
Gifts: Part One

Evanna halted her steps as she and the prince stared at each other. The princess tried to read his facial expression, body language, anything to tell her if he saw what happened. But as per usual, he was like a statue, unreadable. Until he nodded his head for her to come to him.

As she tentatively walked towards him, her clasped hands tightened together while she started to think more about the root that sprouted from the ground. When Evanna first saw it, she believed it might have been her doing; her flying emotions and reasoning to cause such a thing made sense. Maybe she had some unknown powers. She did, after all, have this sixth sense that nobody else had.

Plus, there was the time that the vine unwrapped itself and saved her from near death. But now, as Evanna approached the prince, she wondered if it was him. He did have the gift of ice, and she had a feeling, no, her senses were telling her that he had other powers not yet used in front of her.

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