
Supernatural Machinations - 14

'Can Evander Kaito please report to the Occult Research Club building. I repeat, may Evander Kaito please report to the Occult Research Club building.'

Pausing smack dab in the middle of answering a question upon the math worksheet atop his desk, Kaito looked up, eyebrows raising, 'You're kidding me…right?' he thought blandly.

…Sure he was expecting things to come to a head at some point. They couldn't exactly just ignored the way his power was blatantly growing, right? And there was the thought that perhaps his little gate hopping stunt was seen this morning.

And that voice.

It wasn't Sona. Actually, if he wasn't wrong, it was Tsubaki Shinra.

"Evander-kun," the professor teaching his math class looked up from her own desk, "It looks like you're being called."

Kaito resisted the urge to roll his eyes. The woman didn't even question at all why he was being called to the occult research club building.

Then again, if he were a betting man, and considering he took on a Cadre, weakened or not for a single girl, he'd say he was partially one at least…then he would bet all the money he'd gotten from Azazel on the teaching staff being paid a lot more than your typical teacher to do what they were told by the likes of the student council.

He resisted the urge to sigh in annoyance. Instead, he gave his teacher a nod and gathered up his things, placing them in his backpack.

"I'll see you at lunch." he told Yanagi as he passed her, getting a nod from the girl, even as she frowned herself. Thankfully, there was still a good hour before lunch, hopefully that would be enough time to deal with this nonsense.

Just as he was about to leave the classroom, he paused at the door and looked towards the back of the classroom, at the opposite side of where he sat and blue eyes met impassive yellow.

One of Koneko's eyebrows raised as he stared straight at her and deciding to be a little bit cheeky since the cat was definitely already out of the bag.

He smirked and gave her a wink.

Her eyes widened in realisation.

She was a smart cookie that clocked on that he knew just from that.


To be honest, Kaito really would have preferred to have been called to the student council office. Sure, it was Sona's 'domain' in the school.

But at least it was in the building.

Instead, he had to make his way through the school down the stairs, out the front and then wind around the actual really large school grounds and head to the back of it.

Unlike devils, he couldn't just conjure a fancy pants teleporting circle and zip right over then in a blink after ducking out of the way where nobody could see him.

'…Fuck teleportation would be so goddamn useful.' he groaned. Why did becoming a devil have to come with so many useful benefits like that?

Just imagining the things he could do if he could teleport as he pleased almost made him salivate.

Granted it wasn't like only devils could teleport, but it would be a long, long, long ass time before he'd ever be able to do it himself, where as…if he became a devil he'd get instant access.

He crushed that line of thought immediately. He hade to stay focused here for what was about to happen. He couldn't allow himself to be lead around by either his cock or his greed.

Convenient awesome powers like that were for wimps!

So, as Kaito turned made his way around the main school building, he forced a bored look onto his face and stuck his hands in his pockets to sell the image he wanted to present.

He didn't want even the slightest inclination being spotted by What was obvious two devil heiresses calling him out here, not a hint of greed-

'And definitely not how much I'd love to rail her fucking silly.' he thought, eyes landing on two figures standing outside the gothic mansion-like building.

He barely registered Sona as his eyes took in Rias Gremory standing beside her. He hadn't ever been this close to her before, but he'd admired her from afar plenty of times.

It was just reflex.

Long, gorgeous crimson red hair. Glistening sapphire blue eyes. Soft, rounded creamy skinned face. And a voluptuous body that would put underwear supermodels to shame. Large, no almost huge, round almost supernaturally looking perky tits that stretched out the shirt of her uniform delicious, just a step from being obscene. Full, flared womanly hips and long, creamy legs with thick, soft thighs.

Rias Gremory perfectly encompassed what many would believe a female demon looked like. She was incredibly seductive, without even attempting to be. Her body and beauty alone could tempt angels to fall.

It was no wonder pure innocent virgin angels like Azazel were tempted into falling back in the day.

This close to her, if it weren't for the fact he wasn't a virgin mentally himself and spent so much time around gorgeous voluptuous girls like Irina and Yanagi who could possibly rival her in looks, Kaito might have found himself staring gobsmacked and as stupidly as Issei Hyoudou probably did.

Thankfully, he was just build different than the useless dragon emperor. No caps. Being like that fool disgusted him at a spiritual level.

"Evander-san." Sona inclined her head lightly in greeting as he approached them.

"Hello Kaito," Rias gave him a beaming smile, completely skipping over any honorifics, "Nice to meet you."

Well, fine with him he didn't like using them personally anyway, especially not after becoming one with his other self.

"You too Gremory," Kaito replied before looking to Sona, "Sitri." he nodded back.

He'd already decided to not beat around the bush and just get straight to the point. He already knew that they knew he had a connection to the supernatural. But while they knew that, he knew that they knew and they didn't know that he knew that they knew that.

And honestly, fuck that noise that. Roundabout shit like that, was just an utter waste of his time.

All my stories are way farther ahead on my Pa---tr---eon if you guys wanna read ahead, the link to it is in any of my story summaries.

0_Jordinio_0creators' thoughts
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