
ch 7. the lockdown

the summerheat was unbearable. nothing worked, not the ventilators, not the AC. nobody wanted to work especially in the laundry or the kitchen. kook and tae groaned at the heat while they were peeling thousends of potatoes. "why did we ask jin for this job again?" "do u wanna sell drugs and stuff like the others? or sell your ass?" tae shook his head. "nope." "than shut it and peel" kook grumbled. he was pissed at joon. he would not let him into the business. "why are u so angry?" kook threw the peeler into the bucket. "argh! i cant stand this fucking heat! and joon wont let me into his business. its always jin, suga, him and all the other boys of the gang. why are we not in?" tae shrugged. "i dont wanna be in his group. i am happy to be on yoongis side." kook stoped complaining and looked at tae. "yoongi?" tae smiled. "he allowed me to call him that!" "finally huh?" they smiled at each other.

brenner and cardigan walked through the the yard. everybody seemed on edge. "we need to be carefull. somethings comming. i can feel it" cardigan nodded in agreement when they stoped at joons gang. "namjoon" "he guys. all clear?" "u tell us. something we should have a close eye to?" joon looked at jin. "hunter took precautions to have his boys put, ours too, but i cant garantee for the rest. the spades and the sangre are restless. whats with the AC? still not working?" the guards shook their heads. "will take some more days. maybe four?" joon ran his hand through his hair. "shit. if u dont do something soon, hell will break loose." "we know. take care boys" they parted. jimin came along. "he boys. hey master of my soul" and grinned at jin. joon and suga looked disgusted at each other. "ewww! we are here too! dont need to hear your pervertions" suga mocked. jin and jimin just laught. "jimin i want u to stay very close to me the next few days. its boiling and i dont want u to get hurt. understand?" jin stated. "yeah. anything u want, jin."

taes and kooks shift ended and they headed to the showers. "i hate it when im sticky" tae complained. kook smirked. "oh really?" and gave him a known look. taes face turned slightly red. "ya" he punched kooks arm. they were still goofing around when they made their way back to their cells. "wanna hang out a bit in mine?" kook asked. "yeah!"

"i think we should go inside now. i dont want tae be alone for too long." suga hurried the others. "why? do u have bees in your pants? or do u just need to get some pressure off?" jin teased. suga rolled his eyes. "do u really want to stay with HIM?" he asked jimin. the boy just smiled from ear to ear. "i love him. he is good to me and i think he is hilarious!" jin gave suga a "told u so" look. suga just shook his head. "morons, fucking morons" he wisperd.

suddenly the alarm set off. "LOCK DOWN! ATTENTION! LOCKDOWN" the boys looked at each other in terror and froze. suga was the first to react, he ran as fast as possible into their block, tae on his mind. absolute chaos greeted him. everybody was running around. some of the inmates took their chance to get some revange on others, or just for entertaining. some even started a fire. it really looked like hell broke loose. "TAE! TAEHYUNG!" suga yelled upstairs and looked for his face in the crowd. tae looked down from the rails to find suga. he raised his arm and waved it when he saw him. "HERE! IM HERE!" he yelled back. sugas head turned to the familiar voice. *thank god. he is with kook* "STAY THERE. GO INTO THE CELL!" he yelled again. it became harder and slower to get to the stairs. he was shoved around, some even try to hit him. suddenly he blacked out. joon saw from afar how sugas body fell down. he looked upstairs and saw kookies face. he was pale and had huge eyes. *fuck. i need to get to him asap* joon looked for a way out of this chaos. "we need to get to yoongi and the boys" he guestured jin and jimin. they noded.

tae pushed kook back in the cell and closed the door. they panted hard and looked at each other. "did u see yoongi somewhere? he should already be here!" "dont panic. theres a lot going on outside. he will be here soon. and joon and the others too." suddenly the door went open. the boys looked up smiling but as they recocnized the men, the smile faded away. it wasnt joon or suga. they were from sangre. their enemies. taes hand grabbed kooks. as they gulped at the sight infront of them. "GET OUT! YOU DONT BELONG HERE! IF JOON WILL FIND YOU IN HERE HE WILL RIP YOUR DICKS OFF! GET OUT!" kook yelled at them. they just laught and closed the door tightly. tae and kook tried to get to the door, but it was to no avail. the three men punched them in their faces to get them still. "no one will come for your rescue. u are alone now. your boyfriends are taking care of." one of the man threatend.

sugas head hurt. he was still out, but could feel that he was dragged somewhere. he could hear voices but it was like if he was under water. they pushed him on the floor and stood around his body. slowly he came back to reality growling and moaning. he tried to sit up but was pushed back down. finally he opend his eyes. five men of the sangre gang where looking at him. "suga suga suga. u probably think how u got into this mess? huh?" suga just panted. "did u really think that everything u and namjoon and jin did would not have consiquences? that u can do what u like and fuck everybody without getting hurt? its payback bitch!" suga blinked at him. "what u wanna do asshole? five against one? typical" "oh u still have an attitude, huh? i think the boys should get u some manners" the other four started to stretch their arms and press their knuckels. some even smiled. suga closed his eyes. he prepared himself for the impact.

joon didnt got far either. he got seperated form jin and jimin and was now pressed against a wall. four men were cornering him. *shit, i need to find a way out* "ok boys. time for pain" and jumped at the next guy. he took him by surprise, but there were still others.

jin and jimin were nowhere to be found. jin hid jimin in a storage room and made his way back into the block. still in chaos with smoke and screams from every corner. no guard to be found. jin had to decide fastly. tae and kook, suga or namjoon. he saw joon fighting, suga was nowhere and he couldnt see the boys. *FUCK! WHERE ARE THEY?!"

the men starred at the boys like a monster its prey. they even licked their lips in what was to come. "i think we will have a lot of fun, right boys? i ll take sugas suger, we will take turns, so everybody got their fix" he walked up to tae, who was backing away. "dont touch me. i swear i kill u!" tae pressed out. the man laught. "i wanna see that." as he and the others closed in at the boys, kook and tae got their knifes out and started hitting them. they backed away imidiatly. "now" yelled kook and jumped on the next man.

suga was bleeding a lot. he was in pain. he couldnt do much to deffend himself. marco grabed his hair and pulled sugas face close to his. "i wanna see your look when i kill u" marco smiled put out a knife from his pants and drove it deep into suga. he gurgeld and gasped. marco pulled the knife out, just to stabb him again. after that he let go of sugas hair, stood up and wiped his knife of his pants. "lets go. he is done. we should check how it is with namjoon and jin. and maybe we get some ass too from tae and kook." they laught and left the bloody body on the floor.

finally the swat team arrived and started to get back control of the block. jin had the chance to get to joon. he was shocked of the sight. joon was beaten, he had wounds all over but he was alive. his opponents not so much. "we need to get to kook!" he panted. jin helped him up the stairs. trash layed everwhere, the fire were out. smoke clouds were dancing in the air. "the door is closed" jin stated. joon looked at him scared and opend it. the inside reminded them of a slasher movie. bodys on the floor and two guys standing over them drenched in blood, panting hard and in tears. "jungkook? taehyung?" joon whisperd. their heads shot up to the voice. "joon?" kook flyed into joons arms. "are u okay? where are u hurt! lets get u to the doc" kook babbeld. joon just looked at him astonished and than to the bodys. "what happend here?" "they attact us, we just deffended ourself." tae answerd. he looked behind joon and jin. "where is yoongi?" joon and jin widend their eyes. where was he?

tae ran through the block. he looked in every room, in every scary dark corner. he cried and almost ran into a door. where was yoongi? jimin, who got out of his hideout helped looking, while kook and jin brought joon to the infarmery. there were a lot of casulties on this day. "jimin u go there. i go this way" even with the swat around he was still allowed to look for suga. brenner told something to the swat leader, so they let him and jimin go. tae came to the copyroom and opend the door. "yoongi?" he walked into the room and froze. a bloody body layed on the floor. it took tae a few seconds before he bawled "NO! YOONGI" out. he crouched down and tried to wake him up. "YOONGI! COME ON! SUGAAAA WAKE UP!" he screamed at him. "please dont do this to me!" he saw the wounds and ripped his shirt off to press it onto it. "dont do that! please please! god please! no come on! wake up!" he cried out. "taehyung?" jimin came in. tae looked at him. "help me! he is not waking up! do something!" he cried almost hysterically. jimin looked at the body than looked at tae. he shook slowly his head. "tae.... i.. think... he is gone" he whisperd. "NOOOOO! HE CANT! HELP ME! YOONGI WAKE THE FUCK UP! COME ON! I LL DO ANYTHING, YOU HEAR? ANYTHING! WAKE UP!" he fell over sugas body and cried even harder as before. brenner and some other guards came due to the screaming. "shit" brenner stated. he went to tae and pulled him up and away. tae fought back, he didnt want to leave. the others heaved up sugas body and ran with it to the infarmery. "NO I WANT TO STAY WITH HIM! LET ME STAY WITH HIM!" "its good now tae! get yourself together!" he was overworked with the grieving boy. "i ll help u sir" jimin offerd. they got tae to the doc too. doctor spencer injected a sedativ into taes arm and told jimin to get him to bed.

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