
Chapter 47: Breaking Point (Part 2)

[Clock - 20:51 | 08:51 PM]

[Calendar - 22/03/2003]

[Location - Beastialis Kingdom - Old Gotham, Gotham City, New Jersey ]


Trigger Warning: Character Development question mark?


POV Change

Waylon Jones - King Croc

The moment they returned was like a rush of wind- They simply popped as Atlas finished casting his spell, which went way faster than the last time! Cracking his joints, Waylon took Sobek off of his head with a sharp grin before looking down at the little gecko sized crocodile god: "So, what're your thoughts? I fuckin' love that place, it was awesome- Hey Queen, we need to go back there someday, I did promise Gażas that we would." It took Waylon a few moments after speaking to Atlas to notice that he had called him Queen, even though they weren't really between the giants anymore... But who is he even kidding? Atlas deserves that title after everything he has done for him, Atlas deserves to be held and kissed and- ...maybe he just wants to do that to him? 'I mean, I do.' He does want to hold him, he does want to fuck him almost every single day and he did like acting like Atlas was his wife...

Because, let's face it, he kinda is.

Not to be a Disney princess and fall in love so fucking quick only to get married a few seconds later, but Waylon could easily see the future- If things went the ways he could see them going, then he was pretty sure he would either tie the boy to his hip with chains or their relationship would turn sour from something he did. 'Well, best to keep him with me- Everything I have now is because of him, and, well, he would be an awesome queen anyway.' Waylon turned to face his Queen, and when he saw his face, he paused. He had never seen Atlas like this before- he looked devastated, like he had seen the worst kind of thing that has ever happened to him, over and over again, repeatedly. Waylon knows that kind of expression because he saw it, daily, in a mirror by the cage in that cursed circus. A face he never thought Atlas would make, so he was taken aback by the sheer sadness and loss behind those eyes... Did something happen? Did something happen and he didn't notice? Is he really that blind to not see his (Oh god, labels!) Atlas suffering? "...Luv?"

Snapping out of whatever daze he was in, Atlas turned to look at him- And that was when Waylon felt the presence of the other gods of Beastialis. Isis clicked in, her scorpion little legs clicking on the stone floor of the base floor of the Learning Palace of Thoth, being followed by this small kitten, a bird, a small bull, a golden little beetle, and a long pink cobra. Atlas' eyes seemed to focus ahead, and a mask was slip into his face as he smiled, pretending that nothing wrong had happened: "Waylon... We don't need to pretend anymore, silly croc man. We're not around the giants anymore." Was that what this was about? Did Waylon fuck it up somehow? Was this his fault? "Don't worry about calling me luv, or darlin' or whatever pet name you have in store- We're not in a relationship." Oh fuck, he did do something, didn't he? This smells like trauma response! Look, Waylon has been to Arkham Asylum enough times to recognize the psychological therapist shit talk about trauma and whatever, and right now he recognized all the flags that were being raised.

"...Let's talk." Without waiting for an answer- he knows if he lets this slide without having a serious conversation, like two adults (he's sure Atlas is at least 19, right?), this problem will grow into something bigger and bigger until it explodes and he ends up eating someone. Oh, wait, that one was him! -he picked Atlas in his arms, not caring about his floating, and took him to their little place. Atlas was still going to build a palace (he told him he wanted to make an upside down pyramid on the ceiling) for them to live in, but for now they had the train. He ignored everything and everyone, focusing on the matter at hand: Atlas. Once they were inside the train and the doors were locked, Waylon settled the boy down on the mattress (that still had a few scratch marks from their last passionate experience) of his bed and took a seat on the ground right before him. Even though he refused to make eye contact, Waylon looked at him in the eyes: "...talk to me."

"...about what, Waylon?" Atlas whispered, closing his eyes- A single tear slide down his chin, falling into his thighs. He turned to look at him, and Waylon couldn't help but sigh as Atlas look in his eyes- he was absolutely wrecked, and not in a sexy way. He said, voice hoarse with sadness and at the verge of tears: "About how pathetic I am? How- fuck -all it took for me to remember my past life was for you to-" He sobbed, hiding his tears with his hands... Past life? "-fuck, how pathetic am I!? All you had to do was to call me your wife, to tell me I'm your Queen, and that was enough for this fucking thing that lives inside my head to force feed me my memories back." Waylon did know that Atlas had some memory problems, but he never truly asked him where he came from, because Waylon didn't... care.

'Oh no.' He didn't care about Atlas' past, and it seems that it has come back to haunt the poor boy. Pulling him into his scaled arms, Waylon tightened his hold as Atlas' nails sank into his body, pulling at his scales- He heard the clicking crack sound and a warm sensation going down his back, but he ignored it: "Shhh... It's okay, let it all out, I'm here." The words he never heard before when he was locked inside that cage, shivering and trembling in rage, fear, and sadness as the cold rain, warm sun, and the mocking laughter of the crowd rang inside his head: "It's just the two of us here. Only you and I." He didn't know who he was trying to comfort more- himself, or Atlas -but he kept going regardless: "Take a deep breath with me-"

"-breathing? Ironic." With a self-deprecating tone of voice, Atlas pulled back, freeing himself from Waylon's hug and looked into his eyes. There was only tears, sadness, and pain behind those beautiful eyes of his, pain that Waylon hadn't seen before: "That was the last thing I wanted to do... I can still feel the rope around my neck-" Waylon's entire body went dead cold. He felt like he had just found out the worst kind of feeling- the feeling of hearing someone you love say they hate themselves so much that they would take their own lives. It was a cold, hard, and prickly feeling that seeped into his heart and made home in there. He felt confused for a few moments- What was he talking about? Why was he saying these things? What is going on? Until realization, deep cold realization burned his mind. "-...I wished I didn't accept this, this fucking second chance bullshit... Staying dead would've been for the best, nobody would ever miss me anyway-"

"Shut." Waylon picked Atlas up, his nails sinking a bit into the boy's flesh, earning him a wince: "The." He pulled him closer, tightly holding him like he was going to disappear- And Waylon can't have that! "Fuck." He pressed his lips against Atlas' lips- Immediately he tasted salty tears, and with the thirst of a dying man, he began to figuratively suck the soul out of Atlas' body by kissing him like he wanted to kill him. Pulling back, he looked down at the boy in his arms, feeling a few tears of his own drop down into Atlas' face and eyes as he said, with a vicious tone: "Up."


"Now, listen here." Waylon was angry- How fucking dare he? He belives he's not loved? Oh, he'll show him how much he's loved! Aggressively as fuck. "If you ever start talking the depressive talk, I'll fuckin' tie you to my arms and I'll hug you so tight your bones woll break. And then I'll fuck you, fuck so hard you won't be ever able to live without me- Do you see what you've done? I'm literally fuckin-" Now, what Waylon did not know, was that there were... Other aspects of the divine that were seeping into his body and mind as he became a Demigod of Sobek. Like all Gods, he was becoming more true to himself, his small divine spark within his soul was feeding his personality, which was making him cocky, arrogant, prideful, but also more compassionate, understanding, and... possessive. It is quite normal amongst gods for them to find someone they like and immediately want them for themselves. In some gods, it is just a quick one and done (I'm looking at you, Zeus) but for others it is a more... Serious thing.

Hades and Persephone - The most famous loyal couple.

Eros and Psyche. They literally had a divine child that was the personification of happiness!

Orpheus and Eurydice (He literally went to the underworld for her, cut me a slack!).

And, well, many great myths share one thing: Every Demigod has a flaw. Some sort of weakness, for divinity and mortality don't mix perfectly well, which results in some cracks to form. We can see such examples in Odysseus and his hubris, Bellerophon and his pride, Heracles and his rage. Waylon? Well, Waylon's flaw was his possessiveness. At that moment, he wanted Atlas. He wanted him so deeply that it physically pained him and broke his body. Metamorphosis is never painless, but the change from fully mortal to partially mortal was the most painful of all. Your soul burden away the mortality within you, and it wouldn't be able to burn every single ounce of mortality because it wasn't divine enough, which is what keeps you half mortal and half divine, and keeps you alive.

As the spines on his back flared, Waylon felt all his scales rapidly fall off. His big claws fell off, his entire tail fell off. His eyes, his teeth, and his tongue- His entire body started to bleed as the momentary rage he felt at Atlas' dismissal of his emotions and how much he mattered to him, broke through his mind. Sobek wanted to do this process slowly so as to assure Waylon wouldn't die and wouldn't feel too much pain, but right now? Waylon didn't care about the pain. He wanted- he needed to let Atlas know he couldn't leave. He wouldn't leave.

Waylon would never let him leave. Never. Never.


"You..." Panting, Waylon pushed his bleeding head against Atlas' chest. He felt a soothing energy travel through his body as it continued to bleed deeply, but he felt stronger, so fucking strong that he wanted to use that strength and make everything be okay again: "...Don't leave, okay? Don't leave me." In a fragile voice, afraid of how would Atlas react to him being so pathetic, Waylon kept his eyes closed: "You are literally the only one I have left... My father left and never came back, my mom gave me to my fucking bitch of an aunt, and she sold me to a fucking circus- even the people I knew in that place left me. You're the only one that doesn't look at me like I'm a monster... If you leave, I'm afraid I'll become one. I'm afraid I'll go back to eating people- I'm scared." It felt both humiliating and relieving to say those words, both because he knew Atlas wouldn't judge him for being sincere right now, but he felt weak admitting these things about himself. 

He was so fucking damaged. 

"...okay." A soft, bloodied hand touched his cheek: "...I won't. I won't leave. I'll- I'll stay, I'll stay." 

'Good.' Waylon thought: 'Or else I'd chain you to me.' 


So... who likes codependency?

Anyone? No?

Okay... Have some extremely possessive big croc boy who has issues too.

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