
"Blood Contract & Soul Contract" 

Bello was the first one to ask Ainsley because he could speak human language even in his beast state. 

"A-ain? You— are you dead, nyaa?? I can feel your soul is already out of your body…b-but if that's the case, how did you summon me, nyaa?" 

"The contract should be invalid already, nyaaa!" 

Ainsley was also shocked to see the gigantic black panther in front of her, so she hurriedly tried to appease Bello first. 

"I-I also don't know what happens. I forgot I couldn't summon you. But can you please return to your cat form before discussing what's going on?" 

For a moment, Bello forgot that he was still in his beast state. 

Thus, the beast hurriedly apologized and shrunk his size, turning into his usual cat form. 

After he looked like an ordinary Persian Himalayan cat, Bello raised his tail high to the sky while circling around Ainsley's place. 

It was a pity he couldn't touch Ainsley anymore because the baby was a spirit. 

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