
"Watching Ainsley's Soul Memories"

After the beasts gather together, the all-knowing black tortoise immediately sets up an array to block the prying eyes and ears of those humans around them. 

After the privacy was guaranteed, Mr Griffin immediately took out a small palm-sized projector. 

This projector was almost transparent, as if it existed and didn't exist at the same time. 

Mr Griffin casually pointed the projector to Ainsley's body, and the projector immediately looked onto the girl's soul. 

After scanning the soul without harming even a single energy inside the soul, the projector slowly shot out a transparent screen in the air. 

Then, some colorful pictures along with the sound came out of the previously transparent screen. 

The big screen was half as big as the cinema's screen, enough for all these beasts to watch carefully. 

The movie was fast-paced with ten times the normal speed. 

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