
Not Late... Not Late!




It was almost time for class to begin, a large portion of the campus became more and more cramped, as more students tried to arrive in class on time.

"We're gonna be late!!!" Bennett sprinted with everything he had.

David was sprinting right beside him, initially, they had some time, but the 'incident' had taken up quite a chunk of time.

Up ahead, they saw a large crowd of students, all of them were prying on each other, trying to get to class.

"You find your way, I'll find mine. See you at class!"

David didn't wait for his reply as he covered himself in a whirlwind, shooting him up into the sky with his wings out.


It wasn't a rare sight, especially with this hybrid kingdom, every environment is bound to have a few beastmen.

Although there were no beastmen in David's class, there were plenty of them outside of that class, so no one really looked up to see who flew up.

"Wha... Hey! You could carry me... there... too..."

Bennett sighed, looking at the huge crowd in front of him.

He looked around, the buildings were smooth, even mana conductive.

Suddenly, an idea popped up in his mind, but he was hesitating if he wanted to go through with it.

'Ahh... I hope I don't get in trouble for this...'

He sighed but lunged at a building to his right.


He twisted himself, landing parallel to the wall of the building. He used his affinity with {Earth Magic} and {Mana Control} to keep his feet planted there.

He looked down and pinched himself, "Damn! So this is possible! Back in our past life, this defied physics... I'm pretty sure."

He was immersed in the feeling of having his feet connect with the building... for some reason, it was extremely relaxing, like relaxing in an onsen, but just dipping your feet into the hot water.

*Bam~ Thud~ Pah~*

The students became rowdier and rowdier, and the noise had rung through the entire academy.

To tell the truth, for today, the campus had changed slightly. Most of the roads were closed, forcing the students to all go through one or two roads, which were crowded easily.

As one of the top academies in the entire kingdom, they, of course, are required to constantly 'test' their students.

To make sure that it was in maximum effect, no teacher, nor handbook had told them about the event today.

Of course, the teachers did decide to make class time more flexible, so class would start... at most, 15 minutes later than usual.

"Ah, crap! Need to get there, fast!"

Bennett slowly took a step forward and felt that a portion of his mana was instantly siphoned.

"Damn! It uses so much mana!?"

He didn't have any time to get angry over it, time was ticking after all!

He jumped in quick succession, the distance traveled per jump was quite long as well.

He figured to test this now than later, although it takes a bit more mana when doing larger strides, if he does it in a certain time, it's about the same as he would walking regularly on the side of a building.

"Three minutes left..." He looked at the clocktower.

Although there was a watch that came with the uniform, during events like these, some buildings would appear randomly on the campus as well, such as the clock tower they didn't see during the tour on the first day of class.

As he jumped from building to building, there was always a steady stream of students on one of the two main roads.

Though... there was the occasional flying beastmen, those who walked on air using the wind element, and those who used their exceptional mana control to walk on buildings like Bennett.

"Two and a half minutes left..." He reminded himself.

Unconsciously, his body started to speed up, he didn't think about it, whether he was getting used to the drain, the shift in control, he could feel himself getting closer to his destination with every step he took.

*Step... Step... step... step...*

The closer he was, the more students there were. There were even some occasional fights that broke out, as some just gave up and vented their frustration onto other students.

*Bam~ Pah~ Thud~*

"Ow! What the hell?"

"Get out of the way!"

"We're not gonna make it on time..."


"Sniff... sniff... sniff, please stop..."

Bennett looked down, "It's like a damn war down there... even if everyone barely has any decent skills to make it look like one."

He didn't waste any time or mana, but his body was starting to become strained and started to twitch.

'Damn my low mana reserves!' He cursed.

He threw himself to the top of the building to look at the progress he's made.

Fortunately, he was quite close, "About a minute left... I can make it."


He planted his feet to the ground, and lunged into the air, swiftly landing onto a building in front of him.







Soon enough, Bennett had just perfectly landed on the ground. He was just in front of the school building.

"Good, now to... find my classroom!"

He rushed inside, like the other students, the race of time was about to finally reach its end!




The problem was that Bennett's classroom was a whole different building, but because of his anxiousness, he completely forgot.

"Wrong building!? Crap... I can still make it."

Bennett opened a window on the second floor after just realizing his mistake, and 'flew' out of it.



He rolled on the ground, jumping up, "Come... on..."




It was the fastest he had ever ran in... life! Even in clubs and school events in his past life, he had never tried this hard.

Fortunately, his classroom was on the first floor, and the building was now in his sight.




He ran into the building, desperately searching for his room.



"Not here... not there... aha!" Bennett rushed towards the door.





"I'm not late... not late!"




Chapter 108 End...

I rushed this chapter... and didn't have a bunch of time... so I guess this is a mini-filler? I just wanted some content to make the plot thicker, I guess.


Solstice_Guardiancreators' thoughts
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