
35. Martial Arts!

RuQian saw everyone staring at the last picture. She did not have any more time to spare here, she had to meet someone and these people were just staring at the screen wasting her time. "Are we done here? I am sure these pictures are proof enough of my professional skills."

All the executives looked at each other then turned to chairman Zhang and nodded their heads, the shareholders too accepted her. Even though Tang Wen did not like her boldness and her attitude, he could not say anything. He saw it for himself how good she was, even if he wanted to protest there was no reason to do so.

So finally after discussing, all the shareholders and executives accepted her to be the model for their company, that was when Director Tan remembered that they did not even know her name, "Miss, I completely forgot, what is your name?"

RuQian glanced at her grandfather first and then quietly mumbled the surname she hated, "Su RuQian."

Director Tan nodded slightly, finding the name a little familiar. Grandfather Zhang turned to RuQian, "I will give you a call after the contract is ready." The contract negotiation still had to be done, RuQian figured she could do that later. Seeing as she was already a little late for her meeting RuQian took this as her cue to leave. She stood up bowed to her grandfather and left the conference room without so much as a glance at others.

RuQian couldn't care less about this meeting. She was still thinking of letting the two shareholders off after letting them taste the medicine of a small defeat and leave them but after hearing them talk the way they did she did not want to let them off. 'I'll let you fly high and then cut your wings but still let you live, let me see your pride hit the ground.' This was how she was going to deal with all her enemies in this lifetime.

The grey eyed man was slightly dazed, he had already seen her pictures but seeing them again after knowing a little about her felt different. He did not really know why he was this curious about her but he wanted to know her better.

She was somehow unlike all the woman he had ever seen. She was a lot more mature for her age, but there was a fire in her, a fire to achieve something, what, he could not exactly put a finger on. He told his assistant to leave and started hacking into RuQian's computer. Her desktop was secure but there was nothing he could not hack into.

RuQian had only kept a few files and plans in her desktop and laptop, she was playing safe by not storing those. Her future plans were in her head anyways, only the current ones were in the computer, which were not much.

But she never knew that a certain grey eyed man had found a pot of gold amongst that information. He finally found a way, Martial Arts!

RuQian left the company building and entered her car, she had to meet a lawyer today. This man was a top lawyer who could maybe even negotiate with death and make lord Yama[1] grant a few days extension for his life. But not now, he was a small lawyer who was trying to get by. He would become the most sought out lawyer in four years.

RuQian had tried her best to poach him in her past life but he had already started working for the Mu Conglomerate. She could not offer him something Mu Corporation wasn't willing to, so she had no other choice. But the circumstances right now were different, he was a small time lawyer and someone who needed work badly.

He got famous in her past life when he took up a case no one else was willing to, a small time actress was caught in a bar, her body full of drugs. After she was conscious enough to understand, she denied taking any drugs, said the bar owner was the one who forced himself upon her, raped her and when she tried to stop him she started feeling dizzy and lost consciousness.

No one believed her, even her fans turned against her, only some of her fans trusted her, she was driven to the brink of suicide by the harsh words, the bar owner filed a case against her for defamation and she faced a lot of criticism, her agency was going to let her go after the case.

But everything turned around after the case hearing, the lawyer strongly believed the actress and had sufficient proof to back his statements. He won the case and the actress was then supported by all her fans, the female rights organisations and she was able to file a case against the bar owner for rape charges. Later, her acting career soared and she was recognised as one of the top ten best actresses.

After he won this case, the lawyer started receiving a lot of clients and just after another year, he became a top civil lawyer in his field. RuQian wanted to start working with him now and also use this opportunity to be there for an actress she loved. Even though that actress was alright now, she would seek out the lawyer in a few years time.

RuQian wanted to help out an actress she idolised and also a potential lawyer, who was facing difficulties at the moment.

[1] Yama- The lord of hell.

Hehe, Another character coming out...

And who do you think is the actress she idolises?

Comments your guesses....

Shining_Starcreators' thoughts
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