
A Fairy, a Human, and a Mission, Part Three


Kate disrobed ahead. Her tail, which was brown, fluffy, and about the length of half an arm, unfurled.

"Whoa," Rin said with a smile. "Where'd that come from?"

"Hm? Oh, uhm, I had it around my waist," the girl stated. "Sometimes, if I'm not careful, it can start wagging around in public and... Yeah, it's embarrassing."

[That's so cute,] Rin thought, holding back a grin.

"So, by the way, if you're... in heat, or whatever, am I really going to be enough?" Rin asked. "You don't need... You know, some extra equipment?"

"Uhm, no," Kate replied with a sigh. "It should be fine this way... I mean, I think," she shrugged. "Like I said, I haven't really done this before."

[Fair enough, fair enough.]

"I should probably ask this too," Rin muttered to herself before looking back at her, "you're a virgin, so... Do you want me to penetrate you?"

Stunned, Kate looked down between Rin's legs, almost as to check if she had any extra member that she simply hadn't noticed before. Noticing that Rin chuckled, raised a hand, flourished her fingers, and clarified:

"Fingering can break a hymen too. That's why I'm asking."

Understanding dawned on the beastborn's face and she nodded.

"Uhm... I'll let you know."


Rin stood back, already naked, waiting for the girl to be ready. The beastborn still seemed apprehensive, which made Rin clear her throat and say:

"Hey, if you change your mind or anything, I'll give you your money back," she said with what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "It's fine if you do."

"N-No, I'm alright," Kate replied. "Like I said before, this is just new to me."

"Okay," Rin walked forward and took the girl's hands gently, giving her a sympathetic look. "I won't do anything too hardcore, but whatever I do, feel free to let me know if you're okay with it or not. Alright?"

"Yeah, just..." She gulped and then looked up, meeting Rin's eyes. "C-Can we just get started?"

Smiling, Rin leaned forward and pressed a tiny kiss to the girl's lips.


With that said, the session was underway.

Kate maintained an intensely flushed face as Rin guided her to where she was now laid down on the bed. The woman was embarrassed but also clearly excited.

Rin first moved over her, to where she was hovering above the beastborn. As she lowered herself onto her, their breasts pressed together while Rin went and wrapped her lips around the tip of one of the girl's ears.

"Ahh~" Kate let out a low hiss.

[Sensitive spot, I guess,] Rin thought, sticking out her tongue. Utilizing this information, Rin licked up the edge, and she felt the girl squirm underneath her.

As she had another thought about how cute the girl was, Rin felt like she was discovering something about herself.

[I feel like this girl is awakening something in me," she thought as she nibbled on the top of her ear. [Never mind, focus.]

Rin then took to her neck, stretching out her tongue and caressing that spot tenderly.

"Mmm..." Kate hummed as Rin formed a trail down the woman's body.

She hadn't noticed it before, but Kate was very thin. To the point where a bit of her ribcage stuck out as Rin moved down. Not just that, but she had a couple of scars here and there, around her midsection. As curious as Rin was about these two details, she felt it would ruin the mood to bring this sort of thing up right now. So, she set it all aside and continued.

She went between her chests, down the start of her abdomen, but by the time she reached the woman's navel, she noticed a certain scent in the air.

The moment it hit her nostrils, Rin quickly stopped. It smelled like sex. A scent so raw it made shivers go down Rin's spine and, suddenly, she was feeling just as excited as the beastborn looked.

Almost as though the two were communicating through their thoughts, the woman spread her legs under Rin, letting the adventurer view the wetness that was present between them. They had barely gotten started and already she could see just how eager the other woman was.

[Well, I'd love to take that as a compliment but, it's probably just her heat... How does that even work, really? Is she just horny all the time, or something? What if she's in public and- never mind, just focus.]

Shaking her head, Rin went back to what she was doing and lowered herself. She could have teased the woman a little more, but the poor girl looked like she was one step away from begging Rin to do just about anything to her. So, Rin tried to oblige.

Half-consumed by lust herself, Rin's lips hovered over the woman. Her breath hit Kate's skin and the wolf-girl brought her knees up in anticipation, staring down at Rin with her expectations visible in her eyes.

[She wants this to be amazing,] Rin thought as she smirked. [Hm. I might be a nervous wreck at the Academy and the Arena, but if there's one thing I've ever been good at it's this.]

On that note, Rin took one, long, drawn-out lick over her clit and Kate responded with an appreciative sigh. As she slowly got started, Rin kept her eyes up on Kate to gauge her reactions. The adventurer lifted her right hand and pressed both her index and middle fingers against the woman's entrance. She teased it, moving both fingers in small circles just under where her tongue lapped away.

Kate lifted one of her legs and put it on Rin's back, subtly beckoning for her to either dive deeper or put some more effort into it. Rin was more than happy to oblige, but she'd do so later. For now, she wanted to continue working to heighten Kate's anticipation, her neediness, her longing for the sweet release that only great cunnilingus promised.

And, in order to do that, she had to make the woman yearn for more. So, she slashed away at her clit with her tongue slowly, holding back until Kate took one hand and placed it on Rin's head, beginning to get desperate.

"Please, please," the girl let out in a higher tone than she had spoken with before. Rin just grinned as she kept going.

These were the moments Rin lived for. The moments when it became clear to whoever she was with that Rin was damn good at her job and that the customer had more to look forward to than they thought. Rin relished in those instances.

Once Kate was all but begging for Rin to commit, Rin did just that. Centering herself by taking her own hands and placing them under Kate's legs, just below her butt, she inhaled that sweet scent into her system and dove in, tongue first.

"Oh, Div...!" Kate had begun to say before she bit down on her bottom lip and restrained herself. Rin just closed her eyes and got to work.

Now, she was picking up speed. The lifting and falling of Kate's chest as she took short breaths quickened just as Rin's tongue did. At this point, Rin was fully caught up in what she did. Relishing every swipe that she made over Kate's needy lower lips, she didn't even notice that the woman was getting closer and closer to climaxing. She had to be informed for her to be taken out of her spell.

"I'm going to...!" Kate warned.

At that moment, Rin's eyes opened.

[Hm... Actually...]

Rin stopped.

As she did, Kate waited for a few seconds before raising her head and throwing a confused look down Rin's way.

"H-Huh?" She asked with a pleading expression as Rin lifted herself off of her. "W-What are you doing?"

Rin's only answer came in the form of a giggle as she adjusted her position. She grabbed Kate by her waist and pulled her closer, placing her knees under her thighs.

"Remember what I asked you earlier?" Rin asked. "I'm just as good with my hands as I am with my tongue..."

As Kate internalized the offer that Rin was making, the adventurer gave a nonchalant giggle and shifted back on the bed, lowering her head between the woman's legs and raising her ass in the air.

"We have a long night ahead of us. Just let me know if you want me to try it."

The wolf girl let her head fall back against her pillow. She nodded without meeting Rin's eyes.

"I-I'll let you know."

"Good. Well, with that being said," Rin mumbled before descending upon the woman's clit with her tongue. She didn't ease back into it. Instead, she went as fast as she could, as though she hadn't paused, to begin with.


Rin, who was squeezing Kate's thighs tightly, felt the woman's body tremble. Rin smiled as she kept going. She'd wanted to shock the girl.

"By the Div- fuck!" Kate let out through a tight throat as Rin sped up even further. Heavy panting mixed with loud, needy moans in the air before Kate reached down with both hands and buried them in Rin's hair, pulling her head deeper.

And, just like that, the woman came on Rin's tongue.

To put it bluntly, she squirted. It was such a forceful, torrential orgasm that Rin's face had been soaked from the lips down.

"Ah!" Kate tried to regain her breath as she collapsed onto the bed.

For a moment, as Rin lifted herself off and wiped her face clean with her hands, Kate just lay there breathing. She closed her eyes, and Rin wondered if she was about to fall asleep.

"Hey," Rin said with a smirk. "If you're done, then that's okay, but if you're not then we can make this night a little bit longer. I want you to get your money's worth after all."

Kate heard that and met Rin's eyes before silently nodding.




The story the fairy was informed of then was not one she'd expected to hear. Okay, in all honesty, she was still kind of reeling from the fact that Cara had fallen in love with anyone at all but she felt she couldn't be blamed for that given how stoic the older woman tended to be.

However, indeed, she had apparently fallen in love and was now informing Eve about that event.

"When I first started my career," Cara explained as she let go of her liquor for a moment, "I didn't start off on my own. I had a friend with me. Someone I grew up with."

"Is this the person you're talking about?"

Cara nodded.

"Yeah, yeah," she said with a sigh, shifting back and laying down, placing her hands behind her head while her feet hung over the edge of the room. "She was my childhood friend, and, well, one day we both just sort of decided to get into the Guild. And, that was how we got started."

"Just like that?"

"We were both pretty decent at fighting at the time, and we were poor as fuck, so, we figured 'you know, why not?' Plus, if things went south, we had each other to count on. No matter what problems we ran into."

Cara's tone changed as she explained this. It gradually became softer and, honestly, almost unrecognizable.

"Over time we got used to the gig and, well, we started to make a name for ourselves... I don't remember when it happened exactly," she muttered dreamily, as she sat up again and looked at the moon. "All I know is that at one point, I just looked at her and put two and two together."

"How?" Eve asked, curious.

"Well," Cara smirked, "I went from thinking 'wow, I love going out and buying drinks with her' to 'wow, I'd love to suck face with her every night under the moonlight.' LIke that."

Eve raised her brows and Cara chuckled at the reaction, shaking her head.

[That's... A lot more typical than I was expecting,] Eve thought. Given who she was speaking with, she'd expected to hear about how, maybe, the two had fought and Cara had fallen in love with her only after getting her butt kicked. Something a little spicier.

"Did anything ever happen?" Eve asked, hoping there was more to this than just "yes, I went from not liking her to liking her."

"..." Cara paused for a moment. "Yeah," she sighed. "Yeah, something did."

[Ooooh, now we're getting juicy!]

Smiling, Eve leaned toward her teacher.

"Well, come on, give me the deets!"

"The what?"

"The details! What happened?"

After another pause, Cara replied:

"One night, we were both pretty sad about something..." She reached for her liquor and took a quick sip before explaining further. "So, we both got really, really drunk. You know, to cope with it," she shrugged. "But... What we hadn't planned for was that the next day we woke up in her bed. together... Naked."

Cara took another sip as Eve continued to listen.

"Yeah, she wasn't too happy about that."

"Really?" Eve asked. "It... I mean, it doesn't sound like that big a deal to me."

"Eh, I thought it was understandable. But, yeah. Ever since then, things just... haven't worked out between us."

"... Wait," Eve said quietly. "'haven't'? As in, you still talk to each other?"

"Mhm," Cara nodded.

"Oh," Eve blinked. "And... You still feel...?"

"Mhm," Cara nodded again. "Absolutely. Hence me being here, right now," she gestured at the bottle next to her.


[Wow...] Eve thought. [That's sad.]

"Enough about me, though," Cara said. "I've entertained you enough, hopefully. What about you?"

"Hm?" Eve tilted her head.

"You said you've been in love, right?" Cara asked with a smirk. "How did that go down?"

As the question was posed, Eve took a moment to go through her memories. It had happened a few years ago, but it wasn't too hard to remember.

"It was a girl I was working for..." Eve muttered.

"Really?" Cara asked, sounding curious. Slowly, the girl's image appeared in Eve's mind.

And it brought embarrassment along with it.

"... Yeah," she said. "I used to garden for her."

"You worked as a gardener?" Now, Cara was really interested.

"Mhm," Eve chuckled. "I worked for this family who came into my clan for a while. A human family," she explained. "They were looking to set up a store in our clan. Our Elders were experimenting with the idea, and while they sorted that stuff out, I worked for them. I needed some pocket money at the time."

"So, who did you fall for?"

"Uhm, the owner's daughter," Eve said as she blushed.

"... That sounds like you ripped it straight out of a trashy novel," Cara told her with a smile.

"Well, it happened," Eve replied in a bitter murmur. Not because she was bitter at her, but because she remembered a few too many details.

Specifically, the fact that it didn't exactly end well.

"Can I get a little more of that?" Eve asked Cara quietly, nodding toward the bottle.




Once they were done, Kate had snuggled up to Rin, curled on top of her. Her ears twitched every now and then, and the woman was absent-mindedly peppering kisses over Rin's body.

"So... Did I disappoint?" Rin asked with a smile.

Kate just shook her head.

"Good to know."

Their little cuddling session stretched on for a few minutes until Rin remembered something.

[Crap, I don't know how much longer the illusion's got left,] she thought. [Usually, I can kind of guess, but tonight I lost track of time. I should just head back right now.]

It broke her heart to disturb the girl's peace, but Rin built up some courage and said:

"Kate, uh, sorry, but I kinda have to go."

The beastborn's eyes opened and she quickly pulled herself off of Rin.

"O-Oh, right... Sorry," she said.

"Nah, it's okay, I really do need to go home, though," Rin told her as she stood up and went to put her clothes back on.

As she did, Kate said something.

"Can I, uh, pay for your services again?"

The hope lacing every syllable made Rin smile.

"Yeah," she said. "Absolutely."

And with those words, Rin's first night as Triss in a while came to a close.


Over the weekend, Rin got a little bit of training done and tried to get some study time in. Xhez ended up staying home, as she was too nervous about whatever it had been that canceled her illusion the last time. She was afraid of having that happen again, and Rin advised her that if she really does feel too nervous, she shouldn't go.

At least, not until they could figure out what had happened there, exactly. Preferably, before the next weekend, as that was when June's concert was scheduled to happen, and Xhez, of course, wanted to go and see what that was about.

On Monday, though, the students were gathered at the front of the Academy. It was time for their next missions, and so, the teachers were telling them who they were going to be taking along.

Only, this time, there was a twist.

"So," Harriton said, clapping his hands together in front of the first-years. "Today, you're going to be going on your missions with a partner. That's right, duos! Teams of two."

Rin's eyes widened.


"Because you're going to be doing actual missions, you're going to have the option of tackling them with teammates of your choosing. So, we figured we'd help prepare you for that by allowing you to get some practice in with a teammate of your choosing today."

"W-Wait, so, we can pick a teammate this time?" Lisa asked, raising a hand.

"Yep! So, get to choosing. Once you've partnered up with someone, move on over there," he said, pointing to the right.

Just like that, all of the students were searching for a partner. Some found them instantly, like John and Carla who quickly separated themselves from the rest.

It took a little more time for others, like Sara who was approached by Lisa and then gave her a silent nod.

Rin's first instinct was, of course, to team up with her roommate. They hadn't addressed that little moment at the Arena where their eyes had met at all, but they were still friendly with each other. It looked like Elisa had the same idea, even, and she turned toward her, about to make her way to the raven-haired woman.

However, before she could, Eve flew right in front of Rin's face.

"Oh my goodness! This is so cool!" The fairy exclaimed. "Rin, you wanna team up?"

"I-I..." Rin hadn't expected this. She paused, briefly looking back at Elisa. The blonde stopped just a short distance away.

Eve waited for Rin's answer with a big smile.

And, as hopeful as she looked, the adventurer couldn't bring herself to turn Eve down.

"Yeah," she finally said, after a long pause. "Yeah, let's do it."

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