
Escape Hell

Oh my god, I was not gonna get myself man smooched for the second time, HELL NO. A bajillion thoughts or ideas were running in and out of my tiny brain. However, the current position we were in, I was pinned down, like a helpless old lady, actually, more like a helpless old man, and there he was, on top of me, completely drunk.


I tried to keep my composure, but my heart was racing like a wild dog and I felt flustered! My cheeks were fizzling, I bet I looked like a cherry red tomato as I persistently avoided eye contact with him.

Ugh, the embarrassment was real. However, time was against me and I had to make a move. I finally brought up the courage and looked directly into his eyes.

" Sir, if you really want me to stay, I advise you to not treat your gue- ".

Just as soon as I was about to finish my sentence, his eyes started to close slowly, then his body alongside his entire weight and that drunkard smell of his slammed right on top of me.

I breathe out as a sign of relief.

" Great! He's out cold! ".

Well, it was some progress, at least I had an opportunity to escape.

I looked over at the other side of the bed and saw a boaster, I stretched out my hand to grab it. At some point, I had slight hope that he would think the boaster was me.

I slid the boaster between us and barely squeezed myself free from his grasp.

I patted my shirt down, brushed the dust off my shoulders and patted my chest,

" Yes! Nailed it! Woo! Alright, let's get out of here ha! This body and brain has never failed me hehe~ ".

Before I stepped out from his room, I checked back at William, who was still sleeping soundlessly. It seemed like he really thought that the boaster was me, he was cuddling and squeezing the life out of it.

Out of all people, I was glad that I didn't need to experience nor suffer THAT.

" Goodnight devil.. ", I said softly with a chuckle and left.

I said my farewells to Ron and the staff, called myself a cab and just like that that was the end of my escape from hell.

10 minutes later, I arrived back at my place, threw my coat on the hanger and just dived straight towards my couch.

I laid there for a moment, that was until I heard my alarm went off.

I checked my phones camera and saw my female side once again.

" Great... now I have to work my night shift. This is just crazy. ", I got up, stretched my arms wide, twisted my hips from left to right and made my way to the kitchen.

I tied up my hair into a ponytail, took out my apron, prepared my stove, ingredients and cooked up a small meal. Luncheon meat, sunny side up egg, rice, salad as a side with a small cup of coffee.

While munching down on my food, I glanced at a small portrait on my desk. It was me, my mum and dad, at an amusement park in San Diego, I almost teared up a bit.

Since I lost dad to a car accident when I was only 14 years old, mum afterwards was just consistently travelling and working overseas while sending me money a few times a year just to make sure I was doing fine.

" I miss you dad, I really do. Despite mom being far away as well, I'm sure she thinks about me all the time. ", I said with a few sniffles.

After my supper, I cleaned up after myself and went to hit the showers.

The long, warm, steamy showers hit me right in the spot. Alongside the classical music played on my phone, it felt like time had stopped. It was a very refreshing moment.

Once I got ready with my equipment, I set off to work.

I met up with new groups, my co-workers and dealt with the usual working schedule.

" Alright! I'll get you guys ready in 20 minutes. Meet me at level 3 at A-12 ".

Breaktime came, at last. I walked over to a vending machine and got myself a can of coffee.

Just then, a pair of hands covered my eyes.

" Dude?! The hell- ".

" Shhhh- guess! ".

From the scent of his sweaty palms and that one familiar voice.

" Bryan?! ", I removed the hands and turned around with excitement.

" YOOOOO! Gurl..... I've missed you! ', Bryan swung his arms around my neck. It felt nice to meet my old buddy once again, kinda missed him too!

" Hey... calm down wild horse! You're gonna make me spill my coffee! Besides, it's only been- ".


People seriously needed to stop cutting me off, it was getting ridiculously annoying.

" What are you doing here tho Bry? Aren't you working during the afternoon shift? ".

" Today's my free day! Since I found out you were working the night shift, I dropped by to say hi! ".

" Yeah, thanks for the ' hi ', with your sweaty, disgusting palms right onto my precious eyeballs. HAHA! ".

" Glad to help! ".

After chatting for a while, we parted ways. Maybe I could come clean and tell Bryan the chaos that was going on in my life, some day.

As soon as the morning sun rose, I settled up my last works and prepped myself to head home. However, I had a few hours left to spare and kill.

So, I went out for a short walk around the area with my earphones plugged in for some fresh air.

" Mmm~ la da da la di daa~ ". Huh?

I felt a strange sense that someone was watching me from afar. I turned around, no one was there. Just the bustling sounds of traffic and the birds chirping.

Maybe I really should reconsider about taking a day off or so.

Out of nowhere, an arm came from behind alongside a cloth covering my mouth.

I tried to scream, but it came out as muffles. I tried breaking loose, but that person had a good grip on me. My legs started to wobble, I was experiencing shortness of breath, my vision became blurry and eventually I passed out.

Follow the author! : @lill_julian

Thank you all for the support! See ya'll next week!

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