
That One Training Arc - 5

For a moment, not a sound was made.

Then Rias stood up from her seat, palming her forehead with a tired sigh. She looked, ever so done with things.

And Riser had just arrived.

"Now then Rias, it's a bit sudden, but how about we go visit the location of the ceremony and catch up?" Riser offered, making his way over towards Rias and casually throwing his arm around her shoulder, "The date is set anyway, why don't we just get it over with and we can get to the fun side of things."

Rias' eye twitched, "Get off of me Riser." she huffed in annoyance and pulled his arm away, taking a step back.

In return, Riser just laughed.

"Hey, who the hell do you think you are!?" Hyoudou exploded, "You're being impolite towards buchou, what the hell kind of attitude is that to take towards girls?!"


Kaito gave the older boy a dead stare. As did Koneko.

That was the pot calling the kettle black. From the literal sex pest, sex offender who should have been locked up long ago for perving on random girls he didn't even know.

At least in the context here, Riser knew Rias. Though, that probably flew right over the hypocrite dragon emperors head.

"Eh, who the hell are you?" Riser in return gave Issei a bored, uncaring glance.

"Heh, I'm Issei Hyoudou!" Issei jutted his chin out proudly and declared, "I'm I am the pawn of Rias Gremory!"

"Uh-hu? Good for you I suppose kid." Riser said, and turned away from him, utterly dismissing him and redirecting his attention back to Rias.

Issei trembled on the spot at the sheer disrespect he just took, "And who the hell are you!?" he demanded.

Riser sighed in annoyance, "Honestly, you didn't even tell your servants about me?" he directed at Rias, before cupping his chin, "Actually, he doesn't seem to recognise me at all beyond our connection. Is this a reincarnated human then? That's the most likely I suppose."

Rias rolled her eyes, "It's because there was no need to tell him or any of them really, you're not that important." she shot back.

Riser gave a laughing snort, "My, you're as harsh as always, if I was still a young cherry boy you might have just brought me to tears with that."

Grayfia took that as her cue to step into things, lifting one hand and gesturing lightly at the blonde man, "This person is Riser Phenex-sama. He is a pure blood high class devil and is the third son of the legendary Phenex family," she explained, "And also the the chosen spouse for the next head of the Gremory family."

"Eh? Spouse? But…isn't Buchou the heir to the Gremory family?" Hyoudou asked, confused.

God get a clue man.

"Honestly, must we go through this song and dance every time?" Riser gave a tired sigh, making his way over to slump casually into the couch opposite Kaito, "Don't you ever get tired of being so obstinate Rias?"

"Don't you? I've said it many times over the years and I'll keep saying it. Riser, I won't marry you, so give it a rest already." Rias growled back at him, crossing her arms.

She was especially riled up. Completely unlike how she'd acted the few times Kaito had met her before. Not that he blamed her. Sure, her choice in partner ended up being just as bad, if not worse than Riser, but it wasn't really about Rias' bad taste.

It was the simple fact that she was being forced into it and not allowed to choose for herself that got her so riled up. He could relate. In the end it was never about Riser and she would probably be as obstinate with anyone she was forced into marriage with.

Rias quite simply, detested people having the power to order her around and have to do what they told her.

The exact same as him. And why he refused to become a devil unless he was allowed to become high class from the get go. Sure technically, he had to do what Serafall told him now, but that was more a give and take. She was his boss by another name, not his master.

Riser rubbed the back of his neck, "Y'know it's more our parents being pressing about these things, I was fine to wait, even if I lay awake at night anticipating our wedding night," he huffed, "We're not really in any position to do anything about it, the best we can do is literally make the best of it."

"Yeah, well keep dreaming, it's not going to happen," Rias rolled her eyes, "It's none of my parents business, or yours for that matter who I choose to be my husband." as she spoke, her beautiful blue eyes flickered over briefly to meet Kaito's own for a split moment, before returning her attention back to Riser.

Hmm? Was she still considering that as an option?

She growled audibly, "Everyone is hurrying things forward too much when I was explicitly promised I wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense until I finished university here in the human world."

Riser shrugged, "Your parents and Sirzechs-sama simply fear the chance of your bloodline and house going extinct," he replied swishing his finger airily, "In the previous war there was massive casualties on all three sides and the amount of houses that went extinct weren't small, there's only half of us Pillar families left at best now, isn't it natural for we pureblood devils to protect our bloodline and make sure it flourishes by joining our houses together in matrimony? A child between the two of us would be extremely valuable to our race even assuming they inherit either of our abilities, but on the off chance they get both…well, I'm sure I don't need to explain to you how valuable a devil child that has access to both the Phenex clan's immortality and your own Power of Destruction would be, hmm?"


Alright, so I decided to start uploading one of my other stories here as well. A one piece system story I guess it is, called One Piece: Seaside System you'll be able to check it out now if you want just uploaded the beginning of it.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

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