
Dont Underestimate Me

**A.N: Reload the last four chapters, they've been fixed!**

Outside the town.

Grey and the man stood opposite each other, staring at each other.

"What do you want?" The man asked Grey.

"You're a dangerous person, but we can work together." Grey replied.

"You want to work with me?" The man asked.

"You have such a great ability, it'll be a shame not to use it to our advantage, don't you think?" Grey asked.

"You managed to coerce that guy into joining you too, didn't you?" The man asked.

"He's of use, I couldn't end his life when he can be of use." Grey replied, "The same can be said of you. You too are of use and shouldn't be killed unless there's no other choice."

"You're very political for a young boy." The man said.

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