
Continue? Chapter 2.1 : Magic and Slot Machines

Day 3.

While Trayfi and Sayu continued to attempt making Baskets and Pots, Quintz was in an open field, learning Magic from Remi.

"You're using too much Mana. Try to make a clearer image in your head. And stop casting so slowly!" Remi instructed.

"It's easier said than done. I'll give it another go, but I'm still not that great at it." Quin gets himself ready.

Extending his arm, he attempted to recreate a Sword made of Ice using the images from the page of a Manga he read a while back.

The Ice began to form, however it was very slow, and consumed more Mana than he would like.

The Ice cracked, then collapsed onto the ground.

"Again? Damn it. This is starting to piss me off."

"I said you're using too much Mana! Do you even know what Mana is?"

"Mana is the Essence within the User that allows the casting of a supernatural phenomena. You've told me this almost 20 Times."

"Then why don't you understand? It's really simple if you understand the procedure."

'Man, if only I knew this "Procedure" you keep telling me about. She won't tell me though.'

Taking another attempt, Quin suddenly feels a slight wave of Nausea, nearly falling backwards.

"Mana Deprivation. You used too much Mana. Go rest by the Tree. We'll try again later. For now, I'm gonna hunt us some food." Remi begins walking towards the Forest.

"Alright. Be safe out there. And if you can, please don't come back soaked in. Blood."

Waving her hand, Remi disappears into the Trees.

'While I rest, I should check out the [Unique Shop] that was unlocked be the Goddess(?) from yesterday.'

Laying in the Shadow of the Apple Tree, Quin opens his [Status], going to the [Shop] Tab.

There was an extra Tab within the [Shop] that said [Unique].

Selecting it, a long list of seemingly overwhelming [Unique Skills] appeared.

'Infinite Mana, Abnormal Strength, Ultra Growth... Complete Slave? What the hell are these Skills?'

Looking at the option directly below it, his interest peaked.


Selecting the {Slots} Skill, a Description appeared.

{Unique Skill : Slots}

<Creates a [Slot Machine] that appears every Level. Possible Prizes include Items, Money, Skills, and Unique Skills>

<Starts at Stage 1> <Max 3>

<Items within a "Slot" are automatically acquired>

[Choose this Skill?]

[Yes] [No]

'This seems pretty useful. If anything, it's more entertaining than any of the other Skills I could have chosen. Then again, there are way too many too look through. Luck this one was near the top. I might choose this one, but there are still plenty of other Skills to look through. I'll keep this one on standby.'

Moving the Skill's [Window] to the side, he begins browsing through multiple skills.

. . .

Nearly an hour later.

"It's come up to 10 Choices. However, it seems like [Slots] is still my top choice. There are still so many Skills I didn't check, but we'll decide on one of these."

His choices were:

1. {Slots} - Level Up Slot Machine

2. {Magic Creation} - Creates new Magic

3. {Reflection} - Deflects Mana-Based Attacks

4. {Inventory} - Infinite Storage

5. {Perfect Crafting} - Easy Object Creation

6. {Infinite Mana} - Infinite Mana

7. {Summoning} - Greater version of {Summon}. Summons Extremely Strong Familiars for Contracts

8. {Room} - Can create a Separate Space that expands the more Mana you have. Objects can be imported and exported. Other Living Beings cannot enter unless given permission.

9. {Edge} - Weapons Held can cut through anything

10. {Revival} - Can revive anybody within 10 Minutes of Death. Can only revive the same person once a Year.

"These are the ones that appealed to me the most. It's pretty hard to choose. Should I ask the others? Is Remi back yet?"

Answering his question, Remi appears from the Trees carrying 2 Wolves and a Boar on her shoulders.

"Lunch Time! Trayfi! Start a Fire!" Remi slows to a stop near the Tree.

"Master, have you figured it out yet? Magic?"

"Actually... I completely forgot about that. I was thinking if asking you to help me make a decision."

"You want me to help you decide something? Sure, but what?"

"I'll tell everyone while we eat. For now, we should probably drain the Blood from the Wolves and Boar, then prepare them."

"I already drained the Blood. That's actually why I took a while."

"Then we just need to prepare them. I'll prepare them. While I'm doing that, can you grab me some Herbs from the Forest? Just grab as many as you can."

"But... what if one poisons me? What should I do then?"

"How about surrounding your fingers in Ice? You can use one of the Baskets that Trayfi and Sayu have been making to hold them in."

"Alright. I don't know how well it'll work, but it wouldn't hurt to try... wait, yes it could. Poison can be quite annoying to deal with."

"Just be very careful. I'm immune to most poisons, so I would normally do it, but from what I remember, you don't know how to dismantle Animals, right?"

Recalling the memory of her first attempt, Remi glows red.

"I didn't know what I was doing, okay!? I never dismantled things back at the Village!"

"I'm teasing you. I'll make something extra for you when you come back."

Hearing the word "Extra", Remi bolts at extreme speeds, taking a Basket and going back into the Forest almost in the same second.

'...I'll think about that later.'

Taking his Knife, he slowly digs it into the Skin of the Boar.

'I've worked with meat a few times when I was younger... I don't think I remember it enough to know why these parts had to be cut this way.'

[Would you like to acquire the Skill {Dismantle}?]

'Well now it doesn't matter! All of my knowledge gone to waist! Wait, what about that time when I prepared that Bear!?'

[Would you li-

'Just give it to me! I already feel useless!'


Depressed, Quin uses {Dismantle} on the Boar, immediately cutting it into multiple parts with the Edible parts on one side and the Inedible on the other.

'...I want my time back...'

"Brother! That was so cool!"

Not knowing they were watching, Quin looks at Sayu.

"How did you do it so quickly? It usually takes a while to take one of these apart." Trayfi was intrigued.

"I used a Skill called {Dismantle}, so it only took no less than 5 Seconds."

"{Dismantle}? I've never heard of it. I guess there would be a lot I don't know about the outside world."

"Anyways, can you set everything up? I'll dismantle the Wolves as well."

"Sure, but what about Remi?"

"She'll be back soon. I asked her to look for some Herbs for the Meat. Anything Dangerous would either be saved for something else or thrown out."

"Master! Look!"

Remi was running back, holding a large Flower in her hands.

"That took less time than I thought. What's in her han-

Shocked, Quin noticed the large quantity of Massive Bees following her.

"Remi! Behind you!"

"Behind me- Woah!"

Avoiding the thrusts of the Stingers, Remi began casting Ice Magic.

"Leave me alone! What did I do!?"

"The Flower! Drop the Flower!" Trayfi began making a hissing noise while running towards Remi.

Dropping the flower in her hands, Remi solely focused on running away, finishing her Magic in the same moment.

In the blink of an eye, the giant bees were encaged in a thin layer of ice.

Although it was thin, their wings were too fragile and ended up snapping.

Trayfi created a large amount of Smoke, spreading it along the Bees.

'I can't miss a chance to get some Experience. Both in combat, and in the literal sense.'

Taking the Red Knife, Quin swung downwards as hard as he could.

The Blade extended, rushing into the black smoke.

[Acquiring EXP...]


[Level 5 -> Level 10]

[50 Skill Points Added]

[25 Stat Points Added]

'I think I got a few. The Smoke should clear by now.'

The Black Smoke slowly dispersed.

There were 6 Bees. Out of the 6, 2 of them had large Cut Wounds on their body. The other 4 Bees were twitching slightly.

"I got 2 of them. Are the rest of them still alive?" Quin crouched next to one of the Bees he took out.

"I think they're stunned. Did you want the Experience?" Remi takes one of the Bees, holding it by the Antenna.

'I'm Level 10... What level is Sayu?


[Appraisal Complete]


[Some Data is Corrupted]

[Viewing Minimal Status...]

[Sayu] [8]

[Level : 4]

[Exp : 30/400]

[HP : 750]

[MP : -Error-]

[Class : -Error-]

'Her Class says "Error", but didn't that goddess say it was "Rampant"?


[Choose 2 Skills]

{Sting I}

{Poison Coating I}

{Hover I}

{Plant Drain I}

{Nectar to Honey}

'5 Skills? I get to choose 2 of them... {Hover I} and {Nectar to Honey}.'


"Sayu, here." Quin hands the Red Knife to Sayu.

"Huh? What... What should I do with this?"

"If you want, you can kill the remaining Bees that attacked us. If not, then you can give me back the Knife."

"You want me to kill the Bees? Okay. But, why?"

"You're Level isn't very high. Killing the Bees will give you some Experience."

"No, it won't."

Sayu swung the blade, taking out the Bee in Remi's hands, which startled her.

"Brother, check my Status."


[Exp : 30/400]

"Your... Experience stayed the same..."

'Why? That doesn't make any sense.'

"It's my Class. My "Class" gave me a Skill that turns 100 Exp into 1 Stat Point. I can't get any more Experience."

'But she's... Did she get the Skill after becoming Level 4?'

"Brother, you should get the Experience. I don't want you to get hurt, so you need to become stronger." She handed back the Knife.

Staying silent, Quin faced the Bees, swinging horizontally, taking out the remaining 3 Bees.

[Acquiring EXP...]


[Level 10 -> Level 14]

[40 Skill Points Added]

[20 Stat Points Added]

'Level 14. It's really not that high now that I think about it.'


[Choose 2 Skills]

{Sting I}

{Poison Coating I}

{Hover I}

{Plant Drain I}

{Nectar to Honey} [X]


{Wind Magic I} [Upgrade]

'There's more Skills than last time. Wait, 2? ...I think the 3rd one died when it hit the ground. Maybe the one that was highest off the ground. {Telepathy} and {Wind Magic I}.'


[Upgraded {Breeze I} to {Wind Magic I}]

"I guess that's settled. Now, what were you doing with a giant Flower?" Quin looks at Remi.

"Ah... I was doing what you asked, and, well... stumbled upon a giant flower. I thought it looked pretty, so I brought it back for you to appraise it. I didn't know there would be Giant Bees following me. I'm sorry."

"...It's alright. First, let's see what Flower you brought us."

. . .

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