
44. The Unexpected Moment

It's already 11 p.m. when they finished the dinner, that was the best dinner that they have been doing in years. Especially for Diana, she never felt this way with a guy before. Despite the trauma, she had never seen or been involved with a guy that could attract her.

"So how's your work? Have you find the answer yet?" James asked while they sat at the balcony with wine on the other hand.

"Awful..." She's just answered with a tired tone from her voice.

"Okay, that's mean that you didn't find the answer yet."

Diana couldn't argue with that, What do you love about this job? That's a big question that had been echoed in her head for the past month. She used to say that she loved it a lot, but this past month she even couldn't stand being in the office for so long.

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