
16. Goodbye My Forever Home

The weekend went by in a blur, next thing I know it's Sunday night and the boys are packing up all of their stuff.

Leaning against the island bar I watch them get all their stuff together, my face is blank, wishing in that moment that they could stay here forever.

Letting out a deep sigh I know that deep down it's never going to happen, I mean when does anything ever go my way?

My arms are folded across my chest, looking around at all of them my eyes stop on HeeHee, watching him with a smile as he struggles with his stuff.

Finally letting out as sigh as he gives up on packing his things, taking pity for him I walk over, pulling his arm away from the bags I squat down to help him.

Zipping the last bag for him I stand back up, grabbing one of the bags I head outside to put it gently in Jays parents car.

The boys come out after me and place their stuff in as well, Jay slams the car door shut, a bit too rough.

'I guess he's upset about leaving too, I don't know when the next time I'll get to see them is...."

Leaning against the car I take the boys in, their heads are down, ones fiddling with their fingers, one has his hands pushed into his pockets and ones hands are furiously running through their hair.

My god are we a pity bunch.

Taking a deep breath I pull each one of their hands, they all come closer to me, leaning against me as I wrap my arms around them as best as I could.

Their arms wrap around me, one rubbing my back, one squeezing me tightly and the last is combing their hand through my hair.

It's too relaxing for them to be leaving me right now, I feel like I just got them back and now we have to separate again.

Honestly this sucks, all of this just sucks.

I hate my new school, I hate my new dance studio, I hate my new house, I just miss my family.

My best friends.

I'm miss my home.

A tear slips from my eyes and travels down my cheek, instantly cooling my burning face, dripping from off the curve of my jaw and into our bunched up bodies.

A hand comes up to wipe away the streak the tear left on my face, they all start to whisper sweet nothings into my ear.

We pull apart from each other as jays parents say it's time to head back home, looking up into the boys eyes I see all of them are clouded with tears that will never get the chance to slip from their spot.

Sniffing quietly I kiss each of their cheeks as they give me one last hug, they all slowly get into the car, glancing back at me constantly to get one more look at me before they go.

And me?

I just stand there, there's nothing I'm able to do but watch, watch them pack up and leave me, like I once did to them.

And now I realize just how sad and scared...

Jay felt.

As all the doors close and the car pulls out of the drive way all I could do was watch.

All I could do as I see the faces of the three boys I love the most was..


As the small smile barely lights up my face I pull it tighter, putting on a small facade, so that they don't cry.

At least that's what I tell myself, because In all reality I know it's really me I'm doing this for, because if I don't, I know right here and right now I'll be the one crying.

Running out into the street I watch the back of the truck slowly drive down the road, the only thing stuck in my head the rest of the day was them.

The three faces looking at me through the back window as they make their way down the road and back home.

As Jays lip quivers in sadness.

As Henerys eyes are filled with tears he's trying not to let out.

As Junes hands come up to wipe all the tears that keep falling.

All I could do was watch,

And as I watched..

My heart slowly broke...

And the tears slowly dripped down my face,

Sitting down in the middle of the road I wrap my arms around myself.

Trying and trying,

To hold onto their warmth.

The warmth I call home.

As the sky starts to drip and the clouds turn dark I'm glad for once that I'm unable to tell the difference between the rain and my tears.

Realizing that my facade was all for nothing.


"Beep! Beep! Beep!"

'Ughh please not today'

Swinging my hand out from under the blanket I start to feel around me, gripping onto the cord in the wall I successfully unplug my alarm clock.

Rolling back over I cuddle back under the blankets, my dream coming back to me.

'Do you, Jeon Jungkook, Take...'



My body jerks from my sleep as I sit up in bed, throwing the blanket from off my body I run to my bathroom.

Ripping the door open I furiously brush my teeth, hair, and put on some deodorant.

Running back into the room I quickly grab some clothes from out of my closet, slipping them on I grab my phone.

Stoping in my tracks I slowly glance over to the alarm clock, looking at the blank black screen I look towards the outlet in the wall.

Shifting outloud I smack myself in the head as I look at the chord hanging lifelessly on the floor.

Looking at the time on my phone it reads '11:49'

Which means that it's second lunch and I just missed 4 of my classes and have exactly 11 minutes left of lunch.

Groaning I grab my backpack from off my desk chair and rush downstairs.

I know I know, what's the point of going to school when I only have 2 classes left?

Let me tell you if mom found out that I didn't go to school, let alone not even attempt to make it to the last 2 classes then she'd have my head.

Grabbing 2 bananas from off the counter I rush outside, locking the door behind me and running to school, simultaneously eating both of the bananas.

Having been in a rush I forgot one very important thing...

My makeup.


Making it to school I hear the bells for lunch ring, groaning inwardly I stomp up the steps and swing the doors open.

Stepping inside the school I adjust my clothes as I walk down the packed hallway.

Bumping into someone's hard and very annoying stupid back I stumble over a bit, catching myself I look up and into the eyes of said 'Stupid Person'.

Laughing quietly to myself my eyes meet Nicks dark brown ones.

'Yep very stupid indeed'

"And what are you laughing at, miss 'Shimmy?'

My face drops it's smile as Nick says the sacred nickname, remembering him call it dumb my eyebrows furrow.

"Hey! That's MY nickname!"

Jake and Sam shout at the same time, both having a shocked face, they start to argue between themselves.

'No! I came up with it!'

'Yeah but you SAID I could HAVE it!'

'No I said you could USE IT! There's a difference!'

Arguing back and forth I stand there with a shocked face, right next to Nick.

From the corner of my eyes I can see him turn towards me, just standing there, staring at me.

Having had enough of it I turn my head towards him, giving him a curious look he doesn't say anything.

After a minute he opens his mouth.

"Wow I almost didn't recognize you... the makeup really does you justice."

Smirking to himself after what he just said, he stands there still staring at me.

"NICK, shut UP! Goddddd"

Literally fuming he stands there laughing at me.

Shoving his shoulder I leave the 4 boys behind and walk towards my science class, Nick laugh still echos throughout the hallway.

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