
CHAPTER - 29 { Mega Evolution Test Part-3 }

"Gege Gengar!"

Gengar, in his Mega form, floated in the air and looked around the battlefield with his laughter echoing in the entire practical field.

"Gengar, Shadow Ball."

Ordered Kota. Gengar stopped in the air at the center of the battlefield then conjured multiple Shadow Balls around him.

About 23 Shadow Balls to be exact. Seeing this, Kota showed an impressed look then crossed his arms over his chest.

These Shadow Balls revolved around Gengar then with a snap of his finger, vanished in thin air.

The control over his powers had increased and now Gengar could easily travel through different shadows just like the Legendary pokemon, Darkrai.

There's also the special ability of having access to different dimensions similar to another pokemon, Part of the Creation Trio, Giratina.

"It's enough."

Said Kota as he canceled the Mega Evolution, black flames engulfed Gengar once again then extinguished. Feeling the powers decrease, Gengar wasn't happy in the slightest.


He made faces then dived into Kota's shadow, his cries resonating in the depths of darkness.

It's been three days since the first Mega Evolution test. Now, all the trainers were learning to extend the time of the use of Mega Evolution.

So far, Alain and Cynthia were possibly the best when it came to holding on to the Mega Evolution longest.

But of course when it came to battling, no one could rival Kota and his Mega Gengar. They even trashed Alice and her Mega Zoroark.

"Kota, let's battle!"

Walking towards the battlefield, Cynthia waved her hand towards Kota with a bright face. It seems she had overcome last night's defeat.


Asked Kota with confusion, why would she repeatedly request for battle even though she isn't improving at all.

'I guess everyone is like Ash in this world, no one wants to quit.'

Kota shook his head with a soft chuckle. Then gestured her to get in position while he stood on one side of the battlefield with his Gengar.

"Hehe. This time for sure! Kota, if I win you need to treat me with a large bowl of ice cream!"

Saying so, Cynthia called out Garchomp on the battlefield then stretched her arms and legs.

"Gengar, same as last night."


Kota nodded at Gengar with a faint smile. Then turned to face in the direction of Cynthia.

To describe her, Cynthia was like a knight. She was righteous, determined and compassionate.

As for her figure, though in her early twenties she looked not much older than Kota in age. She was tall, lean and pretty, also fully bloomed in required places.

"Unfortunately I have no interest in love. It's nothing but just a parasite that slowly eats you away until you are left hollow inside."

Whispered Kota to himself. His eyes regained their emotionless state, and his face indifferent.

"Gengar, Shadow Ball!"

Gengar started the battle with two Shadow Balls shooting towards Garchomp on the other half of the battlefield.

"Garchomp, Twister!"

Garchomp spread its wings protruding from its forearms, then rotated itself while the winds formed to start a huge Twister.


The two Shadow Balls exploded as they came in contact with the Twister. Gengar quickly flew up and waited for the Twister to go away before eyeing Garchomp.


"Confuse Ray."

Ordered Kota. Gengar widened his eyes then shot two beams of spiral rays in multiple colors aimed at Garchomp.

"Dodge it! Then use Draco Meteor!"


Slamming its tail on the ground, Garchomp flew in the air to dodge the Confuse Ray. Then, opened its mouth wide and shot a strong ball of energy in the air above it.


The ball of energy then exploded and shattered into many pieces which started falling down in the sense of meteors.


Staring at Garchomp, Gengar chuckled then his body came down on the ground and sank in his own shadow before the meteors could hit him.



The meteors burst and formed craters in the battlefield. When no meteor was left, Gengar rose up from his shadow complete uninjured.

"Hah… Ghost types are really troublesome. But we won't lose yet! Garchomp, it's time! Mega Evolve!"

Declared Cynthia as she smiled towards Kota. After changing into Mega form, Garchomp grind its blades and glared at Gengar.

'Garchomp, Bite!' (In mind)

Garchomp stomped its feet then launched itself straight towards Gengar with its mouth wide open. The razor sharp teeth in its mouth were ready to rip apart Gengar into shreds.


By the time Gengar and Kota reacted, Garchomp was just a few inches away from Gengar's face.

Thankfully Gengar was quick enough to barely lower his head and raise his hand on Garchomp's jaws. If any millisecond less, Gengar was done for.

"Shadow Ball!"

Kota responded immediately. Gengar condensed three dark energy balls and exploded them on Garchomp's face.


Gengar retreated back and distanced himself from Garchomp. As the black smoke from the explosion dispersed, Garchomp still stood there with only some marks on the face.

Not much damage was deal because with Mega Evolution, Garchomp's defense had risen to the next level.

'Shadow Claw! Let him eat his own medicine, Garchomp!'

Cynthia watched with sweating hands as Garchomp leaped forward and slashed down at Gengar with Shadow Claws.


The ground was split by two deep cuts due to Gengar dodging the Shadow Claws with slight difficulty.

"Gengar, is it time?"

Asked Kota with a plain voice, but it was enough to cause a reaction of stress from Cynthia and Garchomp.

'Don't let him use Mega Evolution! Use Crunch!'

Sweat rolled down her forehead and Cynthia started getting anxious. Was it going to be another defeat?


Feeling her negative thoughts, Garchomp roared loudly and stomped the ground bringing Cynthia back to her senses.

'Thank you, buddy! Let's win this!'

It all happened within a fraction of a second, both Cynthia and Garchomp's mind cleared and turned into one.


Blasting from its spot, Garchomp glided low above the ground and reached out its crunching mouth at Gengar.


Before Gengar could dodge, the sharp teeth pierced through his skin and grind the dark flesh.

"In shadow!"

Rushed Kota. Gengar grit his teeth then pushed Garchomp off him resulting in his flesh to get ripped off. Dark blood flowed down on the uneven ground.



Gengar's figure slowly submerged in the pool of dark blood on the ground, but not before his red glowing reds looking at Garchomp.


Garchomp alarmed, shifted its eyes on its shadow but couldn't see any changes. Even so, it maintain itself on a high alert.

"Gengar, now it's time! Let's Mega Evolve!"

Kota closed his eyes, then he felt a strong connection forming with a dark figure in the depth of his shadow.

With burning black flames, Gengar slowly rose back up from the pool of dark blood with his Mega form. His wounds, were now completely healed.

But the red eyes still remained.

'Garchomp, be careful.'

Warned Cynthia when she saw how Gengar was staring at Garchomp, just like a predator which has been angered by a prey.

'Shadow Ball. Phantom Force. And Dark Pulse.'

Ordered Kota in his mind. Gengar formed twenty Shadow Balls around him with just a single thought. Then, these Shadow Balls spread and surrounded Garchomp.

After which Gengar slowly disappeared in thin air, it was like an illusion but real.


All the Shadow Balls shot at Garchomp. Doing its best, Garchomp tried to outrun all those Shadow Balls unfortunately Gengar appeared right in front of it and slammed his tight fist on Garchomp's face.



While Garchomp was caught in explosion of all the Shadow Balls, Gengar used Dark Pulse and increase the explosions.

As if feeling that it wasn't enough, Gengar dashed forward towards the explosions. His third eye in the center of his forehead also opened up and his total figure was emitting deadly aura.

"We lose! Surrender! We surrender!"

Unfortunately for Gengar before he could add more attacks, Cynthia's voice admitting defeat sounded loudly making him stopped just before the severely wounded Garchomp.

Even the Mega Evolution had been canceled because Garchomp didn't have much energy left to fight.

Face to face with Mega Gengar and his three red eyes, Garchomp lowered its head in fear and fright. There was also the exhaustion and weakness.

While Cynthia took Garchomp to get treatment, Kota stood before Mega Gengar and examined him with a curious look.

"You really are taller now."

Muttered Kota as he measured his height of 1.68 meters with Mega Gengar who stood at 1.75 meters.

Yes, Kota had grown taller in the past year. It could be said that going on an adventures journey and experiencing unknowns resulted in a boost of growth hormones.

With this, the forth day of Mega Evolution test was finally over. The next day, the fifth day, the Professors were going to led them battle officially in the battlefield.

And of course all those battles will be recorded and shared with other researchers and scientists all around the world.

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