
"Super Suitable"

Ainsley finally realised that these people wanted to cheat her. They wanted no one to bid against them and then got the potion at a low price. 

They would also be giving an extremely humiliating item…

Damn it! Is there a way to solve this? Maybe get someone who dared to bid against them…

Ainsley bit her lips as she observed from backstage. She didn't plant any of her people among the guests to make a bid. It's too late to do so…

Should she step in? Or maybe called those big shots from the guilds? Grandma Rie? 

Ainsley was about to call Grandma Rie, the Shaman Guild Master when Sherleen, the female elf, suddenly raised her hand that was holding her auction number. 

The female elf's face was glowing as she opened her mouth– 

She had been waiting for this! 

What's so hard to get an item that a baby would like? Especially something from the elven continent...that baby would be satisfied with this! 

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