
Chapter 142 Heavenly Chains

" Star Scream, get me back to the ground. We need All Spark!"

Megatron was determined to get the item in contrast to Star Scream who prioritized their survival.

" Are you out of your mind? We will die if we go there!"

He wasn't buying nonsense of Megatron, knowing they would perish if they faced that monster. Fortunately, Devastator was there to cover their rears, otherwise, they would become hot toasters in their crossfire.

"... Jetfire, Soundwave come back to me. We are retreating."

Megatron was no fool to dig his grave. He understood battling here would cause a huge loss to him and he had to save his remaining force. Unfortunately, that meant he had to sacrifice his biggest trump card to Optimus to leave here safely.

" Understood."

The duo didn't hesitate to leave their remaining comrades on the battlefield while fleeing with incredible speed. Although Clark could go after them, he saw the casualties were too heavy, so he decided to leave them be.

He was a hero, not a villain who prioritized their goal. His will was to save others.


The red laser cut through the battlefield, rendering most of the Decepticons powerless in front of him.


Furthermore, the last player entered the game whereas Gilgamesh looked at his enemies silently.

" What a foolish decision as a leader."

He disapproved of Megatron who left his men behind while saving his cadres. Gilgamesh didn't blame him for that but this was the worst decision in his book. Nonetheless enemy was the enemy, he was rather glad than sad.

" Gil, I didn't think you would come here. I heard you were tired from all that work."

Clark flew to him while smiling brightly which made Gilgamesh's face twitch. He didn't mind being Clark but his behavior always annoyed him since he was the ultimate Mister Nice Guy.

" Ugh* I was told that I needed to be here since Arthur wanted to study that item. He said to secure it at all costs because we might use it later on or create something new."

He groaned with a helpless face but Clark didn't think deeply. He just curiously grabbed his cheeks and pulled it.

" What are you doing, you brute? Are you out of your mind? Do I look like your son?"

Gilgamesh was furious to get such a treatment even great hero King was no match for the Man of Steel in his child form. There was no way he could free himself from his clasp because of their strength and size difference.

" Maa* it isn't that bad, Gil. Hello, Clark. It has been a long time since we met."

Enkidu who was observing the battle, greeted Clark with a soft smile. After being idle for a long time in Eden, he felt it would be a good idea to accompany his best friend and it was indeed a good idea.

Meanwhile in Eden

Arthur leaned on his chair with a serious face while playing a recording to Hill and Medusa.

" What kind of machinery is this? How did it resist Jean Grey's power?"

Hill was confused by the new robot that they never had seen before. Despite their huge network lines, the government was able to hide a such beast under their sight, which made her realize that it wasn't a simple problem for just mutants.

" Recently the connection between the US government and us has diminished a lot. Moreover, some European countries are at their throats and Asia isn't in peace either."

Arthur rubbed his temple with distress because he couldn't do anything. The public was watching his moves and so did his enemies. It was highly unlikely that they would be able to stop this mess but everything was set in motion.

" Inhumans are also sensing tension amongst the humans. We assume that dark forces behind the scenes are targeting us. We just hope this doesn't create another conscription."

Medusa didn't hesitate to mention the past when they had to face the governments of the world. During that time if it wasn't the effort of Arthur and Steve, the superhumans would have become weapons of the governments.

" I also think it was possible that another conscription might be introduced due to recent anti-mutant movements. The so-called woke system and superpower system are corrupting the mindset of the world."

Hill was also worried about it.

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