

"I am alerting the dolphins! Stay away!" she yelled, even though her body was in a complete and utter state of panic and her blood and the mouse in her were telling her to take the ropes.

"You madwoman!" Spade yelled back at her. "Get back up right now or I will have a heart attack!"

"You can't command your heart to do that!"

She realized the fin was nowhere to be seen. That alerted her more than having it in her line of sight to observe and keep track of it.

"It's diving!" Myorka yelled. She did not seem to share her husband's dissatisfaction with the state of things.

It was, in a way, adorable how much she trusted the dolphins.

While treading water, Serenica realized what a massive flock they needed to drive away such a monstrous shark. If dolphins had been capable of forming such large societies, they would have become the dominant species, and clearly that was not the case.

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