
[LXII] — Diamond Wagon

Blowing through my hair was the cold and fragrant wind of the underground. With my short hair swaying in the air, as my body swiftly moving along the train tracks, the nine of us were hiding in the darkness, hanging on the side of the metro speeding through. With the long wagons going into an unknown for me direction, I was dependent on the instructions given in my head. Seeing no more than the passing miles of concrete walls, the perseverance of the unbound time in the underground reminded me of this metropolis greatness.

"It has been already an hour, how much longer is it going to take..." — An annoyed voice of Silen disrupted my thinking, coming from the earphone piece.

The passing noise of the train was so loud, we wouldn't hear each other, so Dr. Neumiro and Bellus came up with using the communication devices plugged in our ear, to easily communicate in case something happens. Being pinned by a special equipment to the last wagon of the metro, it wasn't so tiring to keep yourself on it all of the time. And a long part of it has already passed.

"Shut up prick. Tired already?" — An analogue voice of Noctis answered.

"Our location is just a few minutes from the border between Heliodorrus and Sardius. If the information is correct, there will be no transfer to another train, it should pass after the passenger examination inside. And just after it, we will shortly arrive at our destination." — Bellus' voice sounded like a robotic guide.

"This is a passenger train? Woah, kinda curious how the people of Primus district look like... Are their faces worn out from the work like in Secundus and Tertius?" — Silen's voice sounded quiet unusually longing as for him.

But not another second has passed, when the loud yells could be heard in the communication devices, as well as faintly next to me.

"Try to move an inch and I'll throw you down on the tracks!" — The low voice of the black-haired itched in my mind.

"I wanted a peek..."

"You're gonna observe as many people as you want from the roofs, so fucking calm down." — Suddenly, another voice raised in irritation. The same low and husky tone I heard once in the dark alleyway. It made me shiver from the chills it sent down my spine.

But suddenly, I felt that the train started to slow down, with the walls passing by my eyes gradually slower and slower.

With their voices arguing with each other in my ears, I faintly whispered:

"It's stopping down."

But just as I said it, they all silenced. The ringing high pitch noise was getting lower, and the bodies of ours moved not so fast.

"Bellus, is it supposed to stop?" — Meridies asked with an anxious tone.

"Not if everything inside was okay. It seems there is a passenger who doesn't have a permit to cross the border."

"There are already nine of them, haha." — The voice of silver-haired could now be heard in the air.

"Shut up, or someone will hear us..." — Aura decided to speak up.

The wagon breaking with a screeching noise, we tried to remain silent, pinned to the side of the last wagon. It was an electrical installment one, with no passenger inside. The lack of windows and a solid metal surface allowed all of us nine to fit on the one side. With me being second from the beginning, Bellus and Stella next to me, I hoped I didn't have to worry for anything. The wall facing us, all of us were overjoyed with the fact that all of the stops were on the one, opposite side. Awaiting calmly, hiding in the darkness, we heard faint noises and whistles in the far front.

"What the fuck is taking them so long." — The impatient tone of Silen was painfully loud.

"Shut up!" — Four people whispered at once.

And then, the voices have echoed close.

"Search the back wagon!" — Its doomed meaning itches through our muscles.

Holding our breathes in, it felt surprisingly tight for the nine of us to just hide and wait in here. The space between our bodies and the opposite wall was narrow, and the equipment started to pin into the skin.

With the moving shadows of the train, suddenly lighted up by the lighters, I could see the white stain appear on the gray wall above me. I tried not to move, not to breathe, not to blink, afraid as if any movement could expose me. Despite being hidden closely on another side, with them not seeing any part of me, the unknown fear still grew, as if the key moment was inches apart. The end of the wagon was lightened up, as if searching for anyone who would dare to catch on the metro and travel by grabbing to the back.

The lights have flashed for a few minutes, and just when one thought it would be the end, with the white of the light becoming pure snow color, they just went away. Once again, in the darkness lit only by one, old lantern in the ceiling, it seemed that the search has come to an end. A whistle blew through the air, with voices coming from the front once again.

But just when the train started to slowly accelerate, a bone-piercing sound slashed through my body.

"You idiot! Your fucking leg is sticking out!"— The yell of Noctis could be heard by everyone without a need of earphone piece.

Echoing though the tunnel, the ominous sound of his irritated screams made one's muscles twitch. Just when I wondered why the hell would he scream so loudly, the lights have turned on once again.

"Trespassers on the other side!" — Bouncing of the concrete walls, it was a solid thing directed at us.

The white flashed before my eyes, when the train attempted to slow down again, I could hear all of them sigh in distress. Are we going to... Get caught? When we didn't even arrive at the destination?

My hands started to shiver, as everyone around was panicking as well.

"You dick, why did you scream?! You lost your mind?! You blew our cover off!" — Aura seemed not to care about keeping quiet anymore, knowing that they have already been discovered.

"Shut up! They could have easily seen him, and then what?!"

"Yeah? But it was you who made it clear to the whole world! Should have kept fucking quiet!" — Silen didn't seem to care too, burning up a whole new argument.

"You... I'm gonna kill you."

With the train slowing down at the passing station, I could see the warm lights from it light on the walls. Hearing their raised voices argue made me feel anxious. We need to do something, the train cannot stop at all cost. Where could we run to? Does anyone know the plans of this strange place? We can't be caught... How will we proceed... With the mission...

If this train only had a way of manually controlling it... But it's... Directed by the network and the system...

The sounds of startled crowd waiting on the station, and clinging weapons came from behind our backs. The noise mixed with the others arguing made me nauseous. Is no one going to do anything?!

Looking to my left and right, both of their faces looked like in pain. It seems they think forward, knowing that nothing will come from running, there isn't anywhere to. Moving towards the center of the train, Stella pushed into me, forcing me to move. We can't be seen. Running forwards, into the tunnel, the train could come up and catch us anyway. Going back means loosing progress. Rushing through the station... There are too many people... And the sounds of weapons... So familiar...

"We need to run." — The firm and resolute voice of Ignis woke up everyone from their despaired states.

The train almost stopping down, I wondered if this is the right thing to do.

"Where to?" — Meridies asked worryingly.

But no one answered her, so we all stayed despite Ignis' words. They understood.

"Come out with your hands in the air!" — The distorted voice sounded in the back.

"Pussies, let's just wipe them all out!" — Silen yelled, announcing that his homicidal urges have taken over.

"The old man has told us not to kill anyone you dick!" — Aura tried to control him.

"Try to move and I will wipe you out first." — Noctis threatened the silver-haired with his low and frightening voice.

"Kill or be killed first, loser!"

But just as I heard Noctis trying to hold a grip of him, and the officers repeating the same thing over and over, something warm heated up my back.

Coming to realize, behind me was the sole last wagon of the metro, with all of the electric installment inside. Could there also be a control panel?

"What if we... Kidnap the train?" — I silently interrupted the argument between Silen and Noctis.

The silence that has fallen down was a confused answer to me. This audacious thought wasn't meant to be spoken out loud. The most lunatic ideas in my head always die inside of if. So why, why have I spoken up with such an attitude?

Everyone's wondering was interrupted by the sounds of bullets piercing the walls next to our eyes. The tracks are connected to an electrical field, maybe that why they haven't stepped in here yet. But they shall be deactivated sooner or later.

"How the fuck do you want to do that?" — Aura shivered as she sensed the upcoming danger.

"The service wagon..."

"I could actually..." — Bellus' voice raised up when it was needed the most.

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