
Chapter 93

If you want to read up to 20 chaps ahead or read other novels on the work go and check https://www.patreón.com/cornbringer

Currently on chapter: 107 on Patreön...

Avatar will have a mass release next week, including the ending of the first book, it would then pick up in the sequel, in the legend of Korra.


[Two weeks later]

I blinked as I came awake, my mind groggy, but something clear, someone had killed me last night, or at least made my physical form die for the first time… or second time… it's a confusing subject. "Huh?" I muttered, rubbing his eyes.

As I tried to gather my thoughts, a strong headache attacked me, this whole reforming business was not to my liking at all.

How did I die though… it sounds like something I should remember… but all I remember is that like usual I was getting my ass kicked by Thor and Sun Wukong, and then… "The fuck happened," I muttered as in pain my hand clutched at my chest.

"Kid," Sun Wukong greeted startling me, from a simple glance I could tell he had a new scar running down his chest to his right knee, "You gave me a scare last night," the monkey king sighed, rubbing his temples, "Sorry for killing ya,"

"I would say I am angry… but, I don't remember shit," I replied, "Why did you kill me though?"

"Well… I think it's in part my fault, I decided to try and see how far I could push your buttons… one thing led to another… and you snapped," Sun Wukong sighed, "For a brief moment, you… it doesn't matter," it doesn't matter, what in the fuck does he mean by it doesn't matter?!

"Hold your ass! Of course it matters!" I roared, one thing was that I didn't harbor any hard feelings towards him, but hiding crucial information for me, was an ass move!

"Kid, I underestimated how strong the monster of your father is," Sun Wukong sighed.

My father… please don't tell me he's inside me cause if he is I will kill h…. that bastard… "Please tell me he didn't pull a cliche move by controlling my body…" at this point I wasn't even interested in knowing who he was, right now… I wanted to know if the control of my body was compromised.

"No," Thor answered before Sun Wukong had the chance as he entered my room… wait since when do I have a room here… back to the point Adam, "But, he proved just how much he wants you to live, he made some kind of magic thingy to stop anyone from killing you… apparently Sun Wukong got too close to the activation point of the spell, and well… here we are," taking a closer look to Thor, I noticed he also had new bloody scars on his body.

"That… that still doesn't answer what in the fuck happened, why do you two have new scars… did I do that?" I asked, why couldn't a fucking god be straightforward, like.. is being confusing a fucking requirement?!

"Well, yes but no…" Sun Wukong hummed, "According to Buddha, the spell was made to create an avatar from your power to defend you… the avatar had much more power than I anticipated…" the monkey king admitted, "So… I was forced to kill you while Thor stalled the monster that spell created, it was the only way to stop the avatar from leveling Brazil,"

"That… doesn't make any sense!" Where was the equivalent exchange in that?! "How can an avatar made from my power be strong enough to fight and hurt you two, when I get my ass kicked everyday?!" How could something made from me… be stronger than me… it made no fucking logical sense.

"Kid… like I told you, you are barely using your power like you should… the avatar didn't have that problem, granted the avatar was only using two thirds of your full power… which is why the battle didn't escalate from our scars," Sun Wukong chuckled, "It caught us by surprise,"

Did I really have that much power? "So… is the spell gone?"

"Yeah… no," Thor sighed, "Buddha said only you or… that bastard can remove it, but for you to do that you would have to learn better control of your power, so back to square one,"

Did I want to remove the spell though? So far it seemed exclusively beneficial, a spell to help me avoid certain death… but then again… something was off, where was that shit when I almost died on Tartarus, or during the sirens quest?

"Alright… but let's make one thing clear… nobody will tell Hestia I died," I shuddered by just imagining her rage… if I told her I did the one thing I promised her I wouldn't do…

"Agreed," Thor nodded all too quickly, "She almost burned me alive because she thought I left you to face Jörmungandr alone as if I would do such a thing!," he shuddered, "How can someone so adorable be so scary is beyond me…"

"I don't know her that well, but I have learned over my long life… it's best not to provoke the rage of a woman," Sun Wukong chuckled nervously, "After all, it's like they say… Hell hath no fury like a woman rage,"

That… is not how it goes, but close enough, "Good, now… let's try to speed my training up,"

"I have just the thing," Sun Wukong grinned, "It should increase the rate you improve exponentially," then why… WHY didn't he start with whatever that was?!

"I swear to me monkey… if that method you are just bringing now up is as effective as you are selling it to be… I will kill you," Thor growled.

"First of all, I didn't bring it up because I didn't think the kid was… well, quite there yet, and second… monkey? That's hurtful, I'm a king, so at least address me as such if you have to call me monkey," Sun Wukong chuckled, as Thor tried to smash him with Mjolnir.

As I eyed the two, I couldn't help but feel… a bit worried about my father and his involvement with my life, I just didn't buy the part he put that spell there to protect me… otherwise I would've found about it sooner, a looooot sooner. I almost died in Tartarus alone hundreds of times, just what kind of pawn was I… in the great scheme of things?

I suppose… in the end, it doesn't matter, because I won't play whatever game he's playing.

Siguiente capítulo