
28.1 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Previously on Centaurus: Lily was left at the mansion as the rest of the band went out to purchase a firepower upgrade. Later Vivi had a milking emergency and the band ended up at a Cowkin Dairy where Fey rampaged amongst the Cowkin girls.

Now, Chapter 28:

The teddy bear brushed a paw over its brow feeling strangely exhausted. Which was odd as it wasn't like he had any muscles to get tired with. He adjusted the red dust rag on his head and glanced over the room he was in, checking the others were keeping busy.

He was standing in a vast kitchen, a huge thing with dozens of long counters, dozens of ovens, dozens of, well, everything a kitchen needed but multiplied. The mansion was excessive, so of course the kitchen was also excessively excessive.

He watched as a team of dolls boiled and mashed potatoes, a work line that dragged sacks of potatoes from storage to those cleaning and cooking them, then to those mashing and buttering and salting, then pouring it into to the basin of steaming mash potatoes beside that.

It was hardly the only operation going on in the kitchen. Every surface was covered with dolls and teddy bears busily clattering around the kitchen and turning raw ingredients into meals. Dozens of separate cooking operations from steaks to bacon to veggies to bread to cereal, the sheer quantity was incredible, the mansion's ridiculous stocks of ingredients turned into ridiculous quantities of food.

He leaned to the side and checked on the servants. Yep, they were still huddled in the pantry, absolutely terrified, the rotund head chef at the front holding a saucepan up in a white knuckle grip, her face drawn and pale. That was fine, as long as they kept out of way of the operation.

He stepped forward off the counter and casually stepped on top of a food trolley passing by being pushed by a dozen dolls. Putting his nub paws on his hips he stood at the bow as the trolley left the kitchen, banging the double doors open, and drove down the hall joining a number of other trolleys being pushed by dolls from other kitchens.

The convoy swiftly made its way through the mansion, servants cowering out of the way as they passed, any attempts at interference prodded away with kitchen knives. This was a serious operation and the teddy bear would not allow delays.

They soon made it to their destination, a three-storey stable outside, several of the doors and windows open with a smooth expanse of taut belly bulging out. The trolley rolled to a stop by a scaffolding construction that had been built up the side of the building. The teddy bear looked up as rows of block and tackle operated by dolls lowered ropes down onto the trolley, hooks latching onto the frame. The teddy bear kicked at one of the hooks checking it was solidly in place then nodded. The dolls then heaved on the ropes and the trolley rose up into the air, the teddy bear riding it like an elevator, one paw steadying himself against a guide rope.

The trolley went up and up and up and then it was hauled up onto the tiled roof by more ropes and more teddy bears and dolls, a positive army of the things who swarmed over it, pulling apart the trolley and taking the dishes from the shelves, holding them above their heads as they marched them across the tiles in long lines.

The teddy bear with the red headcloth jumped down and observed, a general inspecting his army. Then he followed to their destination.

A large hole had been made in the roof about thirty feet across, the edges swarming with movement, a conga line of teddy bears and dolls taking fresh food down a ramp to what lay below while on the opposite side a conga line took cleaned plates out, stacking them on the small hill of the things that had been built up beside the hole.

Strangely the red headcloth teddybear felt a little pride as he looked down into the hole to see his queen continuing to devour their hard work.

Lily tipped the plate of mashed potatoes up and expertly shovelled it into her mouth, practically drinking the stuff down. It was an impressive sight to see the food disappear so swiftly, as though it was just a snack when in reality it was a full meal. She tossed the plate aside as she finished and let out a tremendous belch. She slipped her hand below and patted her belly, still completely trim and flat, perhaps even more so than when she had started eating.

"Gods Lils you really are like a bottomless pit. How on earth are you eating so much..."

Lily glanced over to the one next to her who had spoken, Tami. 'Next' wasn't quite accurate as the teenager was both below and to the side. She was sat cross legged on the vast cum belly of the teenager, her taut horse cum filled stomach arcing away down into the dark stable all around them, the teenager's naked body at the peak of this vast shape. Tami was wearing a pair of darkened spectacles, sunglasses she called them, the reason why fairly obvious as she had gained a pleasing tan over her body where the sun's rays reached down through the hole in the roof.

Read ahead of public release here:


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