
Week 15 - pt 3

Mathew Harding’s observation pt 2

‘So whilst you were at your previous school who was your best friend?’

‘Caz. We told each other everything. I was close to my other friends but we told each other everything.’

‘What did you talk about?’

‘Everything, boys, Taylor and Rudgey,’

‘I see… were the guys at your school like your friends here?’

‘A little.’

‘Tell me a little more tell me what it was like to be you.’

‘A night mare. Especially in weather like this my friends got harassed to. I think Taylor and his friends got a buzz out of us in wet clothing they went a little crazy. Their comments were dirty to.’

‘So did any one else say anything?’

‘A few Taylor soon shut them up.’

‘I see.’

‘He thought they were overstepping the mark.’

‘Yet he did.’

‘He reckoned he was aloud to because I was his girl and his territory.’

‘I see.’

‘I tried to tell him I could handle it and to ignore them he couldn’t.’

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