

Ainsley silently felt that her idea to drag the Godfather name is the best thing she ever did after she transmigrated to this world. 

Others would easily believe her lie since, coincidentally, all her actions led to Godfather name. Even if she might not be able to reproduce Godfather's ability, she could just say that she's still too weak for that, right? 

Anyway, charm ability could be mistaken as dominance ability, one of the Godfather's most famous abilities! 

With this, Ainsley's lie became even solid than before. 

The girl mused. 

Even if I cheat everyone using Godfather name, the Godfather himself can't possibly come and beat me up, right? 

After all, no one knew where Godfather spirit was. Even if the shamans found him, they wouldn't necessarily subdue him. Thus, Ainsley didn't need to worry that one day, the real Godfather contracted with a shaman would expose her lie. 

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