
030 | Boss

Alp nodded his head slowly at Lisha.

"Yes, you are the most beautiful human I've ever seen. Fair skin like white cream, striking blue eyes, and an enchanting personality."


"My lady, would you be willing to escape the life of slavery and run away with me?"


This Draconian has some weird fantasies. Perhaps he should pay attention to the more important task at hand. I spoke up.

"Hey, Alp, was it?"

He didn't even look at me and continued conversing with Lisha.

"Oh, you angelic being, not even the most delicious of sweets could compare to you."

"Yeah, that's nice and all but you should-"

"The way you are able to captivate me is unlike any other."

Alp was in his own world, not listening to me or Lisha. By now, I was positive that Alp sensed this magic power coming since even Lisha noticed it.

I mean, she DID try to warn him.

A sudden crashing noise came from above and a white-suited individual broke the roof and slammed Alp's face into the ground. The individual wore a blank white mask and he had a white hooded cape. I could tell it was a man given his slender but surprisingly strong physique. As if that wasn't enough white on him, he also had white gloves equipped.

His voice seemed altered, was it because of the mask? When he spoke, I sensed something strange about his voice. It sounded too...artificial. As if his voice had static.

"Oh dear, did I use too much force?"

The completely white individual lifted Alp up by holding one of his horns. Alp's face was a mix of pain and disbelief. He coughed out some blood which landed on the white individual's dress shoes.

Which were white, of course.

"Already done? What a shame."

Alp's reptilian eyes sprung back to life and he glared at the blank white mask. Alp quickly punched the white individual in the stomach and knocked him back, crashing and breaking the metal door.

"I guess we don't really have to do much.", Lisha says.

"Saves us the work. Ah, right."

I activated a spell underneath all the cells that contained the children and put them to sleep. They shouldn't be witnessing this battle.

"Why don't you cheer for him?"

Lisha turned her head quickly and looked at me with disgust.

"No way! He's too weird!"

"He'll have a higher chance of winning if you cheer for him though."

The white individual got up and patted the dust off his shoulders.

"Now I wasn't expecting that much strength from you, Draconian."

Alp wiped the dirt off his face and spit out some blood to the side. Real menacing. I can't wait to see how strong Alp will get once a few more years have passed. He didn't even take that much damage when his face got slammed into the ground.

Keep in mind, the spells I placed on him were deactivated once he finished off the slave traders. Speaking of the slave traders, the white individual kicked one of their corpses out the way.

"I was wondering what was going on down here. How do you explain this, boss~"

A chubby man with crumbs on his suit came down from where the metal door was. He had a white hat and was gasping for air. He doesn't look very fit. This was the "boss" that the slave traders were talking about?

"I-I apologize Mister Inspector, it seems my underlings failed to keep the Draconian detained!"

"What good are underlings if they fail their jobs? They deserved to die don't you think?"

The boss of the slave traders nodded his head very quickly in agreement, "Yes, yes! They got the punishment they deserved for not doing their work properly! I'll make sure this doesn't happen again, sir!"

The so-called Inspector seemed to be a higher-up of this slave trade. I guess we can take out two birds with one stone if the AU arrives on time to capture this guy as well.

"Did you know that one of your men was running away?"

"P-pardon me, sir?"

"He was running in the direction of the slave auction house. Now, tell me, why would he do that?"

"H-he was?! But the auction house is in an entirely different kingdom!"

"No matter, I had already killed him."

Sh*t. I guess there was no way an incompetent slave trader would be suitable as a tracking device. He already died. I'm sure even the AU knows of the general location of this auction house. Though, I'll tell Pen when we meet later. Just in case.

The slave trader's boss started sweating, "I'm t-terribly sorry! He also deserved to die-"

"Because he failed at doing his job?"

"Yes! Yes! He-"

Before the chubby slave trader could finish, the Inspector slashed with the back of his hand at the boss and the upper half of his body was blown away.

"You deserve death for failing YOUR job."

The Inspector then faced Alp.

Lisha tugged my shirt, "What a strong magic..."

She was right. It may have looked like the boss was blown away with brute force to outsiders, but in reality, it was really the use of incredibly powerful Wind Magic. This guy is no joke.

"Lisha, we might have to intervene."

"Intervene how?"

I smirked, "Take the kids and run."


"Did you really think I was going to say we fight him? The best I can do is buy time, overestimating your own abilities is one of the fastest ways to die."

"I understand. Maybe if I could awaken my ability to use magic then I'd have more of a grasp on this situation."

I smiled. I'll definitely teach you, don't worry, Lisha.

"For now, let's keep low. The person that the boss called Inspector probably has not realized our abilities. His primary focus will only be on the Draconian."

Lisha nodded. She clung to me as we watched. I was confused about why she was clinging to me but then I understood everything. She was just acting like a scared child. I should follow her lead.

I wrapped my arms around Lisha, now we looked like terrified children. Lisha's fever started acting up again as her cheeks turned red. I worry about her.

The Inspector walked slowly towards the Draconian.

Alp also seemed to sense the danger. He completely transformed. An armored blue-scaled draconic form with white spikes running down his back and onto his thin but sharp fang-like tail. He was a dragon on his hind legs and his entire body grew about 20% larger than he was in his humanoid form. Alp's reptilian eyes really suited the look once he transformed.

The Inspector looked at Alp without being surprised.

"Ah, you're already bringing this out? As expected of the bastard from the Turquoise Lineage."

Alp had a rough and fierce voice when he was a dragon, "Shut your f*cking mouth, human."

"Truly a shame that such a rising star would be framed of-"

Alp was faster and stronger than before. He almost instantaneously appeared in front of the Inspector with one dash. He slashed with both of his claws and pushed the Inspector back a step.

Unfortunately, the Inspector was completely undamaged including his suit. He did three back kicks in a second, hitting Alp's gut.

This made Alp fall down and the Inspector held Alp up by one of his horns again.

"Is this really ALL you can do? How truly disappointing."

The Inspector spun with Alp and threw him down the ground.

"I guess I'll have to order another bracelet for you-"

Alp unexpectedly got up and tackled the Inspector. He gripped the Inspector's waist with all his might and jumped up through the ceiling. I heard them crashing through the interior of this building and the noises of the Inspector and Alp exchanging blows on each other.

"Yeah, there's no way the AU CAN'T find this place now."

The ceiling was breaking and dust poured down slowly.

"Let's get the children to safety first, Asher."

Unexpectedly, I heard a familiar voice.

"We'll be handling it from here."

Pen and Rudif entered from the now broken entrance where the metal door used to stand.

"Hey, guys! Looks like you found it first."


"Why are the two of you cuddling?"

Lisha was about to say something before Pen spoke.

"We're just-"

"The three of you are dismissed. I'm sure I don't need to explain why."

We all understood as each and every one of us felt the Inspector's power. Even Rudif who had trouble with magic.

The Inspector was someone not to be joked around with. If I were to compare Pen and the Inspector, there's no doubt that the Inspector will win ten times out of ten. Although, I do sense another somewhat-strong individual.

Just their presence alone was enough for me to gauge their strength.

Rudif hasn't sensed it yet, if he had enough experience, he would slowly get a feel towards those who are strong. Sort of like a sixth sense I developed through my many years engaged in war.

Pen shouted up, "Men! We found the children! Evacuate this area immediately!"

Dozens of footsteps were heard and mercenaries in the AU, as well as knights in full armor, arrived to carry the children away to safety.

"Pen, is the-"

I didn't even need to finish my question for Pen to know what I was going to ask.

"Yes, the Captain of the Knights is pursuing those two. No need to worry."

Looks like my hunch was right. The power I sensed was coming from the Captain who was chasing after the Inspector's tail.

A knight was coming towards Lisha and me, I stood up and shook my head. The knight backed away as I covered my hand in Raw Energy and then sliced the metal bars down. The nearby knights and mercenaries stared at me as they were carrying the children.

Pen chuckled, "Hurry it up, men!"

They returned to work and everyone was out in about 10 minutes. Pen patted my shoulder as we looked at the wrecked building.

"This wasn't even that far away from us. Disguised as a share house. I have no idea how this completely slipped under our radar, I have to thank you, Asher."

"Then I expect proper rewards later."

Pen smiled, "Of course."

I looked around my surroundings and the knights and people from the AU were all helping the children.

"Now the troublesome part is where I can house all these kids."

I wished Pen good luck and then left with Rudif and Lisha. As we were walking, Rudif was dying to ask me a question.

"Why did we leave so early, Asher? We could have helped them!"

"Mutt. Don't you want to see a fight between them?"

"The Captain of the Knights and that weird dude?"

"He's the Inspector or something.", Lisha said.

"H-how will we be able to watch them fight? Won't we be in the way?"

I smiled, "Follow me."

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