persephone."

I rolled my eyes and nodded. This guy was infuriating, but he acts just like me. I now can imagine how others feel around me, I don't like it. I walked away to get ready for my fight. I packed extra cloths and put them on. I walked out to my car to grab my gym bag and saw my lovely five brothers leaning against it. "Get the hell off my car." I grumbled.

"Woah, man. Feisty." Alfonso said annoyingly.

I walked towards the drivers side as I saw the other five hop in. Angelo in the front. "Could you not have taken your own car?"

"Why? You have a problem with that?" Santino asked.

"Yes. I don't like the Italian Mafia heirs sitting in my car. Most people would have my head by now."

"Hades, you yourself are a heir and Persephone is the first female in our bloodline in our history. You believe that you guys weren't in danger beforehand?" Angelo said looking out the windshield.

From then on we were silent. We pulled up to 'the Palace' which is the best fighting ring in New York. "Leave your phones. They'll take them if you bring them in." I explained.

I could tell that they were hesitant but eventually all put their phones in the car.

We walked through the dark alley and down the steps. I could smell the familiar smell of blood and alcohol. My absolute favorite. I walked down the creaky old hallway to the ending door. I knocked four times in the entrance pattern. The door opened and Donatello opened the door. He nodded at me and looked at my brothers. "They're with me."

He completely opened the door as we walked into the main area. Music was blaring, people drinking, talking, and fighting. My comfort place. Sometimes I really feel like I need a place to keep in check. Not that I don't love Persephone, but sometimes she can be a bit draining.

I looked at the man at the bar and he nodded. "Next up is a new fighter to the ring, Angelo della morte, against our reigning champion and one of our favorites in the ring, the Shadow of Death!"

Cheers could be heard through the club. I wrapped my hands and climbed into the ring. I blocked out all thoughts and all of the noise and focused on the man in front of me. I usually could detect and injury but this guy didn't seem to have one. I decided that I would have to play dirty. I faked a limp to my left leg but made it slight. Any halfway decent fighter could recognise an injury on their opponent.

The bell went off to my left. His eyes were on mine. This guy was one of the better fighters that I've come across. I could clearly make the inference that he saw my limp. He came forward and jabbed at me. I faked a slip with my leg and dropped it to the ground. He started to come at me when a slid my left foot underneath him, making him fall to the ground. I climbed on top of him, throwing punches at his face. He got a few good hits until I got him into a head lock. I put my hand underneath his jaw in a position to break it. Going for the jaw is one of the dirtiest moves in a fight. But in here there are no rules. He immediately tapped out. No fighter wants his jaw broken, it's one of the worst injuries in fighting. It takes months sometimes even years to heal.

I heard the bell ring as I heard someone announce my name in victory. I hopped out of the ring to my brothers who stood there with shocked and amused expressions. "Follow me." I said and started to walk.

I could tell that they were following when I walked to Donatello. He held out a manilla envelope with my name on it. He handed it to me and nodded with a small smirk. Donatello and I have known each other since I started here. We got pretty close and now we normally have drinks after a fight. I nod back and walk to my car.

I open the drivers door and get in. I check my phone to see 10 missed calls from an unknown number. I look to my right to see Angelo. "I have 13 missed calls from dad." he says.

"I've got 4 from Rocco and 6 from dad." Armando says.

"I've got 10 from Rocco 4 from Dad." Santino says.

"They called me as well." Salvatore said.

I assume that it was Dad who was calling me, Persephone doesn't have a phone. I checked the time to see that it was 9:45. I grab my phone and call Dad, it connected to the Bluetooth in my car so everyone could hear. After 1 ring Rocco answers, "Thank fucking God." He answered. I could clearly hear Persephone crying in the background.

"What the hell happened?" I asked with clenched teeth.

"I don't know! We tried to put Persephone to bed but she kept crying for Ollie? Who the hell is that?"

"Shit." I unbuckled seatbelt and jumped out. I look in the trunk to see Bunny stuffed animal in the back of the car. She could never sleep without it and would be in hysterics without it. One of our friends from 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 horrid place gave it to her before he died. She was very close with him and got her the bunny because it reminded him of her. He was a guard for the American Mafia undercover in the Russian Mafia. He tried to get us out but died along the way.

I grabbed Ollie and ran back to the front seat. I through the bunny to Angelos lap and said, "Give Persephone the phone."

"B-Bubba, I-I can't f-find Ollie." she stammered.

"Hi Princess. I've got Ollie here right now. He wanted to go on an adventure with us!"

"C-can you bring him home please." she asked softly and kindly.

"We're on our way, my little princess."

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