
Chapter 7: Not a Date

A day has passed since Emi visited the Yuragi. The night during her visit, Alice almost cried because she wanted her Mama to sleep with them.

But as expected, Emi really wasn't comfortable on sleeping beside the Demon King even with Alice.

So Alex has to console his little girl and tell her that her Mama still has some stuff to do, but will definitely visit again.

And with a reluctant look, Alice finally agreed and let Emi go back to her apartment.

And right now, Alex was sitting on the couch with Alice on his lap, watching the ripoff version of Dragon Ball Super, called Dragon Jewel Hyper.

Even though the title is different, everything is completely the same as its counterpart.

At that moment, Alex raised an eyebrow when he felt someone entering his pocket-world, base on the Spirit Power, it should be Sagiri.

He shrugged and continue watching with Alice. The Anime now showed Goku's first fight against Jiren during the tournament of power.

Seeing the explosions and destruction, Alice couldn't help but squeal and laugh while clapping her little hands, and Alex couldn't be more proud.

Then, the scene now showed in his Incomplete Ultra Instinct form.

"Oohh! Goku, sparkwy!" Alice awed at that as she stared at the UI Goku with stars in her eyes.

Alex wondered if he could do the Ultra Instincts. With Regeneration Magic he could Interfere with Time, and with Spirit magic he could interfere with the mind.

He could make his mind go into a Hyper Focused State and speed up his Reaction Time to allow him to move even before he could register it.

A Pseudo Ultra Instinct, so to say.

At that moment, a knock was heard as Alice paused and looked up to her father. Alex put Alice on the couch as he stood up and opened the door.

He was immediately greeted by Sagiri who was wearing a white long sleeved blouse, a black scarf, dark blue skirt, black stockings and a boots, she looks like she's going on a date.

"What is it Sagiri? Want to come in?"

Sagiri blushed before shaking her head, "A-A-Alexander G-Gremory! I-I want y-you to g-g-go out with m-m-me!"

Alex blinked, dumbfounded. He stared at Sagiri for a few seconds before he sighed, "Sagiri, calm down, I'm sure that whatever you are feeling towards me is nothing but admiration s—"

"Not that! You bastard!" She delivered a kunai she thrusts forward, which Alex easily caught.

"So?" Alex asked, as Sagiri withdrew her weapon, "What's the problem?"

"...Y-You see...err, I wanted to ask you to help me deal with a monster. Ah, but you don't need to fight, I can handle it on my own, its just that, this monster is a bit special you see, and wouldn't reveal itself if people are alone."

Alex hummed, "I see, so in other words...we're going on a date?"

Sagiri sent a kunai straight to his head, which he caught between his fingers. "I-Its not a d-d-date you i-idiot! A mission! Its a mission! You hear!?"

He shrugged, before giving back the kunai to Sagiri. "But why did you choose me? Where's your partner?"

"...W-Well, we tried, but it seems like the monster will only appear if the two people are male and female."

"...No matter how I looked at it, its a date isn't it?"

"I told you! Its a mission!" She blushed in embarrassment before she fake-coughed to calm herself, "A-Anyway, as you know, Chuuma Ninjas only composed of Women, and the only men I know aside from my family is you..."

'How about Ashiya?' Alex asked in his mind but remained silent. He just shrugged and nodded, "Very well, but can you wait for a bit?"

Sagiri nodded, and he immediately went to his daughter who was watching TV.

"Alice, Papa will go out tonight okay?"

Alice turned to look at her papa, "Ooh? Then, then, I will come too."

He shook his head, "Sorry Alice, but Papa is going alone. Just stay here with Jude-neechan until I return okay? I'll even give you a Son Goku toy when I return."

"B-But..." Alice hesitated for a moment before she reluctantly nodded, "O-Okeh, I'll wait for Papa."

Alex smiled and gave her a kiss on the forehead before he caressed his pendant.

With a flash of light, Judecca appeared behind Alex.

"Jude, take care of Alice for me okay?"

Judecca nodded, "Don't worry master, Judecca will accompany the princess until the master returns."

Alex smiled and patted her head before he went upstairs to change his clothes.

He now wore a long sleeved blue checkered polo shirt over a white tank top, a black pants, a black and blue sneakers, and a silver ring.

Judecca won't be going with him, so he needed this ring as his storage space. There are several weapons, items, and artifacts inside this ring.

Satisfied with his look, he went back down and saw Alice sitting on Judecca's lap, they were now watching a ripoff version of my Hero Academia.

"I'll be going now." He said to the two girls.

Judecca turned and nodded at him, "Take care master."

"Papa, come back soon."

Alex nodded at them before he went outside of the mansion, and saw Sagiri waiting for him.

She blushed when she saw him and quickly turned around to avoid her red face from being seen. "A-Anyway, who's taking care of Alice?"

Alex paused, and he remembered that no one from Yuragi aside from Alice and Ashiya knew of Judecca since she never bothered to appear in her human form when they are around.

Though they knew that Judecca has a consciousness at least.

"...Its Judecca."

Sagiri paused and turned to look at him in surprise, "The sword? Are you sure its alright? I mean, what if Alice got hurt from the blade?"

Alex smiled, "Nah, no need to worry about it. Judecca can turn herself into a Human you know?"

She blinked, as she stared at Alex in surprise, "Wait, so she's like...the Spirit Weapon of the Exorcist from Gotei 13? Wait, even those can't have human form and appear on the outside world you know? Just what is she?"

Alex just gave a smile, "Who knows?"

Sagiri sighed and just continue walking. When they were about to go out of the Yuragi, they encountered Nonko who seems to have just finished bathing in the hot springs.

"Ara~? Sagiri-chan, Alex-chan~? Are you two, by any chance, going on a date?" Nonko asked, with a smile, while holding a bottle of sake.

Sagiri blushed and glared at Nonko, "I-Its not a date! Its a mission!"

But Nonko acted like she never heard her denial as she gave a sultry smile, "Sagiri-chan, I know I told you to NTR Emi, but it was supposed to be a joke, you actually did it~? And this fast too~? You make me proud."


Nonko just laughed and poured herself a cup of sake and drank it, "Oh well, I don't want to keep you two lovebirds any more than this. Go, go, the clock is ticking. Just be sure to return before morning and use protection."


Alex was just standing at the side, completely dumbfounded.

Sagiri turned towards him with a glare, "A-Alexander G-Gremory, don't think too much about what Nonko said, I don't have any plan on taking you away from Emi, okay?"

'I wasn't even thinking about it though,' but he just shrugged and nodded, it looks like she's about to explode from embarrassment anyway. "Sure."

Sagiri calmed down and nodded, "Good, good, then let's go."

Nonko just watched them with a smile, "Alex-chan~ take care of that girl okay~? She's still shy about it so don't make her do a more erotic play okay~?"

"Nonko!" Sagiri glared and took out a bunch of kunais and began throwing them to the Oni, which she easily dodges with a smile.

Alex just smiled as he watched the glaring Sagiri and the laughing Nonko. The two might not realized it yet, but the two are a lot closer than they let on.

After all, in the Yuragi, these two are the ones who have been with each other the longest, aside from Yuuna and Chitose of course.

He smiled and looked at Nonko, "No worries, I'll take care of her."

Nonko's eyes and smile turned gentle as she gave Alex a nod before she walked away, back to her room. She's planning to drink until she passed out tonight.

Sagiri turned to look at Alex, her face as red as a certain hero's hair, "Y-Y-You better be not thinking about i-i-indecent things, Alexander Gremory! E-Even though I may not win, I will still poke your eyes with my kunai!"

"Hai, Hai."

"Are you mocking me!? You're mocking me aren't you?!"

Alex smiled and asked, "Anyway, where is this monster you plan to exterminate?"

"Eh? Oh right, well, from what Urara told me, the monster appears on Koichin Park every night, and attack the people there." Sagiri paused for a bit and took out her phone, "From the information gathered by Urara, this monster seems to absorb the vitality of people, making them look like skinny and malnourished people."

Alex frowned, and then he suddenly remembered something as he look at Sagiri strangely.

Noticing his stared, Sagiri reacted and took a step back, as she covered her chest, "W-What?"

"Koichin Park...If I remember correctly, its a park where a lot of people are indulging their "nightly" activities outdoors." He looked at Sagiri with wide eyes, "Sagiri...don't tell me you—"

He was met with a kunai on the face, which he easily caught with a smile.


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