

Jackcy's Point of View,

"What I will do now Lissa, when the police are not helping me, who the hell is he, and why the hell police are helping him,

I was so helpless and scared too, I do not even know anyone, who could help me,

" Hey, Jackcy, I am with you, just do not give up okay, I will help you no matter what, and there is no need to be scared, we will do something for sure", said Jackcy and sat beside me,

"Wanna eat something", Lissa asked me and I just shook my head, I just lost my appetite, who will wanna eat when that much is happening,

"Come on Jackcy, just cheer up, I am going to make lunch for us, you can take some rest", said Lissa,

but she was also with me all the time, and that would be unfair if she will make food alone,

"Lissa", I said and she turned her head,

"Hmm what happens, say", she said,

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