
Chapter 83

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Being face to face with Jormungandr made it absolutely clear the beast was not happy at all with my presence, inwardly I cursed when I realized what Loki had truly done, but there was no time to waste right now. Right now I had to deal with the gigantic snake that wanted to snack on me

With a low and deafening hiss, Jormungandr charged at me, at full speed. His mouth full of razor-sharp teeth that promised a world of pain if he managed to munch on me, in terms of sheer size the beast had the advantage, but if I played my moves carefully, I had more freedom of movement that he had, with that in mind I teleported behind his head, trying to maintain some distance between us.

"No need to be angry with me Godzilla, your dad sent me here," I muttered, as I continued to teleport behind him everytime he turned to face me, while wondering how could I get the scales I needed, I mean, I was already here, I might as well try to get what I need.

Unsure how to proceed with my quest, I decided to test how much damage I would be able to deal to the beast, by throwing my most powerful mana blast at it. And while that got me the beast's attention, it did no damage at all, in fact, it was almost as if the blast dissipated into nothing as soon as it touched the beast. In retaliation Jormungandr tried to bite me down moving towards me alarmingly fast, fortunately for me, magic is usually faster than most creatures including the biggest snake in the universe and thanks to that, I managed to dodge its charge by teleporting out of the way.

But dodging would not get me out of this, if I didn't manage to hurt the beast, I would eventually die, it was no secret Jormungandr had more energy than me, and would not stop pursuing me until I was inside his giganormous belly. But what was I to do, when the beast simply shrugged my most powerful attack like it was a breeze, how was I supposed to damage such a powerful foe if my best did nothing, perhaps a different approach?

As I continued to teleport out of the way, over and over again, I started to blast the beast with different attacks, fire, ice, wind, pure mana, anything that I could think of, and regardless of the strength behind said attacks, the result was the same, nothing. Something was clearly wrong here, even if Jormungandr eclipsed me in power, my attacks should have an effect, even if that effect is a small one, but so far nothing.

And then it hit me, was if the reason behind my attacks not affecting the beast at all was the same reason behind the total lack of mana on the realm I was currently in? Could it be that Jormungandr was responsible for the mana situation in this world, and if so… was that the reason behind his total immunity to mana based attacks?

I guess there was only one way to find that out, trying to hurt the beast with pure brute strength, summoning my sword I teleported above the creature as I proceeded to bring my sword downwards on his head with all my strength, trying to cut the beast, unfortunately the sword broke upon contact like a cup of glass, but this time, it was different, unlike before where my mana based attacks simply dissipated, I felt the beast's scaly skin budge a little. Proving my theory true, Jormungandr was the worst possible enemy for a mage, the motherfucker was immune to magic, no wonder Thor was the one destined to kill him, the strongest norse god physically was the best fucking option to deal with him.

But now that I had a plausible idea of what I was dealing with, the question was… how the fuck was I supposed to get the scales I needed, I was in RPG terms built to be a mage, this sort of thing was not something I was well equipped to deal with, I either needed a stronger sword, which I did not have, or I needed to be stronger physically which was not something I could possibly accomplish right now.

"Fuck," I cursed, dodging a very close attempt from the beast to swallow me whole, noticing his attacks were increasing in speed by the second all while realizing a quite disturbing fact that I had failed to notice, if Jormungandr managed to swallow me, I would die, and before I hear anyone say, not shit Sherlock, I mean that even if the beast swallows me alive, I would be able to escape him, his body was built to kill mages, and if he dissipates mana and spells inside of him like he does on the outside, well… I would be fucked.

Maybe I should've stayed weaponless, it had done wonders for me so far, I mean I should've seen this shit coming when the last two ingredients were so fucking dangerously impossible to get, the red flags were so clear I feel I should be communicating on semaphore right now, I mean… the Fang of Fenrir and the sca--- the fang of fenrir, I have that…. What if… what if I can hurt the beast with the fang of his own brother. The fang was clearly stronger than the toothpick I used trying to cut him down, and if anything within my arsenal was physically strong enough to hurt the beast, it was that.

"Hey ugly!" I shouted, as I teleported a few thousand meters above him, for this to work, I would not only need to use the Fang, but make sure to the the laws of nature on my favor, like for example, the inescapable force of Gravity, "Let's go ahead and see how resistant you are to damage," I grinned, as Jormungandr rushed at me, feeling things would end well for me, for the first time in ever.

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