
Sweet Kisses (1)

{ Ten minutes before }

The prince and princess stopped inside Evanna's bed chambers upon seeing a beautiful man kneeling on a cushion before the large bed. He wore only a robe, revealing a smooth, muscular chest. His brown hair was long and past his shoulders, eyes a deep blue. 

Evanna blinked back in surprise and shared a look with Arawn before approaching the elf. "*Who are you, and why are you here? *" She asked pensively. 

"*I am your servant, your highness. A gift from the king and queen,*" he replied, eyes still lowered to the ground.

Evanna enquired, "*Is that so? And could you please explain why my servant is scarcely dressed?*" Unbeknownst to Evanna, she remained oblivious to Arawn's intense glare directed towards the servant. 

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