
CHAPTER - 14 { Being Popular }

Standing on the back of Fearow, Kota smiled towards the giant Tentacruel.

"The world was never fair! You were weak so the humans took control! And now with that size, you are still weak! Come with me! I will make you strong! You will have that strength which will surprise you!".

Kota extended his left hand towards the giant Tentacruel, not forgetting to keep the smile.

"The humans have known why you are doing this! So don't worry and just take my hand! Come with me, Tentacruel!".

Each and every word from Kota sent chills to the giant Tentacruel.

It felt like Kota was a reincarnation of a devil, offering power on behalf of something equal in worth.

Freedom that is…


Tentacruel rejected that offer making Kota immediately angered.

"Gyarados! Get me this thing, " Shouted Kota with rage in his voice as his smile vanished.


Gyarados shot Hyper Beam at the giant Tentacruel once again.

Injured and exhausted, the giant Tentacruel was completely vulnerable to Gyarados.


The small Tentacools rushed towards Gyarados and attacked with Water Gun.

But Gyarados didn't show any sign of dodging those attacks and instead faced them head-on.


The Water Guns hit the upper body of Gyarados, yet no effect was visible.

"Fearow, Hyper Beam, " Commanded Kota looking down at the giant Tentacruel coldly.


With the Hyper Beam from Fearow, the leftover small Tentacools were blown away.

"Gyarados! More Hyper Beams!, " Ordered Kota with his blank expression towards the giant Tentacruel.


Gyarados, obeying Kota's order, fire more Hyper Beams at the already defeated giant Tentacruel.


The giant Tentacruel groaned in pain, its eyes closed and its body with no strength.

* * *

"What the hell is Kota doing! The giant Tentacruel has already given up yet why is he making Gyarados still attack?, " Shouted Misty in anger looking towards the Ash on her side.

"He is angry. That's his cold side which I try to avoid as much as I can, " Said Ash in a low voice making Misty pause her shouts.

"If that's true, then he won't stop until the giant Tentacruel is completely unable to move, " Said Brock gravely, his eyes fixed at the expressionless face of Kota.

"We must stop him, Ash!, " Said Misty, still holding the small Horsea in her arms.


Horsea also nodded its head in agreement to Misty's request.

"It's already over, Misty, " Said Ash with a weak voice, he pointed towards the direction of the battle.

Misty saw Kota holding a pokeball in his hand, and the giant Tentacruel was missing.

Misty grinded her teeth, she couldn't help those small Tentacools to save their home.

Neither could she do anything to stop the giant Tentacruel.

Ash clenched his fist tightly, he stared at the leaving figure of Kota on the back of Fearow.

Will he even be able to defeat Kota if the things go on how it is? He doesn't think so.

* * *

Hours later___

The video of Gyarados battling the giant Tentacruel was uploaded.

Even though it was Gyarados who had the upper hand in the battle from the beginning.

The appearance of Kota on the back of an extremely huge Fearow was not ignored.

Kota's words had a deep effect on many people and their pokemons.

Some were very angry about his aggressiveness towards the giant Tentacruel.

It was confirmed that the identity of Kota is a trainer from Pallet Town.

It caused a sensation in the net, and the battle video spread throughout the entire Kanto Region.

The big professors talked about the size of Tentacruel and Kota's abnormal Gyarados.

Unknown to the people, Kota tried to make Tentacruel realize that he was already captured.

For an entire week, Kota had his pokemons beat up Tentacruel badly.

Only then did Tentacruel give up the will to fight back against Kota' orders.

With the addition of Tentacruel who was about two hundred meters tall in height.

Kota's pokemon team was already strong enough to destroy a city in a single day.

"I have two water type pokemons, one flying, one bug and one fire type. Tentacruel is too big to use in a Gym battle or even in any tournament, " Said Kota sitting on a tree branch and looking in the sky.

He closed his eyes and rested for sometime on the tree branch before continuing his journey.

His next stop was the Ice Gym of Ice Age island, it was place not introduced in the anime.

There is a city on the island called Igloo, it is actually a very famous city in Kanto Region.

That's because the city makes the most popular ice cream in the entire Kanto Region.

Iceball, the company's name. It's is also one of the biggest company in Kanto and Johto region.

The Ice Age island had heavy snowfall, and the temperature is below ten degrees.

The Gym leader is famous for being as strong as the Elite Four.

This is also a reason that the Icecube badge is almost impossible to get.

Nobody challenges her, the gym leader. Even if they do, they normally lose.

Kota wasn't going to challenge her, instead he was going to that island to train Charmelean.

If possible, maybe evolve Charmeleon to a Charizard.

* * *

When Kota reached the Ice Age island, he first impression was- Cold.

Yes, the island was very cold. A perfect place to train fire type pokemons.

Igloo City___

Kota bought more warm clothes, then booked a room in one of the most luxurious hotel.

The price was not much for him, well thanks to him being rich from the moment he was born.

He sat in front of a machine, it was blue in color. There was a screen and a handset on the side.

Dialing a number, Kota waited for the call to be answered.


"Kota! I was just thinking about you!, " On the screen, a man with white short hairs was displayed.

It was Professor Oak, he was almost going to stick his face on the screen.

"Professor, I think you should adjust yourself a little bit because you are too close to the screen, " Said Kota while shaking his head and looking at Professor Oak.

"Oh! What about now?, " Asked Professor Oak moving back and looking at the screen.

"Ya, now it's okay, " Said Kota nodding his head, he then took out the black coloured badge case.

"I got two three badges so far, " Informed Kota while showing the badges to Professor Oak.

"Wow, good! Hey! You made me forget what I was going to say!, " Said Professor Oak, he then took a deep breath before speaking.

"Now listen carefully…

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