
8.5 p͏a͏t͏r͏e͏o͏n͏.c͏o͏m͏/S͏t͏r͏a͏t͏o͏t͏h͏r͏a͏x͏A͏f͏t͏e͏r͏D͏a͏r͏k͏

Ellaria's hand came up and touched at the tail coiling silkily around her leg, her fingers tracing its surface. She very nearly grabbed it and ripped it from her thigh…. But… Well, it was true that she was stressed, and she was also incredibly horny though she hated to admit it. Seeing Fey turn Vivi and Flora into a pair of groaning satisfied cum spheres and then having the druid ravage her had left her wanting, aroused, frisky.

She licked her lips unconsciously, remembering a certain centaur's taste.

"Hmphh. What about this potion?"

Ellaria picked up a glass bottle about the size of a pint glass. The inside was filled with a faintly glowing purple and blue liquid. It sloshed as she tilted the glass examining it.

"Ah that potion causes a male to be, shall we say, more productive."

Ellaria's eyes instantly lit up with interest.

"Productive you say? How… interesting."

"Why yes, it is."

"To be explicit, It makes you cum more?"

"Yes. It causes a male such as myself to produce more semen than they otherwise would."

"Could… Could you drink it?"

The drake gave her a sly smile and carefully took the potion from her hands, his claws clinking against the glass.

"This is meant for all the male companions who use this room, one sip is quite powerful."

He casually popped the lid and put the glass to his lips. He sipped once, then meaningfully, sipped again. His half lidded eyes never left Ellaria.

"Delicious." He put the potion back on the cabinet and held out a claw.

Ellaria put her glass down then gently took the offered claw. He led her over to the bed and flopped down on top the seething bog of cushions that lay across it, pulling her down with him. She came to rest on his broad muscular chest, her own weight entirely supported by his own powerful body.

This, this is nice, a little relief might be just what I need. Thought Ellaria as she lay upon him, feeling his chest rise and fall.

After a little while her hand slid down from his chest, she couldn't help it, she wanted to touch him in private places, to feel him grow beneath her touch. Plus she was curious about what she might find, she hadn't been with a species anything like the one she currently lay atop.

Her fingers slipped beneath the hem of his shorts, feeling down his smooth cream scales, and then his… wait… where was it?

Ellaria blinked and touched all over his crotch, but there was nothing there, only some uneven scales. She frowned and looked up at him questioningly. An amused expression was on the drake's face.

"Never been with a drake before huh?"

"No. What is this? Are you toying with me?"

"Hmm am I? Perhaps you should try and push a little harder."

Ellaria narrowed her eyes but did as he said, perfectly manicured fingertips tracing the odd scales. She pushed down at them and to her surprise felt her fingers sink between them. Warm.

"What on earth?"

She played around, pushing and prodding and exploring this strange anatomy until she felt something prodding back. To her shock, her fingers were pushed out from the slit by an emerging something.

Ellaria's fascination peaked and she found herself turning around so that she was on all fours over the drake, her crotch over his head.

Her eyes locked on to the new bulge in his shorts. She unbuttoned them, pulling the fabric apart and found a cock growing up into her hands, bumping up against her fingers, inching outward.

Ellaria examined the cock. It was large, and still growing, ridged and slick, its surface wetted from where it had been hidden beneath the drake's scales. The tip was a pinkish purple gradienting down into a deeper purple at the base. As she watched the tip drooled a line of clear precum that pooled on the drakes abdomen. It was tapered unlike what she was used to, fat in the middle, thick ridges ran up its length, she wondered how they would feel inside of her, pressing up against her walls. She swallowed.

She couldn't help herself, she caressed it, her finger tips touching up against its surface. It was warm, and very very slippery, infact as she moved her hand in and palmed the cock it shifted from her grasp before she caught it, or at least partially caught it, her fingers weren't able to fully encircle it. She slid her hand down its length, all nine inches, eliciting a shudder from the drake she was resting atop.

Ellaria felt hot air roll over her shorts and down her thighs, her crotch resting over the drakes muzzle. She blinked then lowered her hips experimentally, pressing her crotch down onto the drake's nose, the fabric of her shorts flattening against his scaled muzzle as her soft flesh deformed over it. The drake let out a huff and Ellaria felt the fabric heat over her crotch with his breath. She bit her lip and wiggled, grinding down onto him. She stifled a yelp as she suddenly felt the large and powerful tongue of the drake poke from between his teeth and push up against her crotch, pressing the cloth up between her folds.

"K-keep doing that…"

"Hang on," he gravelled back, Ellaria couldn't help but give a little shiver as the vibration of his voice rolled into her lower parts.

The drake suddenly shifted his claws up and ran a point over the fabric of her shorts, he slipped a claw between her thighs and Ellaria let out a gasp as a claw hooked the seam and tore open a diamond shaped split in the fabric where her puss was hidden.

"Hey what do you think you're do-EEE!"

The drake thrust his long thick tongue through the hole, shoving her lace panties aside and driving hard into her sopping cunt.

Community discord if you want to hang and see lewd art I make of this story ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I'm pretty good at art)


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