
Who Said Romance Was Dead - 3

"The supernatural is real," he dropped the bomb there and then, not beating around the bush, "Gods, demons, dragons, magic. The works, they're all real."


For a few monents they just stared into each others eyes. Kaito was expecting her to laugh at him, maybe call him crazy, possibly even be a little worried he'd over-stressed himself and was a bit loopy.

Instead, she just stared at him those few precious moments that seemed to last a life time.

"…Huh…" she uttered, before nodding once, "I know." she admitted.


"You…know?" he blinked, eyebrows raising in surprise, "…How?"

"I got attacked by a monster when I was a kid, around eight years old. It's a bit of a blur to be honest, I almost died,"

Yanagi admitted, "Course, then I got my super power randomly, my eyes started glowing and it got squashed like a pancake. I thought I was dreaming for the longest time until my powers just activated out of the blue a few times."

"Huh…" Kaito wasn't really sure what to say to that. He hadn't been expected that all. But he was more surprised about the fact he wasn't surprised Yanagi was somehow connected to the supernatural.

Because that was just how his luck rolled apparently.

"The question is, how do you know about it?" Yanagi turned the question right back around on him.

"Because I kind of have powers to?" Kaito replied, he had already decided to be full on truthful with her, "To be exact, I have something called a Sacred Gear, two of them actually. That are basically gifts from the God from the bible to humans. And basically being one of the few ways humans actually get power in this world."

"Eh, God is real?!" Yanagi's eyes actually widened in shock.

"He…was," Kaito winced, "He's kind of dead now."

"…Ah…well," Yanagi winced, "That….that sucks."

"….Yeah…." Kaito agreed, before coughing, "What about you?" he asked, changing the subject

"I already told you didn't I?" Yanagi gave him a light smirk,, "I'm the goddess of gravity." she said and her eyes shimmered, going from a deep dark blue to a glowing gold.

And suddenly Kaito felt pressure weighing down on his shoulders. Though it really wasn't all that much of a bother.

"Are your powers your stupid muscles or something?" she spouted up at him, golden eyes shining almost hypnotically, "I just increased gravity three times over atop your body and you didn't even budge!"

"Not quite," Kaito stared at her eyes as he realised something, "That's Gravity Jail." he noted.

His other self had saw it in use before. If he wasn't wrong, some guy in Sairaorg Bael's peerage had it as well.

"What?" Yanagi blinked at his words.

"Your power, it's called Gravity Jail," he explained, "It's a Sacred Gear, that if I remember right let's you manipulate gravity within your eyesight."

"Huh, that's right, so that's how I got this power then," Yanagi mused, "What about you though, you said you have one, actually two yourself right, what are they?"

"They're both the same power, called Twice Critical," he replied, "Basically they double all my abilities like speed, strength even magic power."

Yanagi stared at him for a second, before snorting and erupting into laughter, "So basically you can increase your abilities four times over with two of them. What a lame super power compared to mine!"

The insult washed over him like tap water over a boulder, parting harmlessly. It didn't annoy him at all.

His eyebrow did not twitch.

"Ack!" Yanagi sputtered as he gripped her by the head with one hand and lifted her up easily.

"Power is only as good as the person using it," he cheerfully informed her, "Besides, Twice Critical is made from the flesh of a dragon that could chew up gods and spit them out for fun, power that I used to make myself part dragon. Your power is only useful for helping me train."

That was the first thing that came to mind. If he could train under heightened gravity Drag-So-Ball style, he could really push himself to even greater limits!

"Yeah, well it's also good for this!" Yanagi looked down.

His pants dropped to his ankles.

His eyes widened in shock and her let her go on reflex to reach down to pick them up while she landed on her feet.

"Black huh, nice. Glad you don't wear tighty whitey's." Yanagi used leer.

It was not very effective. Kaito pulled his pants up and gave her a bland look, "This Aika chick is a really bad influence on you."

She was always a little teasing imp of a girl. But it had only been in the last few weeks she'd turned into a perverted little teasing imp.

Yanagi just shrugged, eyes returning to their blue colour, "Hey, if you had just pulled your finger out buddy I wouldn't have been forced to do this," she replied, "Besides, Aika didn't influence me at all beyond encouraging me to do as I pleased like this."

"So what you're saying is, you've always been a little pervert huh?" he snorted.

"Only for you sweet cheeks." Yanagi shot back, a golden glow emanating from behind her bangs.

He felt an impact reminiscent of a hand smacking against his ass.

Alright, enough of this.

"That right?" Kaito raised an eyebrow, "Then I'll get right to the point. I've taken care of my money issues. The only other issue I needed to take care of before you, was letting you know about the supernatural and what you would be involved with if we actually did start going out." as he said that, he walked towards her, forcing her to back up as he bumped into her, until her back was pressed against the wall beside the door leading back into the school.

There was a shimmer around his right and a familiar black and gold gauntlet appeared, which he then slammed palm first into the wall above Yanagi's head, trapping her between the wall and his body.

"But that isn't an issue for you now, is it?" he stopped holding back and let go, a smirk appearing on his face and aimed down at her.

"…Kabedon…nice," Yanagi actually shivered a bit, grinning happily up at him, "Took you long enough." she said.

Despite how confident she looked though, there was no hiding the dust of red on her cheeks.

"It did, didn't it?" he admitted.

Before leaning down and capturing her lips with his own. Her hands came up to fist in his blazer and unlike Irina, she knew exactly what she wanted.

Her tongue forced its way into his mouth the second he parted his lips to let his own it.

A duel of tongues ensued a split moment later and he reached down with his other hand to wrap it around her waist.

Only for Yanagi to let go of his blazer to grab his hand.

And move it down to her ass.

At her own urging, he let go of the wall to reach down with his right hand, dismissing his Twice Critical as he did.

And he reached under her short maroon school skirt to cup her soft, bouncy ass cheeks.

And lifted her into the air with his grip on her backside. He'd wanted to do this to her for so long. And now he didn't need to hold back. She was perfect for lifting like this.

And she wasted no time in wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck, pressing her face deeper against his and deepening the kiss.

Despite her enthusiasm, it was Yanagi who's tongue submitted to his own, the short stack mewling into his mouth.

When he finally pulled back from her literally a few minutes later, he had to pause because she caught his bottom lip with her teeth and nibbled on it with a grin.

Her face was flushed red and she was panting deeply, her huge breasts rising up and down noticeably on her chest, "I'm so gonna rock your world." Yanagi vowed, even as he held the tiny yet voluptuous girl aloft easily.

"Isn't that my line?" he couldn't help but snort and ask, "And awesome as this is, bit fast don't you think?"

"This has been building up for months," Yanagi scoffed, wiggled her ass into his hands, "And I ain't Hana-chan. In fact, my sister has been a great visual aid for not what to do when getting a boyfriend."

Ouch, he almost felt sorry for Hana. At the same time, he couldn't help but thank her for her sacrifice.

And pity her boyfriend. Poor guy.

"Well…at least your attitude about it matches your hair style." he joked.

She sniggered, "It does look like I'm a genderbent hentai protagonist doesn't it?" she joked, "The big difference though is I want you to put an ahegao on my face, not the other way around. I'll even make sure to hold up the peace signs if you want."

There was no stopping the blood rushing south. Or the tent that began to swell out with the 'True Longinus'.

Emphasis on the long.

"Oh…!" And Yanagai felt it right away, "Aika's really good for her word I see. Is that a baseball bat in your pants or are you just happy to see me?"

"…You're something else…" Kaito couldn't help but laugh, shaking his head.

"I'm your girlfriend actually," she corrected, "And I'll happily cement that as fact. We can head to your apartment after classes, I'll tell my mom I'm making you dinner and you can see about replacing my pupils with love hearts."

….That sounded amazing.

He wanted to agree to it right here and now.

There was only one problem with that.


"Yeah….about that, there's still one other thing I need to talk to you about." he admitted with a wince.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

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