
I Will Not Accept This

"No... There is no common ground... The only agreement I want is a death match," Gustav remained unflinching as he voiced out.

The inspectors were once again taken aback for a few moments.

"Great commander Shion has asked us to relay to you that you can request for whatever you want so long as you cancel the request," Inspector Derby added.

"As tempting as that is... My answer still remains no," Gustav said once again.

The three inspectors were speechless at his hardheadedness on this matter.

Seeing his stance, they believed they wouldn't be able to do anything to convince him otherwise, so they decided they would relay this message to Great Commander Shion.

The inspectors released Gustav after a few minutes of mentioning some necessary things for his mission.

Gustav headed back to his room after all was said and done. He wasn't backing down on the death battle. So long as Endric accepted it, the match would hold as planned.

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