
Chapther 1

Morgan and Grayson are 5 for now


I was walking to the park when I saw a boy my age sitting under the slide crying so I walked up to him and asked:

"Are you okay?" And he just shook his head. I assumed he was just shy or something

"Do you want a hug?" I asked and then he nodded so I went closer to him and hugged him and he hugged back.

"What happened?" I asked him still hugging wanting to help him. And again he didn't say anything just shook his head.

"Do you wanna play?" I asked assuming he would have shaken his head but instead, he nodded so we played in the sand smiling and he watched me go off the slide and we laughed a little and I saw the sadness in his eyes disappear a little bit. I wanted to know what was wrong and if I could help him but if he doesn't say anything I don't know how to help him.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked him after a while and he just nodded again and I sighed.

"What's your name? My name is Morgan" I asked and he shook his head again

¨Why don't you talk?"


¨Why don't you talk?" The pretty girl with the blond hair asked me. I just acted like I didn't hear her so I continued to play in the sand.

The problem is I havent spoken since I was 3 and now I'm 5 and still don't talk. I don't like to talk bc every time I talked I would of get hit so at some point I just stopped talking and I ain't planning on talking ever again. So far it was easy but now this new girl is playing with me and keeps asking questions. And I just wanted her to stop bc I wasn't going to talk I didn't want to.

"Oh I see your shy," She said after we made a sandcastle in the sand. I actually had fun I didn't want it to stop but it was starting to get dark and the temperature dropped so I started to shiver a little as I only wore a t-shirt

"Do you want to come to my house? It's really could" She asked. I didn't want to go to a house of someone I didn't know so I shook my head again and started shivering more.

"But your freezing. Do you want me to take you to your house or do you want to come to my house?" I asked. Noo I didn't want to go home. I don't like my house. The crappy trailer I hate it I hate the person who lived there.

"Which one. You can't stay out here" She said and I nodded as I yes I can. I have slept under the slide before and this time won't be any different. I thought In my head.

"Come to my house please"She kept asking almost begging but I just shook my head

"I live on elm street it's not far please, "She said and I just laid in the sand not wanting to move.

"Come on please. We can have a sleepover if you come" She said but I just played in the sand.

"Please"She said while grabbing my arm and I just gave up and nodded/

"Yes now come," She said happily as I stand up and she took my hand and lead me to her house. And this was the start of something good only little did I know some bad stuff was going to happen to.

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