
"The Package Has Arrived!"

2 months later

In these two months, Ezy can already walk clumsily in-front of his parents and their subordinates thinking about his strong health and genius as a baby of their Master and mistress making them proud and happy seeing their son's fast progress in life.

They don't know that Ezy's pretending was so hard that in every night Natalia massages his poor stiff baby muscles from every day's acting. He was always tempted of just showing them his running to end all pretenses but thinking about their normal view of a baby may give him problems and explanations to Natalia and be separate from her.

So he just mans it up and just follows what a normal baby can do while tweaking some shortcuts making him look unique from other babies.

In these past days, he will receive calls at night from Natalia's mother updating him about the progress of her group. At first, they were on guard from their unknown boss but after Sasha explain their plans, they were happy that someone will fund them for taking up professional courses and even telling them to find the best school while all their spendings will be paid and if they are not interested to study. They can start businesses of their liking but with rules to follow:

1. Love life on studying is not allowed.

2. Buying items is allowed but buying buildings and land needs for the boss's guidance.

3. Group needs to log in to ApocalypseFamily.com and use it for web information channels for the group and always report the latest information for the boss.

4. If one finds a couple and planned to start a family, they are quickly removed from the inner circle of the group but they're still required to report and 50% of the fundings will be decreased.

5. Always help each other.

6. everyone needs their own connections and the more the merrier.

7. everyone is required to buy their own sexy nightgowns and nude sleeping is bad for your health. In the future, everyone is required to send photos every night for the boss's evaluation.

8. All members need to always check the rules for updates and missions. All rules can be changed or new ones will be added.

Sasha's group was mesmerized by the word funded while confused by the perverted ideas from their boss but they can feel the sincerity of the boss even their earnings will be not theirs, they can buy all that they want.

Reading the reports every night from Sasha made his nights not boring while he is still trapped being a baby, his bunny minions now are slowly spreading their roots for them to grow in the future.

Naomi now is enrolled in a good school named the University of Oxford.

She also has a good condo to live in but Naomi still stayed in Ezy's room to sleep making his heart meltdown while happily rewarded her bunnies massages every night making one tomato reddish every night.

Natalia and Ezy also begun their training secretly in the mansion, Natalia uses soft long hotdog pillows as weapons for Ezy to dodge it while throwing cute punches and soft kicks making Natalia giggle whenever Ezy lands his attacks.

Sometimes Ezy mixed his power making a scene where the baby is like teleporting in-front of Natalia dodging her attack while giving her cute baby counters while she was sitting on the soft carpet.

One time, Natalia memorize Ezy's hobbies of attacking making Ezy's not land any attacks while beating him cutely with hugs and kisses making Ezy felt like a loser and cried. Natalia felt sorry while apologizing to Ezy making him smug that his cuteness can still win this monster of a fighter in front of him. Ezy poured all his frustrations into his big bunny friend's bites and pinch making them dejected from the sins they didn't do and making Natalia a sleepless night doing solitary playing while the baby pretends to sleep and continued his sleep torture to this sinner making his confidence dirty.

Ezy spends his day time with his mother making her happy.

When his mother saw his first crawl beside her and climbing to her body, she almost fainted from happiness making her health in turmoil making the doctor run for his money.

So when Ezy planned to show his first stand and walk, He asks Natalia to make the doctor came on that day while giving his mother medication for her health before Ezy making his first step to mankind to his audience making the day merrier while his father made a small banquet for his son.

His father was also busy with his passing of authorities to his small brother and introduced him to all his trust wordy partners and friends to help the walkers and also the kingdom's connection outside the country.

When the 5 big clans saw the reports and connections that Adam shared with them, they can only be relieved they almost lost a powerful and charismatic man. They know that Adam meets many kinds of people in his travels around the world because of his spirit of youth giving his father headaches from the reports where his son always has fights and unknown expenses.

They now discovered how big Adam's circle while still scratching the surface only.

Adam also went home every night and if not, he brings many gifts for everyone to take making his every arrival in the house wanted by everyone and sad not seeing their master while concerning to his health for working hard.

Ezy seeing his father's abilities, Ezy thought of him as a very good model for Ezy to copy and extort many people...cough* cough*... help many people.

In the past days, Ezy also give names to Sasha to find and investigate while telling her to remind him about his oil plans to remind him to go to buy stocks and when to sell making Sasha flabbergasted. He ignored Sasha's reaction and reminded her about two particular people who are a top priority for searching.

After a month and days of waiting, Sasha receives a report that made Ezy almost ascend to the sky with so much joy in his heart.

When he received the call of Sasha, he was giggling the whole day making Natalia and Naomi who is resting for the weekend chills in their back seeing The baby smiling and grinning on its own staring at the distance while repeating his hand gestures like a merchant receiving a great deal or a collector waiting patiently for his priceless treasure to arrive.

Before Ezy sends an invitation to his special guest, he needs to arrange everything perfectly and not making his guest afraid of him. He asks Sasha to arrange a big room to prepared while buying all the things for Ezy to achieve the best result that he is hoping for.

He planned to send his invitation to this person after 3 days of preparation while every night the sisters saw him praying on the big window staring at the night sky and they can only hear the word Old man to every sentence pray he make for 1-hour kneeling. They will see the baby laughing and sometimes crying like he was talking to an old friend.

They can feel the graveness of this baby special guest that they will meet tomorrow night making themselves also feel nervous about their lines and roles.

The next day, Ezy spends his time with his family while calming himself for tonight's event making one of his plans be achieved with the help of this person and failure is not an option.

Silently moving in the night, Ezy and the sisters when out of the Walker Mansion while not alerting anyone from the securities and subordinates of his parent.

They arrive at the building that was reserved for this mission on recruiting one of the key points for Ezy's future plans to fruition.

Sasha with her two trusted subordinates Vera and Zina was waiting inside this large room decorated for this special event that was prepared for their Master that has to change their state of living making them very curious about the new boss of their group and even made their prideful leader step down and gave her authority to one person she just meets in one mission.

Looking at the door opening, they saw Naomi and Natalia with a baby entered. They were waiting for someone to follow from their back but seeing them locking the door and looking at them, the two women cannot hold anymore and ask.

"Where is the boss?" They ask.

The two sisters ignored them while Sasha started to speak.

"Nice to see you again boss... did you miss this poor girl..." Surprising everyone with the flirtatious voice of Sasha.

"Sasha, stop your nonsense and report to me the situation of the package." Vera and Zina heard a cute voice while they saw the baby that was cradled by Natalia disappeared and appear beside the body bag that is carefully positioned on the soft big bed.

Seeing the baby's action, both of them was flabbergasted by the phenomenon happening but with their experience in life on the dark side of humanity. They quietly observe and analyze themselves on what they are witnessing right now.

"Boss... you're hurting my fragile heart..." Sasha dramatically falls down on the carpet while shedding tears looking down.

"Ok! Ok!" Ezy impatiently appeared in Sasha's shoulder while using his baby hands to turn Sasha's face to him and give her a kiss shocking Sasha's mind and making her stop teasing the baby.

"Now, you got your reward. Report already!" Ezy appeared next to the body bag while caressing it gently making Sasha and her daughters jealous.

"The package is sleeping peacefully from our friendly sedative and will wake up after two hours," Sasha said.

"No Injuries?"


"Are all preparations ready?" Ezy said seriously.

"Yes..." Vera and Zina replied.

"Sasha, you have good sisters... I like their calmness." Ezy praised them while still looking at the body bag.

Hearing all preparations are complete and ready, Ezy calms his mind and opened the body bag while taking a deep inhale savoring the smell coming inside the body bag.

Natalia and Naomi were surprised by what is hidden inside the body bag making the baby prepared so much for this person.

A beautiful girl with age 20+ with golden long hair and sexy curves but what unnatural to this girl was that she has an aura of purity and somewhat holy feeling looking at her. Deep inside their heart, they started to want to protect this girl from impurities, and now looking at the baby with hostility making the baby shiver.

Ezy wasted 20 minutes bringing them back to his Darkside again while ordering everyone to move and get ready.

"The Saintess from the past future Ms. Sophia Encarnacion... In this life, I will be the one who will guide you and protect you while you help me completing one part of my dreams... They will only drool from the sidelines seeing you shine under my clutches." Ezy whispered while seeing Vera and Zina took the saintess to prepare her also.

Looking at the ladies running around, Ezy thought to himself." Atlis my selfishness can save many people..." while remembering what the saintess went through in the past future." while also making her enjoy life..." Ezy closed his eyes solemnly.

Natalia came back to take Ezy to prepared him also, she saw the solemn face of the baby while she chuckled inside seeing the heavy drools dripping on his mouth. She thought that this little devil again is daydreaming again and just pick Ezy up while still continuing his antics.

Thank you for reading and adding my work

Wish you still like the story is growing through...

The next chapter will be one of my greatest challenge in making this novel so please be careful of my heart...

please leave comments while your RATE is my greatest power.

EzyGuLakycreators' thoughts
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