
The Merging of Souls

Amelie was walking out of her home, ready to go buy some groceries. Her pantry was running quite low, and she had been putting this event off for quite some time.

After all, who would want to leave their house, when they have anime to watch?

With a slight sigh, the girl locked her home's door, and began her walk to the store.

Or, she would have, if she didn't suddenly see a large shadow being cast over her. Amelie, curious, looked up and found a massive truck, falling from the sky.

Right above her current spot.

'Huh, so I'm about to die.' Amelie thought, her mind surprisingly apathetic towards this situation.

Amelie had been quite apathetic throughout her life, not much causing her to feel anything other than neutral. And apparently her death wouldn't cross that barrier.



Zeltretch smiled with glee, happy that the girl had finally left her house. He had been holding the two other souls in stasis, waiting for his chance to get her soul too.

He looked to the two souls currently in his possession, stolen right before the Throne could obtain them.

The first was an enchanting white haired, 5'1, woman, who held a staff in her arms. Merlin, or Merlin Proto as called by Amelie's world.

The other, a purple haired woman, who held features similar to an elf. Unlike the other mage, this one was colored in black and purple. In contrast to Merlin's white.

And finally, the final piece of the puzzle. Amelie.

Now that he had the her soul, he could begin his merging.

So, he began his work, a gleeful, slightly crazed smile on his face. First, he took the body of Merlin, wanting to use her as the base. Then, he began to carve through Medea's soul. He couldn't merge it all together at once, he had to do it in parts.

The first thing he did, was take the magnificent Magic Circuits from Medea's soul, implanting them and connecting them to Merlin's already outrageous Magic Core.

The next portion would be memories and knowledge.

For this, he took Amelie's soul first. Isolating the area in which memory was stored, and interweaving it with Merlin's.

He had to be careful about this part, as a single misstep could ruin all of the knowledge and memory from both souls.

Of course, he didn't think he needed most of Amelie's memories, just the important bits. So, before continuing with his weaving, he simply cut out the portion of things like family and friends. She wouldn't need it where she was going.

Then, he quickly finished and began to move to Medea's soul. He did the same process as before, but keeping all the memories this time. He didn't want to risk losing all the memories, as he couldn't find another compatible Medea.

He sure as hell looked of course.

He could easily find another Amelie, but the other two were far more valuable. Her knowledge wasn't the rarest thing, but her own was the most expansive he could find. After all, the place he was sending them was quite the convergence.

Zeltretch stretched in his chair, quite happy with his progress so far. The important stuff, and he was feeling rather lazy. He had already put quite a bit of work into this project, so it should be find to send it off. Right?

He quickly put the new soul inside of the body he created with the help of the Einzberns. It was merely a clone of Merlin's own body, so it should hopefully be quite compatible with the new soul. As the base was still Merlin.

So, with that. he quickly grabbed a small basket, put the baby inside of it, and sent it on it's way.


Merlin was rather confused. She found herself in a small body, and with new memories in her soul. She could feel knowledge that seemed to prove quite a few theories that Mages. About alternate realities.

But there was another set of memories. Of another Mage. It was quite awkward suddenly having knowledge of another Mage's inside of your head. Especially one as well known as Medea.

Merlin was about to use her magic, trying to figure out what was happening, but she saw the door before her small body open. Out stepped an elderly woman who looked concerned to find Merlin at her doorstep, but not quite surprised.

"Oh you poor thing." She said, a small, sad, smile adorning her elderly features. "Let's get you started here, I wouldn't want you to freeze out here. It is supposed to rain tonight after all."

Merlin decided to use a spell that she simply called Inspect, a much better version of Structural Analysis that the modern Mages used.

She used it to get a look at her current body. She found herself in the body of a baby, but she could tell it was still her own. After all, not many people had both pink eyes, and white hair.

But, that wasn't the biggest discovery she had found when she casted Inspect. She found a new Prana capacity was nearly doubled. Luckily, she still had her Succubus blood, so that was a nice discovery.

And the presence of Gaia was shockingly small in this place. She assumed that she could cast a simple illusion spell, and it would last for weeks, simply from the small presence of Gaia.

The Magus of Flowers decided she would shelve the magic testing until she had a bit more privacy, as she didn't know if the people of this world knew about magic. She could assume not, just from the memories she screened from the matron.

She quickly used her skill in Hypnosis to get the Matron to leave her in a private room. She watched as the Matron left, a glaze in her eyes.

'Perfect,' Merlin thought, 'Now I can start researching.'

So this is the first chapter of a story I've had on my mind for a bit. Yes, Amelie and Medea are gone. Amelie was just used for some metaknowledge that I wanted her to have.

I hope you've enjoyed it so far. There will definatly be more to come.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Khiionecreators' thoughts
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