
"Lucifer's Ultimate Attack"

Even with some energy recovery potions, Ainsley had almost overdrawn her Realism Art energy core, and it was impossible to continue to force the ability to work.

It was at this moment that Lucifer was ready to use his ultimate attack. 

Everyone didn't pay attention to Raguel, who was also brewing his own ultimate attack to catch Lucifer off guard, and no one also paid attention to Blaze's breakthrough which was already in the mid-stage of completion! 

Lucifer didn't care about others because right now, he had to use his ultimate attack to defend against the physical sword attack from the Infinite Swords Storm. 

Wilhelm and Belphegor's ultimate attack, which they named 'Hell Puppet Threads', was also raging violently, manipulating and destroying as many physical swords as possible. 

However, there were still too many swords in this sword storm, all rushing towards the same direction. 

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