
The Eastside

"I live at the Eastside at a shabby apartment complex since the rent is really cheap. But it still suits my needs." Eva said.

Marcus shook his head and said. "That won't do. Since you're officially my Big Sister now and my cat seems to really like you, it is only right to get a better home. Big Sis you're not allowed to say no and you better start packing stuff tonight and inform your sister that you will be moving."

Before Eva could say anything, the cat nudged her left boob and nodded at her then meowed.

'This cat understands human speech? Does that mean it's a high-level beast and this is its tiny form or is it always tiny?' Eva thought for a bit but didn't really care. She felt really close to the cat.

"mm," Eva nodded seeing that she wouldn't be able to do anything.

'And I don't think Nexus would even let you stay there any longer. The eastside apartment complex huh, that place was a dump. Speaking of Nexus, I really need to know what is up with this tiny turd.' Marcus thought back to the night he went hunting and passed that place.

They chatted for a while and finally at the end, Marcus asked for Eva's bank account and IM account so he could wire some money and could send her a message. Eva, of course, didn't agree at first about the bank account thing but Marcus was being persistent and the two of them separated ways. Marcus and Nexus were 100% sure that Krieg would go to Eva's house tonight.

Marcus went back to his hotel room. He took a shower laid down on the bed for a bit and went inside the 'Destrucstone'. He wanted to visit Carmen and see how she was doing.

He arrived at the living room with a white couch and red carpet underneath. He went towards the room where Carmen was in. Marcus opened the door and saw his sister lying peacefully on the bed. He smiled and went beside her.

"Hey baby, you remember that time in the heavenly realm when I told you that I know an annoying cat, well I think he has grown on me. Also, you'll have someone to call big sister when you wake up." Marcus lightly pinched her cheeks and kissed her forehead.


A few years ago in the Heavenly Realm

"Big brother look I can already make a copy of myself," Carmen said while initiating the basic mirage spell.

A person identical to Carmen appeared beside her, but soon vanished after a few seconds. which made her frown and dropped her head. A few pink butterflies were flying at the place where her illusion vanished.

'Why is it that when I try to impress big brother, my thing hardly works, ughh' Carmen thought and pouted.

Marcus walked towards her and carried her in his arms. He then said " Baby do you know that you are much more talented than I am. You're already doing a lot of great things with magic so take it slow and don't pout like that because it makes me want to pinch your cheeks a lot more."

Carmen placed her arm around her brother and pecked his cheek with her lips. After that, she said, "No, brother is the most talented person in the universe of the universe of the universe."

Marcus laughed "That's a lot of universes."

Carmen stayed in Marcus's embrace then she suddenly asked in a low voice "Big brother what will happen in the future? Is it something bad? I know that you and mother aren't really willing to tell me what's going on but I'm also a Kauffman. See I have round eyes and vermillion hair."

Marcus stroked her hair and then her back, after that he softly said "Nothing will happen baby. And if there ever is, I'll protect both you and mother."

"Promise?" Carmen looked at him with her big round eyes.

"Yes of course, and has your brother ever broken his promise to you?" Marcus sat down while Carmen was still in his arms.

"No, brother is the best!" After saying that, Carmen went to sleep using Marcus' chest as her pillow.

"Good night baby." Marcus softly said.


After an hour or so of sitting beside Carmen, Marcus went out of the 'Destrucstone'. He went to the side of the room where the window was and looked at the dark skies where the stars shone brightly. He thought about a lot of things.

He looked at the time and turned his back. He changed his clothes to the ones he bought when he went shopping. Black long-sleeve polo, smart trousers which were also a color that's a shade of black and then shoes.

He didn't button the first button on his polo because he was advised by the cute girl who helped him not to if he was going for casual.

He looked at the mirror and fixed his hair. He then sat down and searched the web for a while before going down.

He first wanted to eat dinner. Marcus went out of the hotel lobby and looked around. He started walking in a certain direction where he saw the restaurant he passed by earlier this morning.

It wasn't really a high-class restaurant where everything was overly formal. He chose a seat and made himself comfortable. A waiter then went to him and took his order.

A few girls in the restaurant found him handsome and were looking at him from time to time but Marcus just ignored them. He was having fun searching the internet for random stuff.

He even found something that made his eyes go wide when he was in the hotel room awhile ago searching.

There he saw them. Women naked! He kept scrolling and he felt that something below him started to get bigger. He then turned it off or else he might be tempted to do something.

A prince like him would never result in touching himself. So he hurriedly went out and down to the hotel lobby.

His food finally arrived. He gobbled it up and placed his money on the table after finishing. He went towards the door and started walking around again.

Marcus looked up and there was a gigantic tv that was placed on a huge building. It wasn't placed that high up so people could see properly without tilting their heads too much.

The big screen was showing a fight that was happening on a grey circle stage. A teen with brown hair, his hands were surrounded by frost was trying to defend against a vine that was rushing to him. The teen with brown hair raised an ice wall from the ground which made the sharp vines pierce through it a bit.

The brown-haired teen touched the vines that went through his ice wall. The green vine slowly started to turn into ice and traveled its effects to the body of the vine.

The brown-haired teen jumped and walked on the vine that was now covered in ice. His opponent threw sharp projectiles at him but you could see the exhaustion on his face while painting the strength and speed of the projectiles thrown.

'And that's a win for the ice guy. That's probably the guy who the students were talking about yesterday.' Marcus thought.

The guy with brown hair already won. The crowd applauded the match.

Someone went to interview the brown-haired guy, Dios.

"Congratulations on your win. How do you feel about competing tomorrow against one of the geniuses of Levi City and even, Kellar Republic?" The reporter asked.

"I feel extremely excited. In my mind I already defeated him. I think people just overhype him which makes me sick. Him being called a genius is a disgrace to us true geniuses." Dios calmly said.

"Those are big words. Everyone is most likely going to have their eyes glued to your match especially your fans. Do you have any words for them?" The reporter looked at Dios who had a proud look on his face.

"First I would like to say thank you for supporting me. I'll make sure to represent Levi City to the best of my abilities after winning tomorrow's competition."

"Thank you for your time Dios." The reporter said and then he looked at the camera and continued, "There you have it, folks. Make sure to watch tomorrow's championship."

Marcus kept his eyes on the big screen. 'It won't hurt to watch I guess. I'll see how people my age fight up close.'

He bought a ticket on the internet and went to get a ride. After a few minutes, the scene changed. From good looking buildings into a few old and rundown ones. One could say this is the true face of 3rd rate countries.

The Eastside was not a popular place to hang out for most people at night. The crime rate here is pretty high. Marcus didn't pick this spot last night because although the crime rate is high, the people doing the crimes are pretty weak. His whole reason for tempering is to get stronger which means he needs to hunt stronger people.

As the cab got closer to their destination, he could see people gambling on the side, drinking, ladies without tops dancing getting touched all around while getting money from the men.

'Big Sister needs to get out of here as soon as possible.' As he thought of that, an imaginary light bulb lit up in his mind. He smiled for a bit and thought of a plan for the future.

He asked the cab driver to drop him off in front of an apartment complex.

He then heard a voice that sounded in his head "There's a noodle shop nearby. Just wait there. People are already observing the place"

"Alright, I also need to get some information about this place. I just thought of a great plan" Marcus walked towards a noodle shop across the street.

Thank you for reading!

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