
"Drawing Mjolnir"

Using the talisman, the hunters only wanted to prevent the Godfather from possessing Ainsley because that way, even when Ainsley died, it was hard to grab her soul with the Godfather controlling her body. 

Thus, they only expected to prevent the Godfather from possessing Ainsley, and then they would go to distract the young man while someone attacked Ainsley. 

But the talisman worked so well that they didn't have to bother with the Godfather anymore. 

They could now focus on Ainsley and her beasts! 

The hunters were all prepared and had analyzed Ainsley's abilities in advance, including her realism art. 

Thus, even when they were at an advantage now, each of them was extremely careful and not arrogant at all. 

"Go. Kill those beasts first." 

The temporary leader nudged a member with a poison ability, and the member hurriedly reacted. 

"Roger, boss!" 

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