
Chapter 2

Next morning Mei Ling woke up with a splitting headache and strong muscular arms wrapped round her waist, she inhaled his scent and her eyes fell on the man that turned her into a woman last night.

She wasn't going to deny that she didn't enjoy it , infact it was obvious he was an expert in it, this was the last time they were going to cross paths so she took her time to admire his features as her fingers itched to trace the outline of his face but she shook it off and gently pushed him away to sit up.

Immediately she got up she felt pain in her thighs, essence and legs and this reminded her of his stamina last night, after making sure to take her thrice last night, her cheeks went hot from the multiple orgasms she remembered him giving her after finding out she was a virgin.

She wobbled to the bathroom and soaked in the hot water making sure to scrub adequately, by the time she stepped out she felt comfortable and the pink marks on her shoulder and boobs turned to a light shade of purple.

She grabbed her things and after dressing up she left , immediately the door closed the eyes of the man on the bed opened indicating that he has been awake for a while before she left.

He sat up and looked under the bed remembering their adventure last night then admitted to himself that he never enjoyed sex as much as he did last night and even went ahead to please mostly her and not himself.

"She really left...... different" he stated looking towards the door like she was standing there as disappointment laced his tone.

Soon he got up and picked up his phone calling his assistant " Mr Zhang!"

"Yes Mr Lee?" The chirpy and abnormally soft voice of a male rang out at the receiving end of the phone.

"Before I get to work, I want the information of young Miss Mei Ling on my table" he ended the call immediately.

"Yes....hello? hello? Mr Lee? Mr Lee?...aigoo, you devil" he glared at his phone as he continuously cursed getting up from bed to do as he was told.

Immediately Mei Ling got down she entered her car and went straight to the Mei main mansion. Though she didn't live there , her parents nagged her the day before to visit since she always stayed away.

It wasn't that Mei Ling didn't like her parents she loved them a lot, but she always put up a strong facade in front of them and breaking down in front of them was something she didn't want to do , so she decided to go over today that she felt better.

Her father ,Mei shufen was also a product from bi racial marriage, his father a chinese and his mother an african american , it was the typical cliche assistant and CEO fairytale of every young girl. While Mei shufen married the heir to a jewelry line , Mei Hui.

They knew very well that Mei Ling ,their daughter always pretended to be strong in front of them so that they wouldn't worry but then because she wouldn't visit or let them in, it got them worried more than necessary.

She was dragged inside and forced to eat as she looked helplessly at her father who chuckled and urged her to obey.

While eating , Mei shufen cleared his throat attracting the attention of both mother and daughter.

"Mei mei!"

"Yes?...is something wrong?"she asked worry laced in her tone.

"Well you see, I'm already old as it is and the board are planning to kick me out since I'm out of shape......." She noisily dropped her chop sticks.

"Don't lie to me father....it's because you're not like them isn't it?"

"No ! No that's not ......"she glared at him and he kept quiet.

"Give me their names I think they need to be taught a lesson"

"You don't have to do that" she scoffed.

"When did the second in command suddenly care about other people, hmm?" He blinked repeatedly obviously flustered.

" Well you see, you can just take over right?" She smiled.

"Fine then, it's been long I broke someone's fingers" if everyone was scared of Mei Ling when she got violent her parents were included and the fear was for her victims they never remained the same.

In Hangzhou city, there were three main families, you could call them the backbone of Hangzhou and China. These families where the Lee's, Mei's and Chen's. It was not the typical family with connections to underworld instead these people oversaw both the activities in the world and underworld, they weren't the Mafia or anything.

They had a partnership that has been running for ages, since the time of their ancestors. They had enemies but after years of establishing who was boss nobody dared to go against them because to people who knew them , they were psycho's who loved to see people in pain.

Each child in these three families start to train around the age of five , in the areas of intellect, psychology, self defense, torture included. You can imagine the mindset of children subjected to watching torture at such a young age.

"They're going to wish they never treated you bad, tell your secretary to prepare for my arrival I want nothing grand" she picked her bag and walked to her room while her mother continued scolding her father.

Meanwhile In Lee corporations, Lee Ai Bao was staring at a file in hand and his expression was grave watching how she was bullied continuously as someone who learned carpentry, he wondered why she never used her family name to get what she wanted, then his eyes moved to her victims and they widened seeing the expression on his boss face.

"It turns out she is the Miss Mei that never appears for the family meetings" Mr Zhang replied.

"But her victims..... If no one knows about her how come she has victims?"

"Those are the people that dared to bully her father or mother....she would take people bullying her but never her parents because she loves them" Lee Ai Bao nodded in understanding as he would do the same for his parents even they can be annoying 99% of the time.

His phone rang and he said to himself Think if the devil and he shall appear as he watched the screen display the callers name, Mum, he sighed.

"What is it?" Came his cold voice knowing that his mother would try to set him up in another blind date, most of the times he'd choose to have his fun with them and when he didn't feel what he wanted to feel he'll discard them but after meeting Mei Ling he sighed again, she had ruined sex for him.

"Hey, is that how to greet your mother? You brat! I put you in my womb for nine months , is this how you treat me ? ' what is it?" Hey you've really grown wings.....I am your mother, I took care of you for eighteen years....."

"The nanny did that"he replied with a bored expression though he tried to hide the smile on his face imagining the expression on his mother's face.

"Hey! I paid the bills ok?" She tried to keep her cool and was rewarded with a chuckle from Lee Ai Bao, while her husband beside her just shook his head sipping his tea.

"Why did you call ?" He asked hastily wanting to get to the point and reject her offer.

"I just wanted to call you home, is there anything wrong with a good mother asking her unfilial son to come home?" He laughed and Mr Zhang was entranced by the beauty in front of him , if he wasn't straight he'd have totally chased Lee Ai Bao, he thought to himself then shook his head remembering how he treated women who dared to cross their limits, he could understand why Lee Ai Bao was interested in Mei Ling as she was the only woman who never clinged and searched for more and so far she didn't make any attempt to contact him, if it were Mr Zhang too he'd totally chase her as in this family with her report she could easily pass as their daughter in law.

"Unfilial??.... unbelievable! Don't tell me you set up another blind date?" There was dead silence on the other end of the phone.

" She's really beautiful ok and she knows judo her name is pretty too, zhen haoran"

"Bring her over, but don't you dare leave us alone, mother this will be the last time you set up a blind date ok?"

"You'll court her!"she asked excitedly and her husband peered to listen to their conversation, the butler shook his head ' I guess when one is old they start acting like kids ' he thought to himself before leaving to order the maids to prepare for his arrival.

"Of course not, I have met my woman, I'm going to let her off easy since you'd still try to give her hope, I'll be there in thirty" he hung up and his mother glared at her phone ' this brat' she shook her head at her husband who understood and looked pitifully at zhen haoran who was trying to gauge their reactions.

"His on his way, he is delighted to meet you!" Zhen haoran smiled happily, if everything went well she would be a member of one of the three prestigious families she could finally deal with that wench Mei Ling.

Back in the corporations Lee Ai Bao picked up his jacket and phone "Mr Zhang, contact Miss Mei immediately she takes over for a meeting , we're signing a contract with them for our new hotel"

"But sir, we've contacted the Zhen's it'd be......"

"From what I know they haven't signed the contract have they?"he asked purposely pressuring Mr Zhang with his eyes.

"They...they......they haven't"he stammered.

"Then do what I say....I'll be back before lunch!" He walked out and Mr Zhang glared at him.

Soon Lee Ai Bao arrived at the Lee main mansion and his mother ran out engulfing him In a hug and he chuckled as he winked at his father.

"Son, you've grown so much, daddy has missed you" Lee Ai Bao rolled his eyes as his father pressed his cheeks to make his mouth into a pout.

"My employees would faint if they see me like this" he glared at his father who chuckled.

"No matter how old you are , you'll always be my baby"

"He's my baby let go!" Madam Lee dragged him as she led him inside.

Once they got in he was greeted with what you called the definition of a chinese beauty, white porcelain skin, long dark hair, red lips and a good figure but she looked like she got a boob job and for the first time he didn't feel like messing around with her.

She smiled and tried to act coy but he wasn't having any of it.

"Hello Ai Bao" his expression hardened as she kept glancing at her feet and batting her lashes.

"I don't think I know you enough to be on informal terms" her cheeks immediately turned red with embarrassment, his mother hit his hand and his father tried to conceal his laughter because truthfully he didn't fancy Zhen haoran at all, everything about her was too fake and their family couldn't compare with any of the prestigious families and he so badly wanted his son to marry his best friend Mei shufen's daughter, but he had never seen her before only in pictures.

Mei Ling was his standard daughter in law but she always avoided meetings but he has always heard about her deeds and was totally impressed with her , the Chen didn't have daughters and even if they did he'd still want to tighten the friendship between him and Mei shufen so Mei Ling was his only candidate, anyone other than her automatically had a fault which always angered madam Lee since his Candidate was a no show.

"I'm going to be straightforward with you Miss Zhen , I have a girlfriend and her name is Mei Ling" Their eyes widened and they exchanged glances a happy expression appeared on elder Lee's face as he heard the name his son was his son after all.

"What?" Zhen haoran gritted her teeth upon hearing the name she so hated spill our if his mouth and the fact that he didn't even give her a chance before rejecting her infuriated her the more.

"I know about your enemity with my woman and I'm watching you , you remember what she did to you five years ago if a hair on her is missing and it traces back to you something way worse will happen ok?"he smirked watching her scared expression, his woman was indeed good.

"I'll leave then elder Lee, madam Lee" she bowed and left immediately.

"Which Mei Ling are you talking about? My best friends daughter?"

"Yes!" He smiled thinking about how surprised his friend would be when he found out they were going to be inlaws.

"But we're not together yet!"

"Yet you talked like she was with you and chased out my hard work" his mother pouted trying to gain his attention.

"I know she was the one that approached you" she glared at him and hit him on his head making them laugh at her.

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