
"Once Bitten,Twice Shy"

Not to mention that Ainsley was once bewitched by the holy Phoenix, and it was already a shame to be fooled like that once. 

Once bitten, twice shy. 

Ainsley is now more vigilant toward similar charm types and can resist Michael's brainwashing ability to a certain extent. 

However, because Michael had a high-purity holy energy and his strength was there, even if Ainsley convinced herself not to be bewitched and fell into the brainwashing ability, it was hard to resist. 

If Ainsley relied only on her sobriety, sooner or later, she would be in a daze again, and whether she remembered that this was Michael's trick or not was uncertain. 

Thus, Ainsley had to stop Michael no matter what, but she also wanted to fool him, so Michael let down his guard. 

Ainsley felt that the archangels shouldn't be easy to fool, but this one was just 30% of the main body's consciousness, and while they were somewhat experienced... 

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