
"Swimming With A Fishtail" 

The lake water looked clear outside but even if Ainsley was only a few meters away from the water surface, the water here was really turbid and foggy, as if everything couldn't be seen clearly. 

Only when the sunlight shone over the specific place that the surrounding would be brighter and more beautiful as if the muddy, cloudy and eerie water before was not the same thing as the beautiful and clear water after being illuminated by the sunlight. 

Ainsley already raised her guard to this kind of strange lake water and because of the limited vision, even if the Merrill race had good eyesight in the water... 

Ainsley was just a fake, after all, so her vision was not as good as a real merfolk race, albeit better than in her human form. 

And so, Ainsley took a few times to spot her few teammates around the boat and the baby decided to approach her teammates while trying to use her newly gained tail. 

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