
"A Walking Dumpling"

Ainsley almost choked on her hot milk when Sherleen questioned her like that. 

She immediately wiped the edge of her lips with the back of her hand before looking up at Sherleen, face flushing red. 

Can't you suddenly ask for the business secret, ah?! Why would I tell you who created the potions?? 

"I'm sowwy. It's our business secwet so I can't tell you anytwing." Ainsley brushed it off casually and was about to chase Sherleen away when the woman gritted her teeth and sighed. 

"Okay, it's rude of me to ask who created your potions...but can you tell me whether the alchemist...is an elf or not?" 

When Sherleen asked this, Ainsley paused. She actually hesitated whether to say the truth or not. 

However, the alchemists from the alchemist guild might have guessed that the potion maker was an elf alchemist…

In fact, Geraldine had taken a look at the potion in Ainsley's hand and just with a look, he knew it was an elf's potion. 

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