
Leisurely stroll in the savage archaic forest

In front of us are humongous trees. We have been walking for a few weeks. I lost track of time a bit.

[Let me guess. The savage archaic forest …. The trees are archaic and the beasts inside are savage?]

"A straightforward name but it does describe it well."

[Why is there no one here? One would expect hunters to be going in and out to make a living no? Is the mortality rate in this place that bad?]

"It is because of the Lunar keep itself. They forbid trespassers. Instead they use the forest to train their army."

[They train their army here…and we still came?]

"They will mostly be active in the outer layer of the forest. As long as we avoid them for a bit we'll be far away soon enough."

[I see. If we cut trough the forest how long until we cross it?]

"About a month. Of course, if we want to be extra safe, we can follow the outer perimeter. Crossing the disaster zone completely would take us between a year and two."

[That slow?! How confident are you if we just cut trough the middle?]

"Alone it wouldn't be much of an issue. I'm not sure about bringing you with me. Well we wouldn't cross straight at the middle, but close."

[What if I can scout ahead?]

"Then everything should be fine."

[Alright let's go then.]

This place doesn't seem that bad. If anything, I guess the area it covers is wide.


[Why is it so dark and gloomy here?]

"The trees are able to absorb the light in the surroundings directly."

[Then how is there some herb on the ground and plants?]

"All of it is feeding from the roots of the archaic trees."

[Why do the trees all have the same appearance?]

"It is the result of a mutation after absorbing the dense mana here. Even if one planted 2 types of trees here both would eventually evolve to becoming archaic trees or simply shrivel out."

[How mysterious. What about the wildlife here? It is somehow really quiet.]

"We won't see normal animals here. It can only be monsters. The outer area is a sort of no man's land. You usually won't see much beside plants and bugs."

[Now that you talk about it there are a lot of bugs.]

"Indeed. They are small enough not to get targeted by most predators. While a lot of them will get eaten daily surviving won't be an issue."

[Oh, there is a big turtle in front. About 5 meters in length. How strong would that be?]

"In front where?"

[A few hours of walking and we'll see it.]

"Any special pattern on the shell?"

[Hexagons? Brown shell.]

"Should be a rank 2 armored giant turtle. Beside a good defense and size, it has nothing else going for it. It is also delicious."

[Is that our meal tonight?]

"With how big these are it can be our meal for a few days at least."

[How can we even carry so much meat with us?]

"I'll show you. The weakness of that turtle is the head. Problem is it can retract it inside its shell. Do you want me to kill it sectmaster?"

[Let me give it a try. Sorry little one but you will be out food tonight. Hum sorry big guy.]

Concentrate. Divine energy. My hand is stronger and sharper than a legendary weapon. It can split anything from a simple touch. Focus. *CHOP* It worked!

"Sectmaster I must say it's the first time I see anyone kill one of these barehanded so cleanly! Now we spread a wind barrier to remove any sent from attracting other creatures. Then we use some water magic to clean the game. Then some fire magic to cook it. Better not forget to add spices. Some space magic to store it all. Some earth magic to bury the remains deeply. And that is how you cook in a disaster zone. After you are done you need to wash away the blood."

[That seems pretty hard to be honest.]

"HAHA. It is but a matter of experience. Here try this piece and tell me what you think."

[Damn! Are you sure your main profession isn't cooking! This is so fucking delicious!]

"It is but a matter of experience."

Damn magic is so useful! I am not jealous at all! Okay maybe a bit…a lot. But still, hunting in this world sure is convenient. Don't even need to bother bringing a hunting rifle.


As we keep walking, we come across various type of critters, birds and four legged animals. Well beside the fact that they are monsters and are either way bigger or have the capabilities to use magic. Turns out every single of them is more talented than me in magic. It would be bad for my self esteem if I didn't know better. It has been about 2 weeks.

We decide not to fight needlessly, only hunting for food from time to time. I'm continuously using my sensing ability to try and detect any kind of danger. So far beside the occasional rank 3 wandering about I've only sensed some weak rank 2 that my fellow can dispatch as easily as breathing.

By now I am confident I can hold my own against the typical rank 2 monster simply trading blows with it. I'll end up winning because of my regeneration abilities. Only issue is winning a fight quickly without causing any kind of commotion. The turtle defeated earlier being an exception because of how slow it is. My divine energy also being a counter to its defense.

My friend teaches me about the surrounding flora. What I can eat and what is poisonous. Turns out this forest is good for people that are on the run like us. No need to fear anyone revealing our position and no need to spend anything for our daily lives. How great is that!

It is an interesting endeavor to differentiate the mushrooms and berries. There are many reoccurring appearances with only a few slight differences.

But only a few are comestible. There are even some that have a will of their own and will attack by themselves. Fun fact these are the best because they are easy to identify. When you pick it up and it tries to eat you it is kind of an easily distinguishable characteristic haha.

Still the journey here is leisurely to say the least.

[Honestly, I'm glad you are here with me. I would be lost already without you.]

"Haha. It is my pleasure sectmaster. I am also glad to be here with you and not rotting in a dungeon."

[Right you keep addressing me as sectmaster. If I am the sectmaster what would be your position?]

"Oh? How about an elder in charge of exploring new territories for the sect? I am quite confident in my capabilities to survive anywhere!"

[Of course, elder! I believe you could survive even in the depths of hell if required haha.]

"I wouldn't try my luck in other planes just yet. Not if I can help it anyway."

[Oh? There is a wolf in front. Silvery, sharp claws and fangs. 3 m long. 1.5 m height.]

"Should be an overwolf. It is strong, fast and it can further enhance its speed with wind magic. This one seems to only be rank 2."

[Oh, they taste really good, don't they?]

"Yes, but they are social monsters. Always make sure you isolate one with a barrier before fighting it. Shall I kill it?"

[Hum. How about I try fighting it? What about its pack?]

"With proper precautions there is nothing to fear at all."

[Let the challenge begin then! A man versus a lone overwolf! Who will end up victorious? Place your bets now! Hurry up for the brawl begins as soon as next chapter!]

Is the disaster zone too easy? The wanderer is actually an op character. Besides a rank 4 beast king, nothing is a challenge to him.

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