
"Synchronized Memories"

Of course, when Jake asked Ainsley whether she would check her soul too or not, Ainsley immediately refused. 

"I know my soul condition, and the three sacred beasts are like my personal doctor. No need to scan my soul too." 

Well, she's not joking. If the machine scanned her soul, what if it was high-tech enough to know that she's not from this world?! 

Ainsley couldn't let such a risk to happen! 

Since Ainsley refused, Jake followed whatever Ainsley wanted and then guided her to the large capsule bed in the living room. 

"Just lay down and close your eyes. The machine will scan your whole body to see whether you have a hidden illness or not." 

Since this machine was special, it could also see wounds and illnesses that were inflicted by special abilities. 

However, it couldn't see a rather delicate and unique hidden effect from rare abilities such as memory loss and so on. 

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