
Chapter 7: under observation and a fragment of the past

/.../ is on the phone

(A/N for those wondering who the father is of Scáthach I'm debating between making her have no father or Taiyang so I'm going with an open ended discussion it could be Taiyang)






<Qrow POV>

Honestly I'm in a pissed mood not going to lie even my usual blend tastes like horse piss right now. My niece has now been dragged into the conflict between Ozpin and Salem because I couldn't keep my damn mouth shut about her semblance when calling for an extract.

In my attempt to get Scáthach a normal life I dragged her even further into the deep end, why is fate so cruel. Before the raid I had been watching her daily routine and quite frankly it could put Atlas's elites to shame since a six year old trained more than their 16 year olds. At the crack of dawn she run a marathon for apparently stamina training then fighting half serious Raven head on which was a feat very few could blame.

Afterwards she'd go to Thomas for theoretical knowledge on many things varying from tactics to human anatomy. Funnily enough and this was what concerned me the most, she seemed content, I knew despite my hatred for some of the tribe they all cared for her that much was evident from their encounters with her.

All I want is for her to experience a normal childhood or what's left of it anyway. Seeing my niece passed out besides me I fe rly picked her up and though she was unbelievably light she had defined muscles not like those of a body builder but compact ones like those that Raven those which could only be seen if you felt them. Well let's take her to Taiyang he's a father hell know what to do ..... how do I explain who's child she is though...fuck.


In the middle of nowhere in particular surrounded by trees and far away from the hustle and bustle of the large cities there was a large 2 story log cabin. And before that house lay a blonde man with a shaven beard enjoying the rays of the sun whilst smiling on his rocking chair. Suddenly he felt a vibration in his pocket.

"Oh it's a call from Qrow better answer then"

He clicked the receive button putting his scroll to hid ear and speaking /Hey Qrow how are you doing these days the girls are missing you you know. But enough of that. What do you need/ asked Taiyang in his usual light hearted manner.

Qrow remained silent for a while before responding /Its about Raven/ hearing this Taiyang jumped out of his chair out of surprise and concern /what happened! Is she ok! Talk to me Qrow!!!/

On the other side of the phone Qrow could be seen sweating profusely. /yes Taiyang she is doing well but before we get into this I have a serious quest to ask just before Raven left did you or did you not *ahem* play hide the sausage?/

Taiyang was confused by the question but answered nonetheless /Qrow I don't ask about your sex life but since this seems important I'll answer.... maybe once or twice why?/

/shit, dude there is a 80/20 chance you may or may not have a third child the timing lines up too well.../ hearing this Taiyang was both excited concerned and angry /what but how the and why did the What!/

/I'll be there soon Tai this is something best discussed in person putting it bluntly/


Scáthach POV

Whilst feigning to still be unconscious I overheard their 'Does that make Tai my father it's certainly a possibility timeline wise since I'm roughly a year younger than Yang and the time taken to give birth it's certainly possible'

I was still being carried on Qrow's back like a sack of potatoes. He murmured if your going to pretend to sleep at least regulate your breathing patterns" before tossing be to the ground flat on my ass.

Seeing we were in the middle of the woods I asked "where's Gae Bulg tell me now!" Seeing my reaction didn't even phase him he simply replied in a monotone voice "No that weapon enhances your semblance it should not be in the hands of someone evil like you" I snorted at his statement "pffft evil tell me one 'evil' thing that I've done without reason"

He glared at me "killing bandits in the dozen for no reason, attacking me and Ozpin and on top of that your highly unstable need I go on." Hearing this I couldn't help but laugh slightly "oh yes no reason whatsoever it's not like they kidnapped and r@ped women in the dozens or attacked us first, secondly you stole away a family heirloom away that you had no right to touch after you left the tribe. As for the last part find me someone who wouldn't be stable after being kidnapped by two strange men." I said "oh and mind taking off the ankle and handcuffs?"

Hearing my reasoning he visibly flinched seemingly sympathising with my choices and Getting my reasoning. "No you will have the cuffs removed once we reach your... potential fathers house."

We trudged on through the woods in the distance we saw the log cabin it had many windows and surprisingly stable looking infrastructure for a two story log cabin. In front of it was Taiyang looking excitedly between me and Qrow before shifting to anger towards Qrow.

"Qrow why is my daughter in cuffs you Bastard you'd better explain right god damn now"

'Already seeing me as his daughter though not confirmed I guess I have to commend his commitment to family members . As we entered the room I realised that currently Ruby and Yang were not in for one reason or another maybe school who knows or maybe they were up to mischief.

Taiyang gestured for me to sit on his lap which confused me quite a bit letting someone you don't know be too close is openly asking to be attacked. As if sensing my thoughts Qrow gave me 'the glare' forcing me to give up any obviously lacking escape attempt ideas since I'm surrounded by two trained elite huntsman. I slowly waddled over too him and sat down beside him instead.

Taiyang sighed though 'well it to be expected' he thought. "So Qrow explain me the situation in as much detail as possible and don't leave a single thing out."

Qrow nodded "well let's start from the beginning as you know I've been partially in contact with Raven for quite some time 2 years ago I went to do my yearly visit to her only to find her training a child, This child Scáthach rather viciously may I add. As you know how the tribe can be with people I was concerned for her I confronted Raven in a rather confrontational manner which ended in a fight."

I slyly smiled whilst saying "you mean got your ass handed to you on a platter." Which was responded with by a gentle comedic fist to the head as Taiyang said "Language little girl" i sunconsciously pouted out of reflex.

Qrow coughed "then when we arrived at the tribe I realised I made a rather large misconception do you remember Thomas" to which Taiyang nodded. "Well according to him the whole tribe treats her like family and look after her much to my surprise. So eventually me and Raven came to an agreement when she turns six which was yesterday just FYI I would take her to normal society for 2 years then she would decide if she returned to the tribe or not."

Taiyang looked at me with pitying eyes "it must have been hard living in those conditions for six years kid ill show you just how awesome the normal life can be but how do you feel was your life their?"

I was confused by the meaning so I just answered honestly "it was fun the people at camp look after each other like family and there are basically no boring rules because according to mother Raven In normal society you can't fight people for fun. It's really amazing the fresh air and the fighting it's really fun!" I said punching the air because that's how I felt about how epic the camp was.

Taiyang hearing this was both happy and sad. Happy because she had enjoyed herself but sad because she not once mentioned things kids her age would usually do like eating sweets. Taiyang smiled nonetheless.

"That's nice but Qrow why is she in cuffs that's surely it's not for being in the tribe."

Qrow looked at Tai with a glint of sadness in his eyes and regret in his eyes. "Honestly considering what I saw yesterday I regret not taking her two years ago. Yesterday Raven decided to take Scáthach on her first raid..."

"WHAT she's six not sixteen and she went to one of those blood baths how dare she take my child to do that?!?" He roared like a prideful lion being challenged.

"Indeed and that's not all she asked Scáthach to be part of the main attack force with her and to put it simply with her current skill level she slaughtered through them with relative ease meaning she now has blood in her hands. But what passed me off the most was when Raven instructed her to execute their leader before the camp! Meaning she wants her to become her own successor to the chief position!" Qrow became overly emotional. Then he looked at me "drop your mask stop acting we are family after all" hearing him and seeing Tai's confusion I dropped the act showing my real face.


What I saw before me was horrific her beautiful face that was joking and childish before was now completely expressionless like a painting never changing. Her former joy filled eyes now an abyss that absorbs all emotions burning them away. Her demeanour changed as well and her feeling changed as well from joking and silly to completely still like a waveless ocean it just felt unnatural.

Qrow said "drop it all." He said to my confusion. she released a grunt then her aura emerged it was constantly rotating and a bloody red colour seemingly volatile i subconsciously activated my own but the second it did her aura lightly grazed my own my aura reducing whilst her own increased.

This was horrific for a few reason aura's represented our souls so you could judge a persons character from their aura. Hers was red meaning either she was highly aggressive or irritable but her face remained expressionless. And it's destructive nature that seemed to want to eat my own aura showing her will to devour.

I was horrified that whatever Raven did affected her no... MY child I lunged at her suppressing my aura hugging her in a large bear hug. Her aura temporarily turned a shade brighter before receding as I felt a damp feeling on my chest.

<Scáthach POV>

"Camilla remember whatever happens a father will always to text his child. Even in death it is out pride as fathers to see you grow up. I hope one day you can become happier and not walk the same bloody and lonely path our ancestors did" said my father hugging me. My father the former leader of ACHILLES and the only man I truly respect to this day.


How long has it been since I felt the love of a father I wonder... hmm perhaps I'll give this family thing a second attempt after all. Seems I'm getting sentimental.

'Huh I'm crying what a pussy I am hehehe. Thank you Tai for bringing back that old memory once more I will accept you and the others I will try to trust you.' I thought before hugging him back.

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